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1. What are some common ideas that all the five religion shares?
Prayer, not to harm others or animals, compassion toward the sick and needy.
2. What controversial theory does many authorities claim as to why religion is so important?
Authorities believe that religion is a man made social cohesion or a way for humans to cooperate
and for those that don’t cooperate spirits will punish them. They would believe in “god” as the
rivers, mountains, statues or animal “gods”. Muslims argue of a higher power first and most
important how do you explain the human mind and the way it thinks and creates.
What two main teachings did Prophet Adam teach?
He tried to teach his descendants to love God and to loathe the influence of the devil.
4. Name two woman that the Quran mentioned that received direct revelation from Allah?
1) Jochebed Mother of Moses 2)Mary mother of Jesus.
5. Which prophet does Islam teaches has not died yet?
Prophet Jesus. He was saved from being crucified by the Romans and was taken by God to
Paradise to live until the end of time. Then he will return to Earth to fight the anti Christ and then
he will marry and have children and have a natural life then die.
How many types of prophets are there? What is the difference?
1) Regular prophets who received the prophecies
2) Messengers who received the codified “books” that were meant to be passed down. Traditions
say that there are 313 messengers.
7. What is “Mother of the Book”? According to Quran Allah keeps a special book with him this
the source from which all revelations come from.
What Angel Gabrile nickname? Spirit of holiness.
What five books are mentioned in Quran with their Prophet:
Abraham –Suhuf
Moses- Taurah
David- Zabur
1. Describe early relations between the Muslims and Jews in Medina in Prophets Muhammad time?
When two Arab tribes the Jews saw that Muhammad was preaching against the people worshiping
the idols invited Muhammad so the Jews liked him for that because Judaism also preaches against idol
worshiping they felt they had something in common. Many thought that Muhammad would convert to
What Jewish Prophets are referred to in the Quran?
Moses, Job, Saul, David, and Solomon.
What special title does the Qur’an use to separate Jews and Christianity from the Idol
Ahl al kitab or people of the Book. Because they too received the Holy book from God long before
and be counted to have certain ideas and concept that are similar to Islam.
What were the three Jewish tribes that lived in and around Medina?
The Banu Nadir
The Banu Qaynuqa
The Banu Quraiza
5.What was the perception of Judaism in the Qur’an? In the beginning the only learings of the
Judaism faith was through the three tribes that lived in or around Mecca. Quran does praise true Jews
who have sincere faith and try to lead a righteous life. The Quran reefers to the synagogues as places
where God’s name is mentioned. It is the application of religion or the lack of it that Quran addresses
about Judaism. It’s the shortcoming of the Jewish community including the 1) Jewish law and its overly
harsh without sanction from God. 2) Jews say that Abraham and his immediate descendant were Jewish
but that it rejected in the Qur’an. 3) Allah did not make an all time convent with the Jews. The
conditional agreement he did make with them was broken by the Jews later on. 4) The Jews of Medina
engaged in slander against Islam and were disrespectful of the Prophet Muhammad. 5)Many Jews do not
keep god laws about the Sabbath kosher food. 6)The Jews in Muhammad’s time said they were God
chosen one and God will never be punish them for their sins 7) Rabbis have not done a good job of
influencing their people to lead moral lives.
What happended to the three jewish tribes in medina?
All three tribe were in constant battle with the Muslims because of doctrinal dipute and clash of the
cultures. They left Medina. First tribe picked a fight with the Muslims was Banu Qaynuqa. They were
surprised as how tough the Muslims were they surrendered and then left. 2nd tribe Banu Nadir were
against the Prophet and even tried to assassinate him but the muslims fought hard and they left too. 3rd
Tribe avoided the fight with the Muslims and tried to abide by the treaty however their own doings had
their leaders executed.
What was Muhammad’s city charter for Medina considerd as? World first constitution.
In what direction were Muslims asked to pray toward for the first 15 years of Islam? In the
direction of Jerusalem. However after a year and a half in Medina a revelation instructed them to pray in
the direct of the ka’bah in Mecca.
What are the two largest religions in the world today? Islam and Christianity. Islam and
Christianity are separated by 600 years apart. Islam accepts the founder of Christianity Jesus Christ as a
true prophet from God. Islam does not believe that he is god.
What was Muhammad’s first contact with Christians? On his first trip with his Uncle Abu
Talib to Syria Muhammad came in contact with a Christian Monk named Bahira. Bahira noticed that a
cloud over Muhammad and Abu Talib shading them from the hot sun. Bahira invited Muhammad to eat.
Bahira was inspired by Muhammad and informed Abu Talib that Muhammad will one day be a prophet.
His second encounter was with his wife’s cousin, Waraqah. Khadijah w took Muhammad after
Muhammad went to the cave to meditate when the angel in the cave visited him, Muhammad was very
scared. His wife thought he was ill and took him to her cousin. Waraqah also told him the Angel that
visited Moses visited him and he will be a prophet.
Who was Muhammad first wife? Khadijah. Muhammad was 25 years old and she was 40
years old from Mecca, who was a widow. Khadijah was a very smart businesswoman.
Why was Christianity outlawed in Mecca before Muhammad? Christianity was perceived as a
threat to the idol makers and worshipers. A lot of Christians would practice Christianity behind closed
What were some of the miracles that Jesus granted his people? And why? Curing of
blindness, healing of lepers, revival of the dead. The miracles were for his people to get their attention
who were disbelievers.
Explain how the Qur’an views Jesus’ death? Qur’an claims that Jesus was not killed by the
Romans in Jerusalem or crucified but that it was made to appear so, Muslims believe that Allah answered
Jesus prayers and removed him from the physical world.
What was the original name of Medina? Yathrib.
List 3 Christian teachings that Islam stands differently with Christianity? There are different
sects in Christianity each sect has a different teaching which addresses many issues.
1- Original Sin-Islam say Adam and Eve were forgiven by God after eating from the trees and
passed on no taint of sin to their descendants.2) Atonement-God doesn’t need to sacrifice himself to
atone for the sins of mankind because he can forgive anything he wants anytime he wants. 3) TrinityIslam says that God is not divided into parts, The Nicene Creed is unacceptable to Muslims.4) Marriage
prohibition- the Catholic church forbids priests to marry, by the Qur’an calls this an invented practice.5)
Monasteries and convents-The Qur’an says God never authorized this lifestyle. 6) Confession-Islam
requires people to ask God for forgiveness directly. No man can act as an intermediary or facilitator. 7)
The Holy Spirit- Islam says that there is no Holy Spirit other than the angel Gabriel who has the
nickname. Speaking in tongues or laying on the hands to heal sickness is not known or accepted in
Islam. 8) A Begotten Son- The concept of God having children or being born on Earth is completely
rejected in Islam. 9) Salvation and redemption- Islam says our sincere faith and virtuous actions get us
into heaven, not just a one-time conversion moment. 9) Mary as Mother of God- The Qur’an addresses
this issue by pointing out that expanding the trinity to a quartet is a foolish as the three in one god idea to
begin with. 10) The Bible- Muslims hold that it doe not contain the authentic writing of the prophets and
that it is full of errors and contradictions.
Explain the first communication between Muhammad and Angel Gariel? “Iqra” Was the first
word revealed Angel Gabrial had commanded Muhammad “Iqra” or READ in the year 610c.e.
Muhammad was sitting in the mountain when a brilliant flash of light covered Muhammad. A hidden
voice commanded him to read, the voice was frightening and overwhelming. However, Muhammad did
not know how to read he answered, “I don’t know how to read” Muhammad felt himself squeezed so
tightly and he ran out of the cave. The voice again asked him to “Iqra” again and again he felt the tight
squeeze, third time the voice asked him to “iqra” finally Muhammad asked ‘read what”.
What did Gabriel ask Muhammad to read? “Read in the name of your lord who created
human from a clinging zygote. Read for your lord is the Most generous. He taught people by the pen
what they didn’t know before”
Define the Qur’an and explain how it was revealed? Quran means the Reading or the Recital.
The Qur an was given orally to Muhammad for 23 years Muhammad would receive the revelation form
Allah carried by the angel Gabriel. Muhammad would ask people to write down the verses as he dictated
them. The Quran was not revealed all at once.
What are chapters in Quran called? Surahs
How many chapters does the Quran contain? 114
What are ayahs? Surahs that comprise of 6600 verses, these verses cover wide variety of
Describe and name the four ways that Muhammad received revelations from Allah? 1)
Through dreams at night when the verses of the Quran were implanted in his mind. 2) Through
instantaneous revelations in his heart during the day. 3) Which Muhammad said was the hardest to bear
by a loud ringing sound in his ears and then the verses would flow. 4) last was when the Angel Gabriel
would appear a man and sometimes not who would instruct Muhammad in what to say.
8. What are the two ways the Quran style is expressed? Presentation and content.
Presentation: from a straight line-by-line or rhyming to flowing prose and passionate essays. The
skilled mixture of the different techniques the listener is taken in waves of feelings, thoughts, emotions,
and dreams.
In the contents the Quran covers a variety of subjects including religions doctrine, law, social
values, morality, history, prophets and their struggles, philosophy and science.
9. Where are the two copies of the Usmani Quran? They exist in museums in Turkey and Tashkent.
They have the exactly the same text as any Arabic Quran today.
Chapter 18 Part 2
Name the three major themes of the Quran? 1) The absolute authority of Allah
2) The accountability of the humans of their deeds 3) the temporary life on earth (one third of the
verses in the Quran relate to issues concerning the next life and what people will find after death.
What is “Sunnah”? Muhammad life or way represents his own interpretation of how to live
by the dictates of the Quran. For example the Quran say to pray a number of times per day, but it does
not tell us how pray or about reciting surahs.
Define “hadith”? What Prophet Muhammad said, did or gave silent approval to.
Who recorded the Hadith? Large majority of the Prophets saying were passed on orally from
parent to child for several generation.
What system was developed to determine whether a hadith was authentic or fabricated? This
was a grueling task to investigate as to where the start of the person giving the hadith, focusing on the
moral character of the narrator and who he or she had heard it from. If a discrepancy were found the
hadith would be labeled as not fully reliable or sometimes false. This information is recorded as a chain
or called is and going back to the original person who heard the hadith from the Prophet.
What are specific instructions did Prophet Muhammad give regarding any hadith that
contradicts the Quran? 1) That it does not come from him, 2) That is should be rejected.
Who are the “Sahaba”? Companions of Prophet Muhammad who heard, saw, or spent times
with the Prophet are considered to be authorities on Islam because they learned about Islam directly form
the Prophet. There were hundred thousand sahaba. Muhammad companions are considered the best
generation in Islamic history. The Sahaba were amazing people, they were converts to Islam who were
transformed from a variety of lifestyles into a traditional Islamic life. They came from all races and
social standings and came together in mutual communion as brothers and sisters in faith.
Who are the best known Sahaba? 1) Kaidija bint Khuwayid (Prophet Muhammad’s first wife
and only wife for over 25 years who was the first convert to Islam) 2) Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (Prophet
Muhammad’s best friend and the first caliph of Islam after he passed away. 3) Umr ibn al Khattab (a
convert who later became the second caliph. 4) Sumayya bint Khubbat (An early convert who was
tortured to death by the Meccans. She is traditionally known as the first martyr of Islam. 5) Bilal ibn
Rab’ah (A black slave who suffered terrible torture at the hands of his idol worshiper master. Abu Baker
bought his freedom and later Bilal because the first muezzin or prayer caller in Islam.
Define “Figh”? Understanding the application of the Islamic law and how to formulate new
rulings. When questions arise on Islam’s view on test tube babies for freezing cryogenic or organ
transplants there are Islamic scholars who work independently of each under no regulation consult a
descending order of sources to arrive at an answer that is within the general spirit of Islam.
Define Ijtehad? Using independent thought to create a new Islamic legal opinion for an issue
that has no clear answer in the two main sources of Islam.
Define “fatwa”? A legal ruling by competent Islamic legal scholars. Fatwas can be challenged
or overruled and are not automatically binding on the community.
12) Please list and explain the five madh-habs or school of thoughts?
Many verses of the Quran can be interrupted in different ways, some of the hadiths are also vague or
sometimes confusing, people see things differently:
1)The Hanafi- founded by Abu Hanifa he emphasized reason and analogy in the development of
Islamic Law. 2) The Shafi Founded by Muhammad Al Shafi he was the first to classify the four main
sources of Islamic Law ranging from the Quran and hadith to Ijma (majority of opinion) and Qiyas (with
fair assessment). 3) The Maliki founded by Malik ibn Anas, he is the author of Al Muwatta, and Imam
Malik emphasized the importance of following the legal traditions of Medina. 4) The Hanbali (founded
by Ahmed ibn Hanbal. This is the most conservative of the surviving four school of Sunni Islamic law.
Ibn Hanbal crafted his understanding of Islam in response to a new Muslim ideology based on
rationalism. The Wahhabi movement, which has governed Saudi Arabia for almost two centuries, favors
this stricter school of Figh. 5) The Ja’fari (founded by Imam Ja’far as Sadiq. This is the principle Shi’a
School of Islamic Law and is not recognized as valid by more conservative scholars of the Sunni
tradition. A majority of its principles conforms to those of the other school of thought, though there are
significant differences.