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CPA World Midterm Study Guide
Study all PowerPoints and Previous Summative Assessments from these Units. Midterm will
contain 70 Multiple Choice questions pertaining to content and also on primary sources, and
4 short answer essay questions.
Ancient Greece
Terms to know:
o Agora: marketplace located below the acropolis
o Acropolis: religious center of a Greek city-state was often in a fortified area
o Polis: city-state, central focus of Greek life
o Oligarchy: rule by a few, government of Sparta
o Democracy: rule by many, government of Athens
o Cleisthenes: reforms laid the foundation for Athenian democracy
Impact of geography on Greek development
o High mountain ranges caused communities to develop in isolation from one another, making
them fiercely independent
Battle of Thermopolye
o Greek force of 7,000 held off the Persian army for 2 days
Growth of democracy in Athens
o Began under Cleisthenes-laid the foundation
 Created council of 500 that supervised foreign affairs, oversaw treasury, proposed laws
to be voted on by assembly after free and open debate
o Under Pericles, direct democracy was established
 Every male citizen participated in governing assembly and voted on major issues.
 Anyone could speak in public meetings
Ancient Rome
Impact of geography and location on Rome’s development
o The Alps were easy to cross so it was easy for people to get in and out of Italy
o Italy had a lot of land for farming which allowed for larger population
o Rome had a route to the sea but was far enough inland that they didn’t have to worry about
being attacked by pirates
o It was built on 7 hills which made it easy to defend
o Italy is in the center of the Mediterranean which made it important crossroads and made it
easier to govern
Governing body of the Roman state
o the Senate: group of 300 patricians who served for life
Gracchus brothers
o Attempted to reform Rome and as a result were killed by a group of senators
o Form of government where leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote
Julius Caesar
o First dictator of Rome
o Assasinated by the Senate
Pax Romana
o The Roman Peace: lasted for 200 years, Maintained peace in the empire, helped the empire
Augustan Age
a. Created an empire, extremely strong military, created political system that allowed emperor to
select successor from natural or adopted family
b. Also known as the Golden Age
Alexander the Great
Hellenistic Era
o Expansion of Greek language and Greek ideas to the non-Greek world
Alexander the Great’s conquests
o Created the Hellenistic era
o Greek language, art, architecture and literature spread throughout Southeast Asia
World Religions
o First and oldest religion
o Monotheistic: only believed in one God
o Jewish teacher who travelled and preached in Judaea and Galilee
o Laid foundation for Christianity
o Monotheistic
o Founded by Muhammad
 Believe he is the prophet of Allah (God)
o Belief in the Five Pillars
o Siddhartha Guatama: founder of Buddhism, Buddha
o Buddha believed that suffering is caused by attachment to the things of this world
Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire
o Eastern Roman Empire
o Carolingian Empire only one that managed to last a long time
o Founded by Charlemagne
o He was the most powerful Christian ruler
Relationship between lord and vassal
o Lord gave land and protection to serfs and peasants
o Peasants gave lord labor and portion of their harvest
What was wealth based on in the feudal system
o Land
Code of chivalry
o Code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold
Feudal contract
o a set of unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal
The difference between peasants and serfs
o Peasants: worked the land but were free to leave whenever they wanted to
o Serfs: worked the land, were bound to the manor they were born to, could not leave or marry
without lord’s permission
What is a tithe and how much did it cost peasants?
o Tax peasants had to pay to the Church
o 10% of their produce
The Black Death
o How was it spread
 Lice on rats
o How did it impact society?
 Killed nearly 38 million people
 Many people believed it was punishment from God
 Belief in religion lessens
 Blamed Jews for poisoning the wells: wave of anti-Semitism (dislike of Jews) throughout
 Loss of so many people caused shortage of workers and a decline in demand for food
 Rise of wage labor
 Deflation (falling prices)
 Decline of serfdom and feudalism
 Peasants gained more freedom and power with their landlords
What does renaissance mean?
o Rebirth
Humanism movement
o Impacted education
 Learning language, science, art instead of just religion
o Writing in the language of the people rather than in Latin
o Dante: wrote The Divine Comedy in Italian
o Chaucer: wrote The Canterbury Tales in English
 Important in making his dialect the chief ancestor of the modern English language
Leonardo Da Vinci
o Painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician
o Painted Mona Lisa
o Examined anatomy of human body
o Considered the first “Renaissance Man”
o Painted frescoes that have long been regarded as the first masterpieces of early Renaissance art.
Machiavelli and The Prince
o Book about how to get and keep political power
o Most writers in the Middle Ages had stressed that a prince needs to be ethical and behave
based on Christian principles, but Machiavelli rejected this approach
o He believed prince’s attitude should be self-centered and should not be restricted by moral
o “The ends justify the means.” Do whatever is necessary
o Influenced political leaders who came after
o Father of Renaissance humanism
Christian humanists
o Believed that if people read the classics, and especially the basic works of Christianity, they would
become more pious