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Battle of Marathon (1st Battle)
Battle of Thermopylae (2nd Battle)
* Persians waited for the Greeks on the plain of
Marathon to begin battle
* The Greeks planned to block the water way
the Persians were using to transport food and
supplies to their army
* Persians got tired of waiting for the Greeks so
they decided to sail their ships to Athens to fight
* When the Greeks saw the Persians load their
strongest soldiers onto the ships, they decided
this was a good time for a surprise attack
* Persian army was not ready for this fight and
had only their weak soldiers available for battle
* Greeks were successful at holding back the
Persians for two days until a traitor from the
Greek side told the Persians their plan
* As a result the Persians attacked the Greeks
behind and the Persians won the second battle
* As a result, the Greeks won the first battle
Battle of Salamis
Battle of Plateau
* In this battle, the Greeks tricked the Persians
* This battle was Greece’s revenge on the
Persian Empire for burning down Greek city
* Greek ships were smaller and easier to
navigate than Persian ships so the Greeks took
their ships down the strait of Salamis (a narrow
body of water) knowing the Persians would
follow them and get stuck
* All of the Greek city states combined to form
the LARGEST army ever assembled
* Persians were not expecting such a large army
and were not prepared
* Persian ships could not make it down the strait
and got stuck, so the Greek plan worked!
* As a result, the Greeks won this battle and the
entire Persian War
* As a result, the Greeks won the third battle
* After this battle, the Persians were mad and
then burned down the city of Athens
* This win was a huge turning point for the
Greeks as they were able to push the Persians
back to Asia and successfully avoided an
invasion from their enemy
 The Greek City States were able to maintain
their independence.
 Athens was hurt and had a huge
reconstruction task to complete
 The Persian Empire was unable to take over
 The Greek City States reestablished
alliances in the event that the Persians seek
The Persian Army, once really strong, was
greatly weakened
 The Delian League grew in strength
 Athens was accused of taking money from
the Delian League to help in rebuild
 Some City-States felt that Athens grew
too powerful
 Some argued that Athens used the Delian
League to establish and empire
 As a result, Sparta joined forces with
other City-states and formed the
Peloponnesian League. (This is an
overlapping statement).
War Continues
 The Athenians were supplied by their
superior Navy. They had a fortified
walkway connected to their ports
 All of the people packed in behind the
walls of Athens led to the spread of a
Even with the great loss of life the war
lasted for 25 years
Sparta and other became weary of Athens
and formed the Peloponnesian League
War around Athens
 Athens believed that their Democracy
was superior to the forms of government
in other City-States
 Athens had a superior navy and Sparta
had the superior Army
 Sparta Attacked Athens and surrounded
the city-state.
The War Ends
 The land outside of Athens was not being
farmed by the Athenians.
 The Spartans were desperate to win the
war so they turned to their former
enemies, the Persians, and made an
 The Persians helped defeat the Athenian
 The Spartans tore down the wall of
Athens and ruled over most of Greece for
30 years.