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Document related concepts
Mitosis and Cell division
Nuclear division
I. Why do cells divide?
• A. Growth
• B. Repair damaged tissues
• C. Replace lost cells
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II. Chromosomes (DNA) must be
duplicated and separated before
cell division
III. Mitosis
• A. 5 phases
• 1. Interphase
– Normal functioning
– DNA replicates
– Centrioles separate
2. Prophase
– Chromosomes
“condense” - wind up
and become visible
– Nuclear membrane and
nucleolus disappear
– Centrioles form spindle
3. Metaphase
• Chromosomes line up
along an imaginary
• Equitorial plane
4. Anaphase
• Chromosomes
separate and move
toward opposite poles
5. Telophase
• Nuclei and nucleoli
• Chromosomes
IV. Cytokinesis
• Rest of cell divides
• Different in plants and animals
• A. Animals - cell pinches in two
• B. Plants - cell plate divides the