Download Ancient Rome I. Where is Rome?

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I. Where is Rome?
A.) Rome is a city located in
Central Italy just across the
Adriatic Sea from Greece.
 B.) Italy is a country located
in the continent of Europe.
 C.)
Rome is located
on the Tiber River.
 D.) Rome is also
located very close to
the Mediterranean
II. How did
Rome Begin?
A.) The story of how
Rome began is a
legend about
brothers named
Romulus and
B.) The twins father was
a king who was
overthrown. The new
king ordered them to be
 C.)
The boys were
placed in the Tiber
River, rescued by
a wolf, then found
and raised by a
D.) The two boys grew
up and discovered
who they were.
 E.) They killed the evil
king and founded the
city of Rome in 753
III. Why are the
Ancient Romans so
A. Latin, the written
language of the Romans, is
the basis for English.
B. The Romans invented our
type of government, a
Republic. (elect your
Roman architecture (the art of
building buildings) has greatly
influenced the way we build in
the U.S.A.
The Romans were the
greatest road builders in
the Ancient World.
III. The
 A.)
In 600 B.C. a
group called the
Etruscans took
over Rome.
 B.) Although the
Etruscans were
good leaders, the
Romans did not
III. The
In 509 B.C. a man
named Junius Brutus
led a revolt against the
D.) They were able to
drive the Etruscans
away from Rome.
Rome was now a free