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Question Bank
Name of Paper: Consumer Behavior
Course: MBA III sem
Code of Paper: FT 304 M
Unit No.- I
Unit Name- Introduction to Consumer Behavior
Q1.What is consumer behavior? Why is it important for a marketing manager to study
consumer behavior?
Q2. (a) What are the characteristics of effective segmentation?
(b) Give suitable bases for segmenting market for following productsi) Computers
ii) Jewelry
iii) Restaurant
iv) Car
Q3. Critically analyze the following statements :i) “Consumer Behavior is a multi- disciplinary science”
ii) “Government and non profit making organizations need to study consumer
a) Cosmetics
Q4. Discuss the interrelationship between Consumer Behaviour and Marketing
Mix Strategies with suitable examples
Q5. Define Consumer Behavior. Explain its nature, scope, need and application?
Q6. Write short note on following:a) Product
b) Differentiate between consumer & customer
c) Organizational customer & Individual Customer
Q7. You are the brand manager of a new line of light weight autofocus, economically
priced digital cameras. Describe how an understanding of consumer behaviour will help
you in your segmentation strategy and promotion strategy. What are the consumer
behaviour variables that are crucial to your understanding of this market ?
Q8. You are the manager of a highly sought brand of apparel that offers a complete
range of highly priced but good quality trendy wears for both boys and girls. Describe
how an understanding of consumer behavior would be useful you in deciding on your
Segmentation strategy
New product introduction
Promotion strategy
What aspects of consumer behavior would be most relevant for you to study and why?
Q9. Define Consumer behavior and explain its significance in current market conditions.
Q10. What is meant by consumer behavior? Explain interrelationship between marketing
strategy and consumer behavior?
Q11. Discuss the emerging trends in Indian market with special reference to changing
consumer behavior. Explain the application of understanding consumer behavior in
marketing decisions.
Q12. A marketer in the cosmetics industry once remarked: “In the factory, we make
cosmetics; in the drugstore we sell hope” how does this relate to the marketing concept
and the need of the marketers to understand consumer behavior?
Q13. In what ways is the study of consumer behavior useful to consumer-advocate
groups concerned with designing laws to assist and protect consumers?
Q14. Choose an actual non-profit organization and suggest areas where knowledge of its
“consumers” might improve the services it provides.
Q15.(a) What are the characteristics of effective segmentation?
(b) Give suitable bases for segmenting market for following productsi) Computers
ii) Jewelry
iii) Restaurant
iv) Car
Q16. Compare and Comment on the positioning strategy of following companies:a) Idea v/s Vodafone
b) Coca- cola v/s Pepsi
c) Dish TV v/s Tata Sky
d) Bingo v/s Lays
Q16. You are the marketing manager of a newly established company. Design the
segmenting and positioning strategy for following products :a) laptop
b) Wrist watch
c) Cosmetics
Q17. What are the various bases of segmentation. Explain with example.
Q18.(a) What is Positioning?
(b) “ A unique Positioning Strategy is the need of all business organizations ” Do you
agree with the statement. justify
(c) Explain various positioning strategies.
Q19. Explain the demographic and psychological factors influencing consumer
behaviour with relevant examples.
Q20. Outline the benefits of undertaking market segmentation. Explain various basis of market
Unit No.- II
Unit Name- Environmental Influence on Consumer Behavior
Q1. What is the effect of Culture and Sub-culture on Consumer Behaviour?
Q2. What are the environmental factors which influence a Consumer’s Decision-making
Process? Explain with the help of an example.
Q3. Explain the social factors affecting Consumer Behaviour.
Q4. Explain the relationship between Environmental Factors and Consumer Behavior.
Q5. What factors influence consumption pattern of consumers for following products :(1) Cyber Cafe
(2) Washing Machine
(3) Furniture
(4) Restaurant
Q6. As a marketing manager of a firm what external factors you will use and alter to
promote your following products:(1) Jeans
(2) Sim card
(3) Suitings/ Dress material
Q7. Discribe the various types of consumers How would you handle the
following types of consumers(using factors influencing them)?
a) Silent old woman
b) Impatient college girl
c) A villager
d) Business Executive
Q8. You are the brand manager of a new line of light weight autofocus, economically
priced digital cameras. Describe how an understanding of consumer behavior will help
you in your segmentation strategy and promotion strategy. What are the consumer
behavior variables that are crucial to your understanding of this market?
Q9. Which of the stages of the family life cycle would constitute the most lucrative
segment/segments for the following products and services?
(a) Domino's pizza
(b) Mobile telephones
(c) Mutual funds
Justify your answer.
Q10. Outline the diffusion and adoption process for innovations, with suitable
Q11. Discuss family influences on buying decisions. Explain the role played by family
members in buying:a) Birthday gift to son
b) Car
c) Home furniture
(a) Define and explain diffusion process in detail.
(b) Differentiate between diffusion and adoption process
(c) What factors of a product influence adoption or diffusion process?
Q13. Define culture. What are the most important characteristics of culture that reflects
its nature? Why is the study of culture important to marketers?
Q14. Explain cross cultural effect? How this concept is used by Multi national companies
in entering a foreign market?
Q15. Write Short Note on following :(a) Lifestyle Marketing
(b) Personal influence
(c) Opinion leadership
(d) Adopter Categories
Q16. Define opinion leaders. What are the traits/ characteristics of opinion leaders and
how this concept is used by marketers?
Q17. What do you mean by cross cultural values? What are the various values which a
marketer need to study for entering foreign market?
Q18.(a) Why do some marketers feel that lifestyle segmentation is more appropriate than
demographic segmentation in present scenario?
(b) A marketer of high end perfume for women wants to use AIO segmentation to select
appropriate marketing strategy for his product. Which segments in your view, will be
most suitable for such a product and why?
Q19. Which of the stages of the family life cycle would constitute the most lucrative
segment/segments for the following products and services?
a) Timeshare holiday homes
b) Fast food
c) DVD players
Q20. How would you use the family life cycle concept to plan your marketing effort for:
i. launching compute training courses
ii. marketing of housing schemes offering 1, 2 or 3 bedroom houses in metropolitan town.
Q21. How does reference group influence vary over product categories? What type of
reference group influence can you expect in the following and why?
i. Wrist Watches
ii. Soap
iii. Residential houses
Q22. What are the marketing applications of reference group influence? How would
these applications vary in case of personal care product like shampoo and service product
like sports club membership?
Q23. Explain any one approach to study consumer lifestyle. Discuss the applications to
which a marketer’s understanding of lifestyle analysis can be put in marketing decisions,
explain by using examples.
Q24. Write shot note on following:
i. Focus group
ii. Effect of personality and self concept on consumer behavior
Q25. What is ‘reference group’? Explain its relevance to consumer behavior.
Q26. Explain the psychological and social factors influencing consumer behavior.
Q27. How could moslow’s motive hierarchy be used to develop marketing strategy?
Discuss with relevant examples.
Q28. What is social stratification? Discuss how social class affects marketing strategy.
Q29. Write short note on following:
Significance of family lifecycle
Opinion leadership
Types of reference group
Significance of reference group
Culture and buying behavior
Q30. Explain with suitable examples how buying behavior varies with stages of family
life cycle. How can different members in household be involved in different stages of
family decision process?
Q31. Name 3 products that are presently culturally unacceptable. What marketing
strategies would you use to overcome this cultural resistance?
Q32. How changing role of females is influencing the marketing approaches necessary to
reach and sell our prospects effectively?
Q33. Who are opinion leaders? How does they differ from those they influence?
Q34. Describe various adopter categories.
Unit No. III
Unit Name- Consumer as an individual
Q1. Explain Weber’s law and its application with examples.
Q2. "In a highly competitive Marketing Enviroriment, it is only those firms which have
been able to define their market in terms of consumer needs they will satisfy, will be
termed as successful marketers."
Explain the above statement with reference to the impact that Motivation has on
Consumer Behaviour.
Q3. Explain various theories of personality.
Q4. Discuss various factors responsible for attitude formation.
Q5. What do you mean by involvement and what are its marketing Implications?
Q6. What are the various personality traits of consumer which a marketer should study?
Q7. Explain Perceptual process in detail.
Q8. What are the various internal and external factors influencing Perception?
Q9. What causes perceptual distortion?
Q10. Short Notes:(a) Self concept
(b) Types of motives
(c) Motivational arousal
(d) Difference between perception and sensation
(e) Absolute threshold and Differential threshold
(f) Components of attitude
(g) Characteristics of attitude
(h) Factors affecting attitude
(i) Trait theory of personality
Q11. State Weber’s law. How it is used by marketers explain in detail with examples.(at
least 5 examples)
Q12. How can marketers change the attitude of their customers?
Q13. Discuss the psychological factor influencing Consumer Behaviour with suitable
Q14. What is meant by Motive Hierarchy? How does maslow's Hierarchy of
needs function?
Q15. How does personality and self-concept affect consumer buyer?
Q16. Which theory of learning – classical conditioning, operant conditioning or cognitive
learning best explains the following consumption behavior? Give reasons for your answer
in each case.
1. Buying a personal computer for the first time
2. Switching one brand of detergent to another
3. Preferring to buy your shirts from the same brand outlet
Q17. Write a detailed note on following:
a) Attitude change Strategies
b) Influence of culture on Consumer Behavior
c) VALS II typology
Q18. How does Moslow’s need hierarchy explains consumer motivation? Which level of
need can be used to motivate purchase of following products/ services (any two)
i. Multivitamin tablets
ii. Motor bikes
iii. Pension plans
Q19. What do you understand by absolute threshold and differential threshold ? How do
marketers apply the concept of differential threshold or just noticeable difference” in the
marketing strategy? Explain by taking examples from the FMCG category.
Q20. Explain how knowledge of personality can be used by marketer to develop
marketing strategy?
Q21. Differentiate between personality and lifestyle. Give suitable examples of lifestyle
Q22. Why are consumers’ needs and goals constantly changing? What factors influence
the formation of new goals?
Q23. Describe the nature of Personal Influence. Why is it necessary for marketer?
Unit No.- IV
Unit Name- Consumer Decision Making Process
Q.1 What is meant by Purchase Involvement? How does level of consumer
Involvement influence purchase decision-making?
Q2 What are the factors which influence a Consumer’s Decision-making
Process? Explain with the help of an example.
Q.3 (a) Define Consumer Satisfaction. What is the relationship between
Consumer Satisfaction, Repeat Purchase and Committed Customer.
(b) "A dissatisfied customer is an unpaid salesman of your competitor." Explain
the statement giving importance of consumer behaviour in present
marketing scenario.
Q.4 Indicate the difference between Industrial Buying and Consumer Buying.
Q.5 Discuss the steps involved in Decision-making Process, give suitable
Q.6 Define business market? Explain how consumer markets differ from
business market.
Q.7 “Industrial goods buying is a very complex process” Explain the statement
and industrial buying process and highlight the importance of buying
Q.8 What do you understand by extensive problem solving, limited problem solving
and routinised response behaviour ? What kind of decision process can you expect in
the following cases and why ?
(a) Purchase of a greeting card for a close friend.
(b) Purchase of an after shave lotion/moisturizer
Q.9 (a) How can marketers influence the information search process of their consumers?
Illustrate by taking suitable example.
(b) Explain how marketers can use the knowledge of various decision making process
stages [ marketing implication of all the stages]
Q.10 You are planning to buy your first personal home computer though you have been
using one for a long time in your office. Explain your buying process using information
processing model.
Q11. What patronage motive influence your choice for following products :a)
movie theater
departmental store
sporting goods store
shoe store
Q12. Write short notes on following:(a) Importance of Consumer Satisfaction
(b) Consumer Delight
(c) Types of Buying Motives
(d) Consumer Complaints - 'A Sign of Interest'
(e) Institutional and Government market.
Buying Centre
Buying Situation
Purchase Involvement
Factors likely to increase pre purchase search for information
Post purchase behavior of consumer
Customer staisfaction
Q13. How do consumer seek to reduce post purchase dissonance? As a marketer of
consumer durables, explain how can you provide positive reinforcement to the consumers
after they have purchased your brand?
Q14. Outlining the key differences between individual buying and organizational
buying. Explain what variations in marketing effort will have to be made by a
manufacturer of stationery items, who now intends to enter organizational markets,
after successfully established himself in the individual consumer market.
Q15. (a) How do simple problem recognition and complex problem recognition vary?
How can marketers apply the knowledge of this variation?
(b) How can marketers influence the information search process of their consumers?
Illustrate by taking suitable example.
Q16. (a) How does organizational buying behavior differ from individual buying
behavior? Explain with the help of examples?
(b) What are the factors used for supplier selection by organizations?
Q17. What are the factors that influence the extent of pre purchase information search by
consumers? How can marketers of consumer durables utilize this information?
Q18. What are the factors in a buying situation that result in extended search for pre
purchase information by consumers? Based on factors identified by you, what kind of
information search behavior can you expect in case of:
a) The purchase of personal computers by a family
b) The purchase of a new brand of deodorant
Q19. How is consumer involvement level with purchase decision level related to the type
of product he/she is purchasing?
Q20. Explain the concept of involvement and its influence on consumer decision making
Q21. “Post purchase behavior of consumer is more important for marketing manager than
pre purchase behavior.” Do you agree? Why?
Q22. (a) What are the sources of information and the factors leading to high and low
information search?
(b) What are the factors leading to satisfaction and dissatisfaction and what are the
responses of a dissatisfies customer?
Unit No.- V
Unit Name- Consumer Behavior models
Q1. Explain. anyone model of Consumer Decision-making with relevant
Q2. Explain the Howard Seth Model of Consumer Behavior.
Q3. Explain anyone model of Consumer Behavior in detail, giving suitable
Q4. Explain the Nicosia Model of Consumer Behavior
Q5. Explain the Engel Blackwell and Miniard Model of Consumer Behavior
Q6. Explain the Sheth family and decision making Model of Consumer
Q7. Explain consumer decision making process with the help of any one
consumer decision making model.
Q8. Explain the Engel Blackwell and Miniard Model of Consumer Behavior.
Discuss its applications and limitations in formulation of a marketing program.
Unit No.- VI
Unit Name- CRM
Q1. Is consumerism boon or bane in India? Discuss with suitable examples.
Q2. Write a brief note on consumer rights and consumer policy in India.
Q3. What is ‘Consumerism’? Explain the significance of ‘Consumerism’ in Marketing.
Q4. How companies retain their customers?
Q5. Explain relationship marketing in detail.
Q7. Write Short Note on following:(a) Effect of Consumerism on Marketing Ethics
(b) Customer Retention
(c) Customer loyalty ladder
(d) Deceptive advertisements
Q8. Explain Customer Relationship marketing. Which strategies are followed in CRM
Q9. How consumer complaints can be useful asset to a company?
Q10. Why is important for an organization to be responsive to consumers?
Case 1: New Customer - Information Needs
Case 2: Kellogg
Case 3: Using the power of reference
Case 4: Levis Strauss