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Name: _____________________________________ Cohort: _______ Date: ______________ 6.11
Before you start the Do Now complete this checklist:
_____ I have a pen/pencil
_____ My homework is out
_____ My belongings are under my desk
_____ I wrote down the target
Learning Target: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Do Now: Read the article and answer the questions that follow
Islamic Food
Muslims follow dietary laws that are very strict.
1) Using context clues define dietary in your own words
Foods that Muslims can eat are called Halal, foods they may not eat are called Haram, and
questionable foods are called Mashbooh. Food created from pigs, as well as meat not properly
killed in the name of Allah are not to be eaten.
Animals that eat other animals and birds of prey are also not to be eaten. Haram animals
include pig, dog, donkey, carnivores, monkeys, cats, lions, frogs, crocodiles, turtles, worms,
flies, owls, and eagles. Alcohol, coffee, tea and other drugs are not to be eaten as well.
2) What food would be considered Haram?
Halal foods that have become contaminated by contact with prohibited foods are also
off limits for Muslims.
3) Explain what this sentence means
Fasting is also important. Fasting is a way to earn the approval of Allah, wipe out
previous sins and understand the suffering of the poor. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars
of Islam. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan and voluntary fasting on Mondays
and Thursdays is also common. Muslims are encouraged to only eat two thirds
of capacity.
4) Explain in your own words why someone would choose to fast?
Video Clips: During each video make sure you are paying close attention and taking
notes silently.
Video Clip 1: Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa
Mansa Musa ruled the ________________________________________________ of Mali.
There were African Kingdoms ruled by fabulously wealthy African _________________
Since Mansa Musa was making the ____________ we know that he was A - ________________
and B - relatively devout.
The empire of _______________, which Mansa Musa ruled until the extremely elite year of
______________ was a large swath of West Africa running from the coast hundreds of miles
into the interior and including many significant cities the largest and best known of
which was ____________________.
The Berbers were early converts to Islam and Islam spread through those pre-existing
trade routes between _________________________________.
So the first converts in Mali were ____________________ who benefited from having religious
and commercial connection to their trading partners in the North and the rest of the
The first kings we have a record of adopting Islam were from ________________, which was
probably the first empire in west Africa.
As with all empires and everything else, _________________ rose then fell and was replaced
with ________________.
When Mansa Musa returned from his hajj, he brought back scholars and architects to
build ____________________.
[2nd Part of the Video - Eastern Africa]
The Swahili language is part of a language group called Bantu and its original speakers
were from _____________________________, their migration to __________________________ changed
not only the linguistic traditions of Africa but everything else because they brought with
them, iron work and agriculture.
Video Clip 2: Timbuktu- Africa’s City of Gold
The Niger river is like a highway for ____________________________
They call the Niger River the ___________________________________.
After the goods are brought down the river they are transported by ______________________
Timbuktu is a center for ________________________.
What brought all the gold from the south up to Timbuktu?
Video Clip 3: Africa Salt Mining
1. Crossing the desert is not merely from getting here to there, it’s a process. In the
___________________________ there is no reference point, as far as the eye can see it's an
absolute sea of sand.
2. In order to navigate themselves throughout the desert, the caravans and the guides
utilize skills which have been developed slowly literally over generations…
What are they?
The read the _______________________________________________
They use the orientation of _________________________________
Tracings in the sand that mark___________________________________________________________
3. In the beginning and end of the video, the workers and caravans are
loading/unloading salt to/from the camels. Is there anything unique about the
shape/form of the salt?
Directions: Read the article and answer the questions that follow
Islamic Art
Islamic art is often misunderstood by people outside of the
culture. Its use of color and its balance between design and form, creates
a powerful visual impact. The term Islamic art not only describes art
created specifically in the service of Islam, but it also characterizes nonreligious art produced in lands under Islamic rule or influence.
1) What makes Islamic art special?
Calligraphy, a type of fancy cursive writing, is the most important element in Islamic art.
Where have we seen calligraphy before? It has always been considered the most
important form of art because of its association with the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book,
which is written in Arabic.
2) Why is calligraphy considered the most important form of art?
Another characteristic of Islamic art is the covering if surfaces with patterns composed
of geometric shapes. Complex geometric designs, such as repeated squares, circles, and
triangles create the impression of unending repetition, which is believed by some to
represent the unending nature of God.
3) Explain the importance of geometric shapes in Islamic Art?
Exit Ticket 6.12
1. Which of the following is a prophet or messenger of God?
a. Allah
b. Mekkah
c. Muhammad
c. Ramadan
2. Muslims are similar to Jews and Christians because…
a. All are polytheistic.
b. All originated in Medina.
c. All pray in Mosques.
d. All worship the same God.
3. What is the Koran?
a. The holiest month for Muslims
c. The Muslim calendar
b. The star and crescent moon
d. The Muslim sacred text
4. Why did Muhammad move the Muslim people from Mecca to Medina?
a. Muslims desired to live in a nicer, less harsh climate.
b. Muslims preferred soil that was more fertile.
c. Muslims wanted to live in Muhammad’s birthplace.
d. Muslims were being persecuted in Mecca.
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam?
a. Help those in need
b. Live in a mosque
c. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca
d. Pray five times a day