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Mitosis Quiz
List the five stages of Mitosis in
order (You Have 4 Minutes)
Cancer Article Assignment
1) Working in groups of two I want you to
share what your article was about (You have 3
2. Find another partner and again share your
articles with each other. (You have 3
3. Thinking about the three articles decide
which one that you found the most interesting
and on the back of your paper write three
reasons why. (You have 5 minutes)
Meiosis – A Source of Distinction
Why do you share some but not all characters of each parent?
What are the rules of this sharing game?
At one level, the
answers lie in
Overview: Variations on a Theme
• Living organisms are distinguished by their ability to
reproduce their own kind
• Genetics is the scientific study of heredity and variation
• Heredity is the transmission of traits from one generation
to the next
• Variation is demonstrated by the differences in
appearance that offspring show from parents and siblings
• Genes are the units of heredity, and are made up of
segments of DNA
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
• Genes are passed to the next generation
through reproductive cells called gametes
(sperm and eggs)
• Each gene has a specific location called a locus
on a certain chromosome
• In asexual reproduction, one parent produces
genetically identical offspring by mitosis
• A clone is a group of genetically identical
individuals from the same parent
• In sexual reproduction, two parents give rise to
offspring that have unique combinations of
genes inherited from the two parents
• Human somatic cells (any cell other than a
gamete) have 23 pairs of chromosomes
• A karyotype is an ordered display of the pairs of
chromosomes from a cell
• The two chromosomes in each pair are called
homologous chromosomes, or homologs
• Sister Chromatids are two copies of a
duplicated chromosome attached to each other
at the centromere.
-The sex chromosomes are called X and Y
• Males XY Females XX
-The 22 pairs of chromosomes that do not determine
sex are called autosomes
-A diploid cell (2n) has two sets of chromosomes
-A gamete (sperm or egg) contains a single set of
chromosomes, and is haploid (n)
• A gamete (sperm or egg) contains a single set of
chromosomes, and is haploid (n)
• For humans, the haploid number is 23 (n = 23)
• Each set of 23 consists of 22 autosomes and a single sex
• In an unfertilized egg (ovum), the sex chromosome is X
• In a sperm cell, the sex chromosome may be either X or
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
Fig. 13-3b
5 µm
Pair of homologous
replicated chromosomes
Meiosis does two things 1) Meiosis takes a cell with two copies of every
chromosome (diploid) and makes cells with a
single copy of every chromosome (haploid).
This is a good idea if you’re going to combine
two cells to make a new organism. This trick
is accomplished by halving chromosome
In meiosis, one diploid cells produces four
haploid cells.
Why do we need meiosis?
• Meiosis is necessary to halve the number
of chromosomes going into the sex cells
Why halve the chromosomes in gametes?
• At fertilization the male and female sex
cells will provide ½ of the chromosomes
each – so the offspring has genes from
both parents
2) Meiosis scrambles the specific forms of
each gene that each sex cell (egg or sperm)
This makes for a lot of genetic diversity. This
trick is accomplished through independent
assortment and crossing-over.
Genetic diversity is important for the evolution
of populations and species.
Parent cell –
chromosome pair
1st division - pairs split
2nd division – produces
4 gamete cells with ½
the original no. of
Meiosis – mouse testes
Parent cell
1st division
2nd division
4 gametes
Fig. 13-8b
Prophase I
Metaphase I
(with centriole pair)
(with kinetochore)
of nuclear
attached to
The Stages of Meiosis:
• aka: Reduction Division
Meiosis I : Separates
Homologous Chromosomes
• Interphase
– Each of the chromosomes replicate
– The result is two genetically identical
sister chromatids which remain
attached at their centromeres
Prophase I
• This is a crucial phase for mitosis.
• During this phase each pair of
chromatids don’t move to the equator
alone, they match up with their
homologous pair and fasten together
(synapsis) in a group of four called a
• Extremely IMPORTANT!!! It is during this
phase that crossing over can occur.
• Crossing Over is the exchange of segments
during synapsis.
• Each tetrad usually has one or more chiasmata,
X-shaped regions where crossing over occurred
Metaphase I
• The chromosomes line up at the
equator attached by their
centromeres to spindle fibers from
– Still in homologous pairs
Anaphase I
• The spindle guides the movement of the
chromosomes toward the poles
– Sister chromatids remain attached
– Move as a unit towards the same pole
• The homologous chromosome moves
toward the opposite pole
– Contrasts mitosis – chromosomes appear as
individuals instead of pairs (meiosis)
Telophase I
• This is the end of the first meiotic cell
• The cytoplasm divides, forming two
new daughter cells.
• Each of the newly formed cells has
half the number of the parent cell’s
chromosomes, but each chromosome
is already replicated ready for the
second meiotic cell division
• Occurs simultaneously with
telophase I
– Forms 2 daughter cells
• Plant cells – cell plate
• Animal cells – cleavage furrows
Figure 13.7 The stages of meiotic cell division: Meiosis I
Meiosis II :
Separates sister chromatids
• Proceeds similar to mitosis
Prophase II
• Each of the daughter cells forms a
spindle, and the double stranded
chromosomes move toward the
Metaphase II
• The chromosomes are positioned
on the metaphase plate in a mitosislike fashion
Anaphase II
• The centromeres of sister
chromatids finally separate
• The sister chromatids of each pair
move toward opposite poles
– Now individual chromosomes
Telophase II and Cytokinesis
• Nuclei form at opposite poles of the
cell and cytokinesis occurs
• After completion of cytokinesis there
are four daughter cells
– All are haploid (n)
Figure 13.7 The stages of meiotic cell division: Meiosis II
One Way Meiosis Makes Lots of
Different Sex Cells (Gametes) –
Independent Assortment
Independent assortment produces 2n
distinct gametes, where n = the number
of unique chromosomes.
In humans, n = 23 and 223 = 6,000,0000.
That’s a lot of diversity by this
mechanism alone.
Another Way Meiosis Makes Lots of Different
Sex Cells – Crossing-Over
Crossing-over multiplies the already huge number of different gamete
types produced by independent assortment.
The Key Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosis is
the Way Chromosomes Uniquely Pair and Align in
The first (and
division of meiosis
Boy or Girl? The Y Chromosome “Decides”
Y chromosome
X chromosome
Boy or Girl? The Y Chromosome “Decides”
Meiosis – division error
Chromosome pair
Meiosis error - fertilization
Should the gamete with the
chromosome pair be fertilized
then the offspring will not be
In humans this often occurs
with the 21st pair – producing
a child with Downs Syndrome
21 trisomy – Downs Syndrome
Can you see the
extra 21st
Is this person male
or female?