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Principles of Operating Systems
Lecture 2
Abhishek Dubey
Daniel Balasubramanian
Slides Based On Power points and book material from William Stallings
Spring 2014
– A computer platform
consists of a collection
of hardware resources
– Computer applications
are developed to
perform some task
– It is inefficient for
applications to be
written directly for a
given hardware
• The OS was developed to
provide a convenient,
feature-rich, secure, and
consistent interface for
applications to use
• We can think of the OS as
providing a uniform,
abstract representation of
resources that can be
requested and accessed by
• Fundamental to the structure of operating systems
A process can be defined as:
a program in execution
an instance of a running program
the entity that can be assigned to, and executed on, a processor
a unit of activity characterized by a single sequential thread of execution, a
current state, and an associated set of system resources
Development of the Process
 Three major lines of computer system development created
problems in timing and synchronization that contributed to the
multiprogramming batch operation
• processor is switched among the various programs residing in main
time sharing
• be responsive to the individual user but be able to support many users
real-time transaction systems
• a number of users are entering queries or updates against a database
Process analogy
• Think of the process lifecycle like a game of
• Player is the program: contains the logic to
– But cannot play until a court is available
• Player tries to enter the rec center
– Needs appropriate rights
• Player gets ready before starting to play
• The court needs to be available
Process analogy (cont’d)
• Our scenario comprises a group of players
who want to play
– We must take turns
• Might give up the court for two reasons
1. Thirsty
2. Number of allowable attempts is met
• When games are done, we wrap up and leave
• A process contains three
– an executable program
– the associated data needed by the
program (variables, work space,
buffers, etc.)
– the execution context (or “process
state”) of the program
• The execution context is the internal data by which the
OS is able to supervise and control the process.
• It includes the contents of the various process registers
• Also includes information such as the priority of the
process and whether the process is waiting for the
completion of a particular I/O event
I/O status accounting
information information
Contains the process elements
It is possible to interrupt a running
process and later resume execution
as if the interruption had not
Created and managed by the
operating system
Key tool that allows support for
multiple processes
The most important data structure in an OS
– contains all of the information about a process that is needed by the OS
– blocks are read and/or modified by virtually every module in the OS
– defines the state of the OS
Difficulty is not access, but protection
– a bug in a single routine could damage process control blocks, which could
destroy the system’s ability to manage the affected processes
– a design change in the structure or semantics of the process control block
could affect a number of modules in the OS
Processes and Resources
• Process
creation is
by means
of the
system call,
fork( )
• This causes
the OS, in
Mode, to:
• Allocate a slot in the process table for the new process
• Assign a unique process ID to the child process
• Make a copy of the process image of the parent, with the exception
of any shared memory
• Increments counters for any files owned by the parent, to reflect
that an additional process now also owns those files
• Assigns the child process to the Ready to Run state
• Returns the ID number of the child to the parent process, and a 0
value to the child process
Table 3.1 Reasons for Process Creation
• The fork () function in the C Library is used to create
new processes on UNIX-like Oss
• The new process that is created by fork is an exact copy
of the parent process, except:
– The child process has a unique identifier
– The parent identifier in the child is set to the process that
invoked fork
– The child has a copy of all of the parent’s resource
descriptors (e.g., if a file is open in the parent, it is also
open in the child)
– The child process resource utilization is set to zero
• Execution in the child begins immediately after the
return from fork (), but with a different return value.
void spawn_process (void)
int pid = fork ();
if (pid == 0) {
// we are in the child process.
//Do something useful
} else if (pid > 0) {
// we are in the parent process
int status;
int pid_2 = waitpid (pid, &status, 0);
int retcode = WEXITSTATUS(status);
} else {
// an error occurred while forking, and no child was spawned.
Process startup
• A C program starts execution with its main
– int main(int argc, char *argv[])
• When C program is executed by kernel, a
special startup routine is called before main
– This is setup by the linker
• The startup routine takes values from the
kernel and sets things up for main
– Command line args and environment
Process Termination 1/2
• There must be a means for a process to indicate its
• A batch job should include a HALT instruction or an
explicit OS service call for termination
• For an interactive application, the action of the user will
indicate when the process is completed (e.g. log off,
quitting an application)
Process termination 2/2
• Processes in Unix can terminate in various ways; the
“normal” ways are:
Return from main
Call exit (performs cleanup then returns to kernel)
Call _exit or _Exit (return to kernel immediately)
The last thread returns
The last thread calls pthread_exit
• The “abnormal” ways are:
Call abort
Receipt of a signal
The last thread responds to a cancellation request
• The startup routine will call exit if the main function returns
Table 3.2
Reasons for
Process Memory – Address space
• The compiler generates addresses for a virtual
address space
– The machine’s memory management unit translates
the virtual addresses into addresses locations in
physical memory
• Memory management subsystem: the
subsystems of the kernel and hardware that
cooperate to translate virtual to physical
– Study this in future lectures
Memory layout of a program
• Memory allocated to each process is composed of
different parts called segments:
– Text segment: machine language instructions of the program
run by the process. This is read-only.
– Initialized data segment: global and static variables that are
explicitly initialized
– Uninitialized data segment: global and static variables that
are not explicitly initialized
• Also called the “BSS”: block started by symbol
– Stack: dynamically growing and shrinking segment containing
stack frames, one for each currently called function
– Heap: where dynamic memory allocation takes place
• Usually between the BSS and the stack
Memory layout of active processes
Detailed View of the process memory layout in Linux
Process States
the behavior of an
individual process
by listing the
sequence of
instructions that
execute for that
the behavior of the processor
can be characterized by
showing how the traces of the
various processes are
small program
that switches the
processor from
one process to
Single Process View - Two-State
Process Model
• A process may be in one of two states:
– running
– not-running
Multi Process View Queuing Diagram
Process Execution
 The entire state of the process at any instant
is contained in its context
Five-State Process Model
A refined multi process view
– Swapping
– involves moving part of all of a process from main memory to disk
– when none of the processes in main memory is in the Ready state, the
OS swaps one of the blocked processes out on to disk into a suspend
• The process is not
immediately available for
• The process may or may
not be waiting on an
• The process was placed
in a suspended state by
an agent: either itself, a
parent process, or the
OS, for the purpose of
preventing its execution
• The process may not be
removed from this state
until the agent explicitly
orders the removal
Reasons for Process Suspension
Table 3.3 Reasons for Process Suspension
One Suspend State
Two Suspend States