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1. Compressional stress typically results in ? deformation. A.elastic B.plastic C.brittle D.all of the above often
result due to compressional stress
2. ? waves are the earthquake body waves that move the fastest. A.Love B.Rayleigh C.P D.S
3. In an anticline, the youngest eroded bed is ? of the structure. the middle B.toward the outside
4. The Atlantic continental margin of the United States would be considered an ? plate margin.
5. ? believed that the continents were like "boats" or "sleds", with the continental crust moving upon the mantle.
A.Lyell B.Hutton C.Playfair D.Wegener E.Darwin
6. A reverse fault is a ? fault. A.strike-slip B.dip-slip depends upon the type of fault
7. A ? is a substantial gap in the local rock record. A.joint B.fault C.unconformity D.anticline E.syncline
8. Western North America was built primarily by means of
sequences D.exotic terranes spots
A.rift zones B.subduction zones C.ophiolite
9. A reasonable rate for plate movement would be about ? centimeters per year. A.3 B.15 C.17 D.22 E.34
10. ? theory states that the Earth's lithosphere moves over the surface of the Earth. A.Plate Tectonic
B.Continental Drift C.both Plate Tectonic and Continental Drift Theory state that the Earth's lithosphere
moves over the surface of the Earth
11. The Mohorovicic Discontinuity is at a ? depth in the oceans versus the continents. A.shallower B.deeper
C.the Mohorovicic Discontinuity is at the same depth everywhere
12. The Grand Tetons of Wyoming are examples of A.magmatic arcs B.mountains created by transform plate
movement C.mountains created by plate suturing D.fault block mountains E.exotic terranes
13. Glossopteris and Mesosaurus were A.ancient continents B.subduction zones C.fossils used in
formulating Continental Drift theory D.glacial deposits on Laurentia E.rock magnetic polarity zones
14. The ? is the area on the Earth's surface directly above the source of an earthquake. A.focus B.epicenter
C.both the focus and the epicenter are areas on the Earth's surface directly above the source of an earthquake
15. Seafloor spreading primarily produces A.granite B.andesite C.basalt D.peridotite E.migmatite
16. ? is the direction of a horizontal line in the plane of bedding. A.strike B.dip C.both strike and dip form
horizontal surfaces in the plane of bedding
17. Transform plate boundaries often produce A.large mountains like the Himalyas B.large lake basins as seen
in East Africa C.volcanic mountains like the Andes D.fault zones as in California E.island arcs like Japan
18. A ? fault is a low-angle fault, in which the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall. A.strike-slip
B.normal C.reverse D.thrust
19. Old oceanic plate material typically produces a ? subduction zone than younger oceanic plate material.
A.less steep B.steeper
20. The oldest ocean rocks preserved on the ocean floor are about ? years old. A.100 million B.200 million
C.540 million D.1 billion E.4.4 billion
21. Earth magnetism is believed to be due to movement in the Earth's A.crust B.mantle C.core D.all of the
above are important in producing Earth magnetism
22. The ? Scale measures the extent to which human-built structures are damaged. A.Mercalli B.Richter
23. Continent-continent convergent boundaries often produce A.large mountains like the Himalyas B.large
lakes as seen in East Africa C.volcanic mountains like the Andes D.fault zones as in California E.island
arcs like Japan
24. A guyot is a A.plutonic igneous rock B.flat-topped submarine volcano C.volcanic igneous rock
D.metamorphic facies E.subduction zone
25. Ocean-ocean convergent boundaries often produce A.large mountains like the Himalyas B.large lakes as
seen in East Africa C.volcanic mountains like the Andes D.fault zones as in California E.island arcs like
26. ? are "seismic sea waves". A.ignimbrites B.unconformities C.faults D.tsunamis E.monoclines
27. The ? Scale measures earthquake intensity. A.Mercalli B.Richter
28. A ? is an unconformity in which the beds on opposite side are parallel. A.angular unconformity
B.nonconformity C.disconformity
29. Declination pertains to A.the strike of rock layers B.the dip of rock layers C.the cooling of the Earth's
climate D.formation of Simatic plates E.magnetic orientation
30. An orogeny is a A.fault block B.joint C.mountain building event D.portion of the Earth's core
E.discontinuity between the crust and mantle
31. Polar Wandering Curves are formed due to A.the poles "wandering" in their position B.movement of
continents C.Milankovitch Cycles
32. Seismographs record A.volcanism B.earthquake vibrations C.folding of Earth layers D.the Curie Point
E.erosion rates
33. A ? is a fold in which the limbs dip toward one another and toward the fold axis. A.anticline B.syncline
C.monocline D.structural dome E.structural basin
34. The ?-wave shadow zone is between approximately 105° and 180° from the earthquake epicenter. A.Love
B.Rayleigh C.P D.S
35. Convergent plate boundaries typically have ? continental shelves. A.narrow B.wide
36. Peridotite is the dominant rock type in the A.crust B.mantle C.outer core D.inner core E.peridotite is
found in all of the above layers of the Earth
37. In a ? fault, the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall. A.strike-slip B.normal C.reverse
38. An uplifted fault block is termed a A.joint B.monocline C.anticline D.graben E.horst
39. Continental plates are primarily made of A.granite B.andesite C.basalt D.peridotite E.migmatite
40. The ?-wave shadow zone indicates that the Earth's core is liquid. A.Love B.Rayleigh C.P D.S
41. ? is the force applied to an object. A.stress B.strain C.both stress and strain are the forces applied to
42. ? formulated Continental Drift theory, publishing "The Origin of Continents and Oceans" in 1915. A.Lyell
B.Hutton C.Playfair D.Wegener E.Darwin
43. Strike and dip defines the ? of rock layers. A.composition B.textures C.attitude D.melting E.subduction
44. Seafloor Spreading is most apparent at A.subduction zones spot traces C.ophiolite sequences
D.midoceanic ridges E.microcontinents
45. The ? Discontinuity is between the crust and mantle. A.Gutenberg B.Mohorovicic
46. Mid-oceanic ridges are often offset by A.volcanoes B.subduction zones C.ophiolite sequences
D.transform faults E.peridotites
47. A ? is a fold which exhibits local steepening of an otherwise uniform dip. A.anticline B.syncline
C.monocline D.structural dome E.structural basin
48. Gondwana was the ? continent in Continental Drift Theory. A.northern B.southern
49. Plate motion in Plate Tectonic Theory is driven by A.convection B.slab pull C.slab suction D.ridge push
E.the plates are driven by all of the above
50. Rift valleys would most likely be present along A.subduction zones spot traces C.ophiolite
sequences D.midoceanic ridges E.microcontinents
51. Benioff Zones are defined by means of A.volcanoes B.plutons C.continental shelves D.midoceanic ridges
52. The "Curie Point" is important for A.defining plate boundaries B.recording the magnetic field in rocks
C.creating Triple Rift systems D.depositing sedimentary rocks E.establishing the climate on Gondwana
53. A ? would be an unconformity between plutonic igneous and sedimentary rocks. A.angular unconformity
B.nonconformity C.disconformity
54. ? waves are transverse surface waves. A.Love B.Rayleigh C.P D.S
55. Rift valleys are produced by plate A.divergence B.convergence C.shear
56. Pelagic sediments and gabbros would be most characteristic of exposed portions of ? plates. A.continental
B.oceanic C.pelagic sediments and gabbros are characteristic of both of these environments
57. The Hawaiian Islands are examples of A.rift zones B.subduction zones C.ophiolite sequences
D.transform faults spots
58. If you "straddle" a dip-slip fault trace, the foot standing on the oldest bed will also be standing on the ? fault
block. A.downthrown B.upthrown
59. The study of earthquakes is termed A.petrology B.tectonics C.seismology D.sedimentology
60. In a ? fold, the the fold axis is inclined at some angle to the horizontal. A.asymmetrical B.overturned
C.plunging D.recumbent
61. Deep Ocean Trenches are due to plate A.divergence B.convergence C.shear
62. Ocean-continent convergent boundaries often produce A.large mountains like the Himalyas B.large lake
basins as seen in East Africa C.volcanic mountains like the Andes D.fault zones as in California E.island
arcs like Japan
63. The most important plate boundaries that create mountain ranges are ? boundaries. A.divergent
B.convergent C.shear
64. Sialic plates are ? than simatic plates. A.lighter B.heavier C.they are the same density
65. Each Richter Scale number represents about a ?-fold increase in energy versus the preceeding number. A.5
B.12 C.18 D.22 E.32
66. In a ? fold, the axial plane is horizontal. A.asymmetrical B.overturned C.plunging D.recumbent
67. The supercontinent of Continental Drift Theory was A.Pangaea B.Panthalassa C.both Pangaea and
Panthalassa were supercontinents
68. When a geologic contact crosses a stream, it forms a "V" on a geologic map. This "V" is due to A.dipping
beds B.igneous extrusions C.metamorphic foliation D.unconformities E.earthquakes
69. Chains of seamounts and volcanic island chains are often produced by A.rift zones B.subduction zones
C.ophiolite sequences D.transform faults spots
70. Oceanic plates are termed A.sialic B.simatic C.some oceanic plates are sialic; others are sialic
71. There ? relative movement of rocks on either side of a joint. no
72. This test number is A. Please answer "A" for question # 72.