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Brainstorm a list of six (6) words and/or
phrases that come to mind for the religion
of Islam.
Please be appropriate.
The “BIG THREE” Religions
Islam Summary
 Islam is by far the most prominent religion in the Middle
 People who practice Islam are called
“ Muslims “
 Islam is a very strict religion
 Islam is a “Monotheistic” religion
 Allah is the one true God and Mohammed is his last
 It is against Islamic law to have any image of Allah or
Mohammed. No images of either exist.
 Islam is a religion which is second only to
Christianity in size and is prevalent in all
corners of the world.
 It was founded by Mohammed (AD 570 – 632)
who was born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia and
was to become ‘the seal of the prophets’.
 After revelations from God (Allah), Mohammed
went on to preach the religion of the one
absolute God
Size and Location
 Originating in Saudi Arabia, Islam has spread
throughout the world and there is an estimated
1.1 billion Muslims in the world.
 Historically Islam has been more dominant in Asia
and Africa and countries with a high population of
Muslims are Indonesia, Pakistan and Saudi
Origins Summary
 Muslims believe that Mohammed is the
messenger of Allah
 The Holiest Islamic city is Mecca, the birth
place of Mohammed.
 Mohammed moved to Medina because the
people of Mecca thought he was nuts! This
was called the “ Hegira “ or great flight!
 The religion started in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in
7th Century AD, although God’s revelation and
religion is much older, in that Muslims believe
that the first prophet was Adam.
 His final revelation though was given to
Mohammed who was the seal of the prophets
and the holy words (the Qur'an/Koran)
revealed to him via the angel Gabriel where the
final revelation of God (Allah) to mankind.
MECCA & Medina
* Medina
* Mecca
Mecca at Night
Ka’bah- cube
This is the site of the water well where Mecca was
Origins Continue
 They recognize the other prophets such as Moses
(Musa), Abraham (Ibrahim) and Jesus (Isa) but
Mohammad is Allah’s final and most important
 There are in total 28 prophets named in the
Qur'an/Koran. (22 from Old Testament and 3
from the New Testament)
 "Islam" is an Arabic word that includes the
concept of submitting to the will of God, thereby
achieving peace and security.
Holy Book: Qur’an/Koran
 The Qur’an/Koran is the holy text which was
revealed by the angel Gabriel to Mohammad
and within it covers all areas of how a Muslim
should live.
 The Qur’an contains for a Muslim the actual
words of God and the language it was revealed
in, Arabic is seen as very important in order to
understand the real meaning of the words.
A 700 year old Qur’an/Koran
Arabic Language
Arabic Symbol for ALLAH
Qur’an/Koran Summary
 The Islamic holy book is called the
 The Quran/Koran is written in Arabic, the
language that Mohammed received Allah’s
teachings in.
 The Qur’an/Koran contains laws and rules of
 The Qur’an/Koran contains elements of the
Old Testament and New Testament.
 The Quran is taken very seriously by Muslims
What do Muslims Believe?
 Muslims believe there is only one God who is the
only God that can exist, he has created all things,
he is all powerful, omnipotent, eternal, beyond
time and is present with Muslims all the time.
 They believe in the books revealed by God,
angels, the day of judgment, life after death, the
prophets and the Prophet Muhammad was God’s
messenger and his seal.
 5 (Five) Pillars of Islam….
The 5 Pillars of Islam
1. Must declare Allah as the 1 and only god,
and Mohammed as his prophet.
2. Must give alms to the poor
3. Must make a Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca at
least once in a lifetime
4. Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca
5. Fast during the daylight hours of Ramadan.
( This is the month that Mohammed presented the Quran to his followers )
 9th Month of the Islamic Calendar
 Ramadan is the month when Mohammed
was presented the Qur’an/Koran from Allah.
 Muslims must not eat, drink water, smoke or
have sex during the daylight hours of
 This shows respect and self-control to Allah
 The main place of worship for Muslims is
the Mosque (from an Arabic word
meaning ‘place of prostration’).
 Prayers are undertaken five times a day
and the person praying must always be
facing towards Mecca.
The Mosque
 Muslims pray in
 Women and Men are
separated in
 There are no
pictures of Allah in a
Mosques from around the
IMAM- Muslim Holy Man
Sects of Islam
 Islam is divided up into three sects:
 Sunni’s
 Shiite’s
 Sufi’s
 The majority of Muslims (around 90%) belong to this
moderate sect.
 The word Sunni refers to the practice of Mohammad.
 They believe the first 4 Caliphs or Supreme Religious
Leaders were the rightful successors to Mohammed.
 They look to Mohammad’s example if situations arise
which are not able to be clarified within the
 They are a more fundamental group than the Sunnis.
 They rejected the first three caliphs (successors to
Mohammad) and followed Ali who married
the prophet’s daughter and was the first leader of this
party. After Ali there were 12 Imams whom they followed.
 The last Imam disappeared in 940 and will return at the
end of the world. They claim that they are the true
followers of Islam. The Shi’a faith is the state religion in
 They are the mystic sect of Islam.
 They seek a personal relationship with Allah and do not
believe in a rigid interpretation of the Qur’an/Koran.
Jerusalem, Israel is a sacred
city for Muslims, Jews and
Muslims and Jews both think that
Jerusalem is rightfully theirs and
have fought wars over this holy
land for a 1000 yrs.
Even Today!
Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock
in Jerusalem
 For Moslems, the rock was sanctified by
the story of the Prophet Mohammed's
Miraaj or Night Journey to Jerusalem and
back to Mecca. From the top of the rock,
Mohammed began his ascent to Heaven.
The Dome of the Rock was
built by Muslims in 684 to
honor Mohammed. Still looks
good 1300 years later !