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Name _________________________________________________
World Cultures and Geography
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Study Guide: Islam
Directions: You need to know the following:
What you need to know
What does Islam mean?
Who is a Muslim?
Surrender or submission to Allah (God).
Any believer in the Islamic religion.
In what region of the world do the Only 20% of Muslims live in the Middle East. The majority
majority of Muslims live?
(62%) of Muslims live in the Asia-Pacific region of the World
(Indonesia has the largest population of Muslims)
What percent of the worldwide
Muslim population is Middle20%
Are Abraham and Jesus
respected in the Islamic faith?
Who was the prophet
Yes. Muslims respect and recognize Abraham and Jesus as
prophets. However, Muslims believe the final prophet was
Muhammad and he was the one who wrote God’s words.
Why is the city of Mecca, Saudi
Arabia important to Muslims?
Muhammad is believed to be the final prophet to Muslims.
Muslims believe he spoke to God and wrote all of God’s words
down in the Quran.
Muslims believe there will be a final day of judgment. On this
day believers and those that follow the five pillars and teachings
within the Quran will be taken to paradise and those that have
not will be taken to hell.
Mecca is the original city where Muhammad spoke to Allah.
Mecca is also home to what Muslims believe to be the original
home of Allah, known as the Kaaba.
What is the Quran? Who wrote
The Quran is the holy book of Muslims. It was written by
Muhammad over a span of several years and it’s believed to be
the actual words of God (by Muslims).
What do Muslims believe about
an afterlife?
The Quran is considered by Muslims to be the actual words of
What is the difference between God, written by Muhammad. The Quran is different from the
holy books like the Quran and
New Testament (Bible) because the Quran is much less
the New Testament?
narrative (story-based) while the New Testament includes
narratives about the life of Jesus.
Hadiths are written accounts by people that supposedly had
What is a Hadith? Do all Muslims interactions with Muhammad and wrote stories about him. Many
believe in the scripture found in Hadiths are not followed or believed by Muslims because many
are just considered stories by people.
What is the name for the holy
Muslims pray in Mosques. Muslims face the Kaaba, which is in
place of worship Muslims pray
the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
in? Where do Muslims face when
they pray?
What is the name of the holy
shrine at the Grand Mosque in
What is call to prayer?
Muslims must pray 5 times a day, call to prayer calls through
music which signals Muslims to pray
What is the name of the tall
towers on mosques?
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
Rules or methods of workshop that are written in the Quran that
all Muslims should follow
Explain Pillar 1: Shahadah
You must recite the following: “Allah is God and Muhammad is
the prophet”
Explain Pillar 2: Salat
Praying 5 times a day in the direction of Mecca.
Explain Pillar 3: Zakat
Fasting during the month of Ramadan
Explain Pillar 4: Sawm
Giving 2.5 percent of one’s income to the poor
Explain Pillar 5: Hajj
Making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during one’s
lifetime if physically able
Part 2: Changing Stereotypes to Qualified Statements
Use information from your notes and class activities to change the following stereotypes into true,
“All Muslims are Arab and live in the Middle
“All Muslims are terrorists”
“Islam oppresses women”
“The deity worshipped in Islam (Allah) different
than deities worshipped in other religions.”
“Islam teaches its followers to hate people from
other religions.”
“The word Jihad is the name for the holy war
Muslims are fighting against the world”
Qualified statement and FACTS that disprove
the stereotype
1.5 Billion Muslims in the world.
Only 20% of the worldwide Muslim population
lives in the Middle East. 61% of Muslims live in
Asia-Pacific countries.
Almost 95% of Muslims denounce acts relating
to terrorism. Only 6% of terrorist attacks on the
U.S. have been by Muslim extremists. The
majority of terrorist actions have been conducted
by people living within the United States.
While there are some Muslim nations that oppress
women, MOST of the Muslim world does NOT
engage in these actions. Muslim women have been
presidents and prime ministers. Violence towards
women and forcing actions against the will of women
is not permitted by Islam.
Islam not only respects and acknowledges other prophets
like Abraham and Jesus but, the religion of the Jews and
Christians is the same as that revealed to Muhammad, and
Allah is God of them all.
Islam not only respects and acknowledges other prophets
like Abraham and Jesus but, the religion of the Jews and
Christians is the same as that revealed to Muhammad, and
Allah is God of them all.
Jihad means struggle. Jihad applies to any internal or
external struggle a human deals with.