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Islam Today: Key terms
• Islam: The name of the
religion followed by Muslims.
Means Peace and submission
to God
• Muslim: The people who
follow the religion of Islam
• Allah: The Arabic word for
• Arabic: The language the
Qur’an is written in.
• Mosque: Islamic Holy
• Ummah: The community or
family of Muslims world wide.
• Makkah: Holy city
• Pacifist: People who refuse to
fight in wars
Beliefs about:
Allah: Muslims believe in only
one God. He is neither male
nor female. Allah is a force, so
cannot be drawn.
Prophets: Messengers from
God. Muslims believe that
Moses from Judaism, and
Jesus from Christianity were
very important people and
were sent by God.
Muhammad (PBUH): The last
and most important prophet in
Islam. Sent by God to bring the
Qur’an to the world (Peace Be
Upon Him is a sign of respect)
Shahadah Declaration of Faith in
How it affects the community
All same religion. Believing the same thing.
All promise belief in Allah. All say there is no
other God. Makes them become one: same
thoughts and feelings about Allah
Praying five times a
All pray at the same time and often can be in
the same place.
Fasting in the month of
Ramadan. No eating,
drinking or smoking,
during daylight
Makes them selfless. Makes them remember
parts of the community without food.
Everyone knows what it feels like to be
hungry. May encourage people to give more
to the rest of the community. Party at the
end to share with others.
Charity. Give a part of
their earnings to the
poor. (2.5% of spare
Makes the poor people feel valued and part
of the community. It Keeps people alive and
generally helps the poor in the community.
Pilgrimage to Makkah. All have the SAME status as Allah's servants.
This is a special
They all wear same white clothes. Can't tell
religious journey.
who's rich or poor
Holy Book
Highest shelf
The Qur’an
How it is treated:
• 1) Wash
• 2) Highest shelf in the
• 3) On a stand
• 4) wrapped up
With respect
• 1) Keep it clean, symbol of
being clean inside and
being without sin
• 2) Allah and his words are
the most important.
Symbol of nothing being
higher than God
• 3) So that it doesn't get
• 4) Keep it clean and
protect the words of God
Word of Allah
Interpreting (to find different meanings) the Qur’an
Teaching from the Qur’an
Possible meaning
Way to follow it
"And tell the believing women to draw Don't show any
• Wear a headscarf.
their headcovers over their chests and beautiful part of your • Wear a burqa and
not to display their adornment” Surah body to men
have whole body and
face covered .
• Dress in modest ways
that don't show
certain parts of the
"You may eat and drink until the white When the sun goes
thread of light becomes
down, then Muslims
distinguishable from the dark thread
can eat
of night at dawn. Then you shall fast
until sunset" Surah 2:187
Sawm: fast in the month
of Ramadan. No eating
in daylight hours
"Righteous are those who…give money
cheerfully, to the relatives, the
orphans, the needy, the traveling alien
and the beggars.
Surah 2:177
Zakah: Give part of
earnings to poor people
(2.5% of spare income)
Good people give
money to poor
people, and they
don't care whether
they come from
other countries
Religion and War
• Most religions have a type of Just War Theory
• Only allowed in self-defence and to protect the country
– Wars should not be started
• Must be a last resort (every other way to resolve/fix the problem
should have been tried first)
– To prevent unnecessary suffering
• War must not be to try and capture other people’s land
– This isn’t a fair use of power and causes suffering
• It must not be used to force other people to become Muslims
– Allah will consider and judge people’s beliefs. It isn’t the job of people.
Also, they aren’t true beliefs if they haven’t been freely chosen
• Must not be fought out of hatred or anger
– Calm ways of making peace must have happened first. People can make
the wrong decision when they’re angry
• Must not cause harm to innocent people
– Lives are precious. It cannot be self-defence if innocent people are getting
Should religious people fight in war?
• As long as they follow the rules
in the Just War Theory
• Sometimes fighting is needed
to protect innocent people
– Religious people can fight then
because it’s a way of protecting
God’s people like in WWII
• Muhammad (PBUH) was given
permission by Allah to fight in
self-defence (after being
attacked many times)
• Fight in the cause of Allah
against those who fight against
you, but do not transgress
limits. Lo! Allah loves not
– Allah said that you can fight back,
but only in self-defence
• It cannot be just (fair)
because innocent people
always end up getting hurt
• Allah said not to fight.
Killing just one person is the
same as killing the whole of
mankind. Even one death is
• Allah’s job to judge people,
it’s not the job of soldiers
and people to make
decisions about who
deserves to die
• Allah gives and takes life
• Christians believe that God
made everyone to be like
Him. Taking a life hurts God
Jewish response to the Holocaust
The Old Testament shows Abraham making a
covenant (deal/promise/contract) with God:
Abraham is the father/founder of Judaism. The
covenant was a deal made between Abraham
and God.
God promised Abraham many descendants, a
land (Israel) and to always look after the Jews.
Jewish response to the Holocaust: Key
Final Solution
Hatred of Jews
Poor parts of the city where the Jews were
forced to live
Being blamed for something that was
nothing to do with you
Media used to spread hateful lies
The plan to murder all the Jews in Europe
Jewish Holy Day. A day of rest. No working
from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.
Jewish Holy Building
Anti-Semitism and propaganda
• Before WW2 Hitler introduced a series of laws which
encouraged people to stop associating with the Jews,
and made life unpleasant for them. These were the
Nuremberg Laws that started in 1933.
– They affected shopping, work, children, citizenship (about
belonging to the community) and basic rights
• There had been anti-Semitism for years: from the days of
Christianity when some Jewish people were blamed for
the death of Jesus, to more recent events.
• After WW1 the Germans used the Jews as a scapegoat
and blamed them for the country being poor and for
losing WW1
Propaganda: The Nazis published posters full of lies that
made the Germans turn on the Jews
Anti-Semitism: The Nuremberg Laws
Marriages between Jews and nonJews were declared illegal and there
could be no relationships between
Jews and non-Jews
Jews must give all camera, binoculars,
telescopes, electrical equipment,
bicycles, typewriters and records to
the government
Jews can be evicted (thrown out of
their home) without any notice
All Jews must have a ‘J’ stamped on
their passports
Jews were banned from using soap
Jews are not allowed to work for
councils or local authorities
Jewish doctors weren’t allowed to be
doctors anymore
Jews cannot use public transport in
rush hour and can only sit if no one
else is standing
Jews were banned from running
Jews cannot vote in any elections
The exam format
• You will be given a meaning or definition and asked to choose the piece of
subject terminology that best fits it e.g.
What word best describes a follower of Judaism?
a)Hindu b) Jew c) Sikh d) Christian [1 mark]
• You will be asked to give two beliefs/ideas about something.
e.g. Give two examples of Holy Books [2 marks]
(State what they are, and not explain them)
• You will be asked to explain beliefs or teachings
e.g. Explain two teachings about charity
Refer to scripture or sacred writing in your answer [5 marks]
(Give the teaching/ belief, then say what it means. Say what Holy Book it is in)
• You will be given a statement and asked to evaluate it e.g.
e.g. “All Muslim women should wear the veil” [12 marks]
(Give reasons why this is correct and why this is incorrect. Include some religious
reasons/examples. Then decide if the statement is true)