Download Newsletter Jan 2016 (2) - Ewelme Village Preschool

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Dear parents and carers
Hello everyone. We hope you all enjoyed the holidays, a big welcome to our new starters; Eleanor, Jemima, Joshua
and Elina.
This term’s topic is PLANETS & SPACE and we have planned to talk about the six planets closest to the sun, as well as
space exploration. Here’s a summary of how we hope the weeks will go:-
Week 1 MERCURY – Our first port of call and
incidentally the first planet closest to the sun; we will
visit all the planets listed from the smallest to the
largest. Did you know Mercury is covered in craters
and completely dry? It has a sunny side as well as a
dark side so we may need torches to explore this
week. We will start our space-themed wall display.
Phonic of the week is R.
Week 2 VENUS – The second planet closest to the
sun is the brightest planet in the solar system and is
also known as ‘the morning star’. Most of the planets
were given names of Roman Gods or their
attendants; Venus is named after the Roman Goddess
of love and beauty.
ZOOLAB will be visiting this week, details to follow.
Phonic of the week is O.
Week 3 EARTH the third planet from the sun and
where we live; we can also discuss the fact that
British astronaut Tim Peake is currently on the
International Space Station. What would it be like to
travel into space? We will ‘explore our planet’ by
taking a walk around the village. We can make
astronauts and rockets for our display.
Phonic of the week is C.
Week 4 MARS the fourth planet which is also known
as ‘the red planet’ is smaller than the Earth and is
very cold. We will be making telescopes this week
and pretend to explore the various planets. Because
of it being Burns’ night, we will be reading spacerelated poems. Phonic of the week is K.
Week 5 JUPITER is the giant of the solar system and is
the fifth planet from the sun and also the stormiest of all
the planets, so we will discuss different types of weather.
We will decorate biscuits to look like some of the planets
we’ve visited so far. Phonic of the week is E.
Week 6 SATURN is the sixth planet in our solar system
and, when seen through a telescope, by far the most
It’s going to be a very busy week this week, with Shrove
Tuesday (pancake day) Chinese New Year (year of the
monkey) and Valentine’s day so we have lots of activities
planned related to all of those items listed.
Phonic of the week is T.
If anyone has anything at home that we can use, display
or discuss with the children in relation to our topic please
feel free to bring it in.
I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank all our
parents who take the tea towels and make play dough
for us each week, as well as those of you who volunteer
to be parent helper it really is much appreciated!
If anyone wishes to speak to myself or any other
member of the team, please do not hesitate to ask.
I will be sending regular updates via text message so
please ensure we have correct mobile phone numbers.
For any other updates please check out our website:
End of term is Friday 12th February.
Thank You
Kerry & team