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AP World History Mid-Term Exam Review
1. The gradual adoption of agriculture transformed the world most by causing
2. Early societies developed civilizations in the floodplains of great rivers because the rivers and
floodplains provided
3. The term city-state refers to
4. The Babylonian leader Hammurabi is best known for his
5. The culture that developed in Egypt was unique largely because of
6. A pivotal event in early Egyptian history was
7. Egypt’s external interests were primarily concentrated on
8. According to the chapter, why was China’s development unique?
9. The Chinese political system which relied primarily on strict laws and punishments in order to
compel the people to behave is called
10. Two indigenous Chinese philosophies that emerged from the Warring States Period are
11. The concept of yin and yang represented the complementary nature of
12. Egypt became aggressive toward Nubia during the Middle and New Kingdom periods because
13. What plants were domesticated and formed the staple of the Mesoamerican diet?
14. The era of the New Kingdom in Egypt is characterized by restoration of Egyptian rule and
15. The rise of Mycenaean civilization can be explained primarily through cultural influence from
16. Long distance contact in the Mediterranean lands was based on
17. Which of the following is not one of the reasons that the Assyrians were able to conquer vast
18. The basic tenets of Jewish belief and practice prohibit
19. Despite a complex story of migrations and invasions, the Phoenician economy flourished
20. One of the principal reasons that the Assyrian Empire was vulnerable to military assault was
21. Cyrus and his father ruled their empire by following a practical approach of
22. King Darius, who was remembered as a lawgiver, created a central body of law. Under this
system subject peoples in Persian territories were
23. To ensure good crops, Greek farmers relied entirely on
24. Coins were significant in all of the following ways except
25. The Greek concept of democracy included political participation of
26. The result of the Persian Wars was
27. How does the Peloponnesian War reveal an inherent flaw in Greek society?
28. When Alexander the Great died, his vast empire
29. The Hellenistic Age refers to the
30. One key to the Romans’ success in winning the loyalty of all Italy was
31. Two protracted and bloody wars against the Carthaginians were important because
32. On what factor do scholars agree was the reason behind why Rome and Han China flourished
33. The safety and stability of the Roman Empire was called
34. One of the most enduring consequences of the Roman Empire has been the
35. Why was becoming Christian considered an act of disloyalty in the Roman Empire?
36. Roman technological expertise is evident in
37. Who reformed Rome in the 3rd century C.E. and saved it from decline?
38. What city became the new imperial capital of the Roman Empire?
39. The Vedic Age was a new historical period in India marked by
40. The Brahmins were important because they
41. Jainism emphasizes the principles of
42. Siddhartha Gautama articulated the “Four Noble Truths,” which
43. The Mauryan government united much of India aft
44. Which of the following were not among the impressive navigational skills developed by the
Malay people?
45. The Silk Road was a trade route connecting
46. Among the products that China exported along the Silk Road were
47. The Indian Ocean maritime system forged economic and social ties between
48. The importance of the monsoon was that
49. The most important African network of cultural exchange can be described as
50. Pan-African cultural patterns may have been shaped by
51. What facilitated the spread of Christianity to Armenia?
52. The division of the Muslim community grew because some believed that
53. Mecca is an important city because it
54. Muhammad conceived Islam after
55. After Muhammad’s death, the Muslim community
56. Muslim religious practice is based on the
57. Muslims who believe that the first three caliphs were properly selected are called
58. Umayyad Spain developed a distinctive Islamic culture because of the
59. How did the Byzantines differ from their western counterparts?
60. After the fall of Rome in the fifth century, the Western Roman Empire
61. What Scandinavian raiders built kingdoms in Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland?
62. As time went on, armored knighthood
63. A feudum, or fief, was
64. The term investiture controversy refers to the
65. The most important impact of monasticism was its contribution of
66. Which empire reunited China in the sixth century?
67. The Tang Empire is considered “cosmopolitan” because
68. The tributary system was a practice in which
69. One impact that the sea trade had on China was the
70. The decline of the Tang Empire occurred when
71. Historians state that the Song technological innovations led the Song to
72. By instituting civil service examinations for entrance into the government bureaucracy, the
73. Classic period civilizations in Mesoamerica were built on the political foundation of which early
74. Chinampas were “floating gardens” that
75. The two most important crafts produced by Teotihuacan’s crafts industry
76. Aztec society can be described as
77. The Aztecs met the challenges of feeding a growing
78. The domestication of what animals in the Andes was crucial for meat as well as
79. An advantage of Mongol rule was that
80. The first Mongol conquests under Genghis Khan were in
81. Narratives such as Marco Polo’s created a European
82. Who attempted to write the first world history?
83. How did Mongol control impact Russia’s Orthodox church?
84. One impact of the rise of cities under Mongol rule was
85. How did the Inca ensure the loyalty of defeated regions?
86. What well-traveled Muslim scholar left a journal that has become a valuable historical source?
87. The form of extensive agriculture that was used in sub-Saharan Africa is called
88. Mansa Kankan Musa made a famous pilgrimage that
89. The economic and political power of Great Zimbabwe was based on long distance trade in
90. The most profitable item traded from North Africa to Timbuktu, a center for learning, was
91. In return for the use of their lord’s land, serfs
92. The continued growth of trade and manufacturing after 1200 was due to
93. In the thirteenth century, what caused Italian Eastern Mediterranean trade to be strengthened?
94. A guild was
95. The exact title of your textbook is