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Astronomy Meteorology Review Sheet
Define climate
Define air mass
Geocentric vs heliocentric model of the solar
Composition of Earth’s dry
Reason for seasons on earth
Heat is transferred from one object to the other
Convection, radiation, conduction
cloud cover, latitude, and altitude controls temperature
Temperatures decrease from the tropics toward the poles.
Evaporation, condensation, sublimation, deposition (examples and processes)
Define relative humidity
Higher altitude means air expands, cools, therefore condenses
Unstable air rises
Cirrus clouds are high and cold (icy), cumulus are puffy, stratus covers the whole sky, cumulonimbus
is thunderstorm producer + hail (raindrop gets kicked up to top of cloud repeatedly and “grows”
larger until it falls)
Pressure difference causes wind, solar heating causes pressure difference so therefore causes wind
Close isobars means windy
Define westerlies
mT and cP influences weather in US (and gives us snow days!)
Define front (cold and warm) and weather associated with each
Latitude affects solar intensity (very intense at equator)
Elevation affects temperature (higher elevation = cold)
Polar is cold, tropical is warm
Greenhouse effect: define, what gasses cause it
Global warming causes more violent weather
Heliocentric vs Geocentric (do NOT worry about names of astronomers except Isaac Newton)
Rotation vs Revolution
Cause of moon phases, DIAGRAM of moon phases
Causes of Solar and Lunar eclipses
How moon formed, no atmosphere on the moon
Asteroids found where
Meteorites (meteoroids that reach the surface of Earth) tell us the age of the solar system
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet- visible light from longest to shortest
Spectra tell us the chem composition of stars
Most stars produce absorption spectra because outer atmosphere is cooler than core
What does the use of the Doppler effect tell astronomers about a star?
refracting vs reflecting telescope
Advantage of space telescopes over Earth-based telescopes
Corona, chromosphere, photosphere, prominence, solar wind
Fusion of H into He powers the sun
Length of a light year
HR Diagram
White dwarf, red giant, main sequence, nova
Why is the sky blue
Features of planets (biggest, smallest, rings, rotational speed, canals, fastest rotation, etc.)