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Ottoman Empire
After Muhammad’s Death…
• Conflict between Sunni and Shia split
Muslims into tribes.
• Ottoman Turks rose as the strongest of
the groups.
• They then spread over regions taking land
in Turkey and later in other areas (Europe
and Africa).
The Golden Age of the Ottomans
The Ottoman Capital -Constantinople
The Ottoman Empire
During the 16c
Ottoman Empire
• Ottomans controlled area of Middle East
since 1300’s until end of World War I
• Empire most powerful in the 1500’s-capital
• 1914-beginning of WWI lost most empire
but still controlled Middle East
Decline of Empire
• Tried to rule huge empire by leaders who
couldn’t rule their own territory
• During WWI, the Ottomans joined
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria
against the US
• Ottoman’s side lost war
• Ottoman’s overthrown– they divided
territory into smaller countries (M. East)
countries(British & French) who decided
Boundaries were created…
• Without attention to ethnic groups or
religious groups already living in the areas
• No consideration for nationalism-people
who live in country have similar culture,
history, religious beliefs
• Result-a lot of conflicts
• Different groups tried to live together in
countries created by Europeans who didn’t
realize problems new boundaries caused
• Republic of Turkey created out of Ottoman
Empire 1923
• All land under Ottoman control was given
to France and the United Kingdom as a
• British & French partitioned the Middle
East into countries
• It created artificial political borders that
didn’t reflect natural division in the region-it
blended ethnic groups