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The Ottoman Empire
3 Heirs of Rome
1. Latin West (feudal kingdoms)
2. Greek East (Byzantium Empire)
3. Muslim World (various Muslim empires)
Main Idea
The Ottoman Empire emerged as a political
and economic power following the
conquest of Constantinople.
“Istanbul not Constantinople”
I. Ottoman Empire
A. Located in Asia Minor (Turkey)
B. Expansion
1. Turkish leader Osman began to gain power
2. Began expanding as the Seljuks declined
Osman I
“Istanbul Not Constantinople”
1. 1453, Constantinople fell to Ottomans under
Mehmet II (renamed Istanbul)
Ottomans Take Over
2. Southwest Asia
3. Southeastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula
a. Defeated at Battle of Vienna in 1683
4. North Africa
C. Government
1. Claimed title of sultan
2. Elite body guards called janissaries (young
Christian boys who were kidnapped and forced to
convert to Islam and serve in the guard)
3. Bureaucrats (pashas) rule the local territories
4. Suleyman the Magnificent
D. Known for trade in coffee and ceramics
E. Islamic faith served as a unifying force
E. Social and cultural patterns
1. Hagia Sophia
2. Mosques and religious complexes built by Sinan
3. Developments in
architecture, calligraphy, manuscript painting,
textiles, and ceramics
Exit Ticket
1. Where was the Ottoman Empire located?
2. What unified the Ottoman Empire?
3. Who was Suleyman the Magnificent?