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BIO 330 Cell Biology
Lecture Outline
Spring 2011
Chapter 24: Cancer Cells
I. Uncontrolled Cell Proliferation
A. Types of cancer
Lymphomas & leukemias
B. Unbalanced cell division vs. cell differentiation
C. Characteristics of cancer cells
Insensitive to population density
D. Immortalization involves maintaining telomere length
E. Defects in signaling pathways, cell cycle controls, apoptosis
II. Spread of Cancer Cells
A. Angiogenesis
Angiogenesis-activating molecules – VEGF, FGF
Angiogenesis-inhibiting molecules – angiostatin, endostatin
B. Invasion & metastasis
Invasion – growth of tumor into neighboring tissue
Metastasis – tumor cells traveling through the blood to establish new tumors
at distant sites
C. Invasion – changes in cell adhesion, motility, proteases
Reduced adhesion due to loss of E-cadherin
Increased motility
Protease production to break down basal lamina and other tissue
Plasminogen activator produces plasmin
Plasmin degrades ECM and activates matrix metalloproteinases
D. Metastasis
Tumor cells travel through lymphatic and/or blood vessels to new sites
Blood flow patterns influence sites of metastasis
Growth factor production by “target” organs can influence success of tumor metastasis
E. Immune system response to cancer cells
III. Causes of Cancer
A. Epidemiological identification of carcinogens
B. Metabolic activation of chemicals by liver
Precarcinogens are activated by cytochrome P450 enzymes in liver
C. DNA mutations by chemical carcinogens
Ames test
Incubation +/- liver extract
D. Multistep process
BIO 330 Cell Biology
Lecture Outline
Spring 2011
Tumor progression
E. DNA mutation by ionizing & ultraviolet radiation
F. Viruses trigger some cancers
Rous sarcoma virus
HPV – human papillomavirus
IV. Cancer Genes – Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes
A. Proto-oncogene conversion to oncogenes
Point mutations
Gene amplification
Chromosomal translocation
Local DNA rearrangements
B. Oncogenes code for growth-signaling pathways
Growth factors
Plasma membrane GTP-binding proteins
Nonreceptor protein kinases
Transcription factors
Cell cycle or cell death regulators
C. Tumor suppressor genes
D. RB tumor suppressor gene
E. p53 tumor suppressor gene
F. APC tumor suppressor gene
G. Stepwise accumulation of mutations
H. DNA repair or chromosome sorting
I. Epigenetic alterations
J. Summary of hallmarks of cancer
Self-sufficiency in growth signals
Insensitivity to antigrowth signals
Evasion of apoptosis
Limitless replicative potential
Sustained angiogenesis
Tissue invasion & metastasis
V. Diagnosis, Screening & Treatment
A. Microscopy
B. Screening techniques for early detection
C. Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy
D. Immunotherapy
E. Molecular targeting
F. Molecular and genetic testing
G. Anti-angiogenic therapies