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A noun is what you might know as a doing word.
1. Which of these words are verbs?
a. hit
b. sleeping
c. walked
d. thought
e. tree
There are lots of different types of verbs.
Physical action verbs- verbs that describe something that you can see (walk, talk, eat).
Mental action verbs- verbs that describe something that is happening inside (think, guess).
State of being verbs- describes the state of being without action (to be, am, are)
Transitive verbs- action verbs that have an object to receive the action (I rode the bicycle, he
moved the chair)
Intransitive verbs- verbs that have no object to receive the action (I sang, they laughed)
2. List 5 examples for each of the categories above.
State of being_____________________________________________________
Transitive ___________________________________________________
Intransitive ____________________________________________________
3. Underline all of the verbs in the sentences below.
4. Extension- identify what types of verb they are.
Dr. Greene drives to the hospital every day.
Mrs. Jones loves to go ice skating.
There is a clown doing magic tricks in the mall.
My teacher is going to take us to the zoo.
My father hikes.
Sadia always wants to play PlayStation.
The postman walks every day, except Sunday.
I am happy.
The waitress served us Coke.
Doctors work both day and night.