Download Dudley Woods Wetlands Area Report 2016

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On-site Soil Investigations Report
November 21, 2016
Dudley Woods Park
Doran Road/Pond Street, Wayland, Massachusetts
Requested by:
Wayland Recreation Department
Prepared by:
Peter C. Fletcher, Certified Professional Soil Scientist
The objective of these on-site soil investigations was to delineate the extent of wetland soils
(hydric) at the Site.
Site Description
The Site is an undeveloped woodland area. It is a hilly site with gently sloping to steep sloping
areas. There is evidence of past land excavation and grading from a failed subdivision.
Site Walk and On-site Soil Investigations
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - Site Walk and On-site Soil Investigations: The purpose of the
site walk was to review the location of a questioned wetland, and discuss the pertinent issues that
need to be addressed. Present on the site walk were Brian Monahan, Wayland Conservation
Administrator; and Peter Fletcher, Certified Professional Soil Scientist representing the Town of
Soil test pits were dug on either side of the suspected wetland line using a tile spade (long
narrow-blades shovel) and/or a soil auger (drill-like hand tool). An upland/wetland soil
determination was made at each pit using criteria specified in the Massachusetts Wetland
Handbook (Massachusetts Delineating Bordering Vegetated Wetlands Unser the Massachusetts
Wetlands Protection Act). A wetland soil flag (pink) was then hung to delineate the wetland
Tuesday, November 11, 2016 - Site Walk and On-site Soil Investigations: The purpose of the
site walk was to traverse the remaining areas of the Site and investigate suspected wetland areas.
Soil test pits and soil auger holes were dug throughout the Site. No additional wetland areas
were found.
One wetland soil area was identified at the Site. It is a shallow depression within a woodland
area. The depression appears to have been the result of past excavation, and there are several
small earthen mounds and an abrupt irregular short slope. Gauging by the size of the trees within
this area, the disturbance took place several tens of years ago.
Thirteen wetland soil flags (HS-1 pcf through HS-13 pcf) were hung to delineate the
wetland/upland soil boundary. The locations of many of these wetland soil flags were consistent
with older flagging that was found at the Site. The written identification on the older flagging
was not legible.
The approximate location of the wetland soil area is shown on the attached site plan map.
Submitted by: ________________________________________________, Date: ____________
Peter C. Fletcher, Certified Professional Soil Scientist/Classifier