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Councillor Wynne (in the Chair)
G Coleman Hardy
In attendance:
Ms H. France, Executive Director, Places Directorate
Mr A. Cavill, Assistant Director, Asset Management, Capital Projects and Illuminations
Mr P. Welsh, Mr W. Britain, Mr P. Cross and Mr P. Legg, Places Directorate
Miss G. Atkinson, Resources Directorate
Councillor Mrs Callow, Cabinet Member, Tourism and Regeneration
There were no declarations of interest on this occasion.
The Committee agreed that the minutes be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
The Committee considered the decisions taken since the last meeting of the Committee
by the Executive and Cabinet Member for Tourism and Regeneration.
With regard to decision EX30/2010, ’Highways Asset Management Plan’, a discussion
took place with regard to the Council’s provision for matched funding for Ward and Area
Forum budgets to rectify road repairs that had been identified by Ward Members. A
concern was raised regarding the prioritisation of Ward budget spend and it was felt that
a number of Wards had more pertinent issues that should be addressed. The Cabinet
Member advised that it was for the discretion of the Ward Member to choose whether
the allocation of Ward budget funding on highway repairs was a key priority for their
In respect of decision PH46/2010, ’Homes and Communities Agency Scheme - 33/35
Rawcliffe Street’, the Committee was advised that the acquisition of properties was
undertaken according to stringent conditions. Properties were either in a severe state of
disrepair or had been suggested to the Council by the property owners. All properties
were independently assessed by Keppi Massie to ensure consistency and transparency
in the process.
The Committee agreed to note the decisions.
The Committee considered the decision relevant to Tourism and Regeneration, as
outlined in the Forward Plan, Summary of Key Decisions.
The Committee agreed to note the decision.
Mr Welsh, Head of Directorate Development, referred to the Agenda report
which outlined key achievements that had been delivered in respect of the Visitor
Economy Strategy over the past 12 months. It was reported that the fundamental aim of
the Strategy was to improve the quality of Blackpool’s tourism offer through a positive
partnership between the public and private sector.
The Committee was advised that data information from areas such as attractions, hotels
and car parks, were now collated on a monthly basis for the Visitor Economy
Performance Indicator (VEPI). The data was used to inform the private sector to
enable a more effective response to changing trends. Baseline data that had been
collated in 2009 would be used for comparative purposes to quantify future years’
Mr Welsh reported that the Visitor Economy Strategy had now expired and would be
refreshed as part of the establishment of the new Blackpool Marketing Company and the
Fylde Coast Economic Development Company.
In response to questioning from the Committee, Mr Welsh explained that the Council
had a positive working relationship with Northern Rail and Transpennine Express to offer
a visitor rail service that could achieve Blackpool’s needs. The level of incoming rail
traffic had improved over the past 12 months.
Members were advised that VEPI data enabled the Council to understand the impact
that large-scale events had on the town. While 2009 had experienced an increase in the
number of visitors, the data demonstrated that the level of spend per visitor was still
relatively low. Mr Welsh explained that a higher quality tourism offer would attract visitors
to the town who would stay longer and spend more. Furthermore, the altering of events,
such as hosting the World Fireworks Championship over a single weekend, could
encourage more weekend, rather than day, visits.
In response to a query regarding the future of the North West Development Agency, the
Committee was advised that the Council’s economic development structure would adapt
to any arrangements that the new government may propose.
The Committee agreed to note the update report.
Background Papers: None.
The Committee was provided with an update from Ms France, Executive Director,
Places Directorate, on the development of tourism assets that had been recently
purchased by the Council. In addition to the report, Members were advised that Merlin
Entertainments aimed to sell the majority of Blackpool attraction tickets outside of the
town at its other venues. This would increase national marketing and promotion of
In response to questioning from the Committee, Ms France advised that the majority of
units within the Blackpool Tower complex would be retained; however, consideration
was being made to the introduction of a number of units that would be more suitable to
the Tower as a family-friendly attraction.
With regard to questions raised regarding the Winter Gardens, the Committee was
informed that the Council was working with English Heritage and the North West
Development Agency to identify long-term sustainable uses of the building that would
be sympathetic to its heritage. It was anticipated that the review would be completed
within the next 12 months. In the short-term, small-scale repairs and maintenance to the
building would be undertaken but this would not include any major refurbishment. Ms
France advised that Crown Entertainments would continue to operate the complex for up
to four years and she explained that the new contract included very stringent conditions,
including the Council’s right to break the clause after two years. Any repair works were
subject to Council approval and would be jointly funded. Similarly, Merlin Entertainments
had been granted a £10million for the refurbishment of Blackpool Tower and profits
accrued would be jointly shared with the Council.
It was reported that the exploration of development opportunities for the Central Station
site were still being discussed with Greenbank Partnerships.
Ms France reported that the hordings surrounding the site of the Yates’s fire, which had
cost approximately £20,000, had been installed to make the site look more attractive.
The hordings were of a very high quality so that they could be used for other
development projects in the future.
With regard to the risk assessment of the Winter Gardens, the Committee requested
confirmation on whether it had been presented to the Audit Committee.
The Committee agreed to note the report.
Background Papers: None.
Mr Legg, Head of Enterprise and Employment, referred to the Agenda report which
highlighted the key achievements that had been delivered through the Local Enterprise
Growth Initiative (LEGI) over a three-year period.
In response to a query raised, the Committee was advised that the Business Start
Up programme had initially been exclusive to Blackpool’s most deprived wards;
however, as it became evident that business support was insufficient across the town,
the programme had been subsequently expanded across the whole of the Fylde Coast,
funded through the North West Development Agency. All individuals now had access to
the same model of support, although ’start-up’ finances were now reserved for those in
most need.
With regard to financial assistance, Mr Legg explained that LEGI provided capital grants
to local businesses for capital investment purposes. In addition, the Council offered a
repayable loan fund which could be used to match fund the capital investment grant.
The Committee agreed to note the update report.
Background Papers: None.
A presentation on the Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) was provided by Mr
Britain, Principal Engineer. He explained that the production of the Plan involved the
mapping of objectives against the condition and value of the Council’s highways
The item continued with an outline of Blackpool’s highways network, which included
515km of category A, B and C roads in addition to unclassified roads and back
alleyways. Members also received an overview of the current condition of the network.
Mr Britain explained that in total, a minimum of £1.42 million would be required to
maintain the network in its current condition.
In response to a query raised, the Committee was advised that road valuations were
measured according to the initial cost to construct the road, together with the rate of
depreciation. The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy was currently
developing guidance on road valuation methods to achieve consistency across all local
Mr Cross, Head of Transportation, advised Members that previously the Local Transport
Plan and the Council’s revenue budget had been used for major highway schemes;
however, both budgets had to be used for highways repairs due to pressure on the
Street Scene finances to sustain maintenance.
A discussion took place with regard to the impact that the severe snow and ice in early
2010 had caused on the condition of the roads and Mr Cross agreed that it would have a
detrimental impact on long-term deterioration.
The Committee was advised that a visit had been scheduled to Newport City Council to
gather information on Project 21. Newport City Council had been funded £21 million in
prudential borrowing for the improvement of the highways network. The Committee
requested that feedback from the visit be provided to Members.
The Committee agreed to note the presentation.
Background Papers: None.
The Committee considered the membership of the Illuminations Switch On Working Group which
had been appointed by the Committee in September 2007 to monitor progress and development
of the annual Illuminations Switch On ceremony.
Miss Atkinson advised that the membership of the Working Group would need to be updated to
reflect the changes to the Committee membership for the Municipal Year 2010/11.
The Committee agreed:
1) To note the report; and
2) That the following Members be appointed to the Illuminations Switch-On Working Group (and
that this list would supersede any previous membership list): Councillors Brown, Coleman, Evans,
Hardy, Mineur and Wynne.
Background Papers: None.
The Committee considered an update on each of the twelve outstanding
recommendations within the Retail Economy Scrutiny Action Plan.
The Committee agreed:
1) To note the updated Retail Economy Scrutiny Action Plan; and
2) That Recommendations 2, 4, 8 and 12 had been completed.
Background Papers: None.
The Committee was presented with the proposed Committee Workplan arrangements. It
was suggested that at the start of each Municipal Year, a presentation on each of the
key topic areas within the Directorate would be provided, from which the Committee
would prioritise key issues for regular progress updates and monitoring throughout the
year. It was anticipated that the new arrangements would enable the Committee to
monitor progress and developments within the Directorate more closely and effectively.
It was requested that the new Workplan arrangements include regular updates on the
number of Fixed Penalty Notices that had been issued within the Town Centre.
The Committee agreed to:
1) Adopt the new Committee Workplan arrangements for the Municipal Year 2010/11;
2) Note the update report.
Background Papers: None.
The Committee noted the date of the next meeting as Thursday 1st July 2010,
commencing at 5.00 p.m. in Committee Room A.
(The meeting ended at 6:35 pm)
Any queries regarding these minutes, please contact: