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Data/hora: 09/06/2017 08:15:49
Provedor de dados: 16
País: Netherlands
Título: DNA barcoding, phylogeny and systematics of Golden-backed frogs (Hylarana, Ranidae)
of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot, with the description of seven new
Autores: Biju, S.D.; Garg, S.; Mahony, S.; Wijayathilaka, N.; Senevirathne, G.; Meegaskumbura,
Data: 2014
Ano: 2014
Palavras-chave: Amphibia; Cryptic species; Endemism; Integrative taxonomy; Lectotypification; Multiple
gene barcoding; Neotypification; Taxonomic revision; 42.82; 42.64.
Resumo: A systematic revision of the genus Hylarana in the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity
hotspot is presented. Species delineation in Hylarana is complicated due to a lack of
distinct colour differences or striking morphological characters, leading to potential
misidentification. We conducted extensive surveys throughout the Western Ghats-Sri
Lanka biodiversity hotspot and performed multiple gene (16S, COI and Cytb) barcoding
using 103 samples collected from cultivated land and natural habitats. Genetic distance
comparisons and Neighbor Joining trees indicated the presence of at least 14 candidate
species in the region, supported by taxa groupings for all three genetic markers. Utilising
a combination of molecular and morphological data, we describe seven new species,
doubling the number of Hylarana species previously known from this region. We further
demonstrate that H. temporalis, which was originally described from Sri Lanka, was
misidentified with the Western Ghats endemic species for nearly 100 years. Conversely,
H. aurantiaca was originally described from the Western Ghats and misidentified in Sri
Lanka. Our study confirms that the distribution of H. temporalis is restricted to Sri Lanka,
while H. aurantiaca is endemic to the Western Ghats, and that there are no shared
Hylarana species between the two regions. Hylarana flavescens, H. intermedius and H.
montanus, previously considered synonyms of H. temporalis are confirmed as valid
species. Hylarana bhagmandlensis is removed from the synonymy of H. aurantiaca and
placed as a junior subjective synonym of H. montanus. To establish nomenclatural
stability, H. flavescens, H. malabarica and H. temporalis are lectotypified and H.
intermedius is neotypified. Detailed descriptions, diagnosis, morphological and genetic
comparisons, illustrations and data on distribution and natural history are provided for all
species. Phylogenetic analyses based on three mitochondrial markers (16S, COI and
Cytb) and a fragment of the nuclear Rag1 gene, show complete endemism of the Western
Ghats-Sri Lankan species. Four major groups in this region are identified as: 1 — the
Hylarana aurantiaca group, endemic to the Western Ghats; 2 — the Hylarana flavescens
group, endemic to the Western Ghats; 3 — the Hylarana temporalis group, endemic to Sri
Lanka; and 4 — the Hylarana malabarica group from Sri Lanka and India. The discovery
of numerous morphologically cryptic Hylarana species in this region further emphasizes
the benefits of utilizing an integrative taxonomic approach for uncovering hidden
diversity and highlighting local endemism in the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Formato: application/pdf
Fonte: Contributions to Zoology (1383-4517) vol.83 (2014) nr.4 p.269
Fonte: (c) Naturalis