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Name: Markadia Styles
Lecturer: Sister F. Okerson
Course: Personal Development and Ethics
Date: November 11, 2015
1) Which of Jung dichotomies is most challenging for you in your personal development and state
In Jung personality Test, there are four (4) types of dichotomies. They are ExtraversionIntroversion, Sensing-Intuition, Thinking-Feeling and Judging-Perceiving. The one that I find most
challenging is the Thinking –FeelingNS reason being is that both personality type deals or represent how
a person processes information. Thinking means that the person makes his/her decision mainly through
logics/facts while the feeling means that the person makes his/her decision on emotions or what they
feel that they should do. In the result of my “Jung Personality Test” it says that I am a strong feeler but
sometime I am mislead by my emotion and I am trying to become more of a thinker than a feeler.
Sometime when I person confront me, yes I know that I am wrong but I hate being confront. Whenever I
make a decision I let my feelings comes into my decision, for example, if I see a baby’s stroller or a
baby’s car seat on the sidewalk cover with a blanket or a sheet. I will have that urge to stop and look
into it and see if a child is in there and I wouldn’t know what the outcome is if that some robber or
thieves who set it up to rob me . Basically I am trying to be more of thinker than a feeler.
2) Name Gilligan’s Stages of moral development and which stage do you believe you are currently
in? What can you do to move to the next level
In Gilligan Theory on Moral Development there are three (3) stages of morality .They are Preconventional, Conventional and Post-conventional. I am at the conventional morality stage
reason being I am being more responsible and that I show care for other. Well , to move to the
next level I am trying to care for one’s self and other without the use of violence
Markadia, it would be better if you use the word “because” instead of the phrase “reason
being.” There is just a different way of expressing things in written English sometimes and this is
one of those cases.
I appreciate your deep and honest thinking. Pay lots of attention to written English so that you
improve in this area.
You have earned 100% in knowledge, but will receive 90% because of the poor Standard English.