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Name______________________________________________________ Period_____ Date____________
Chapter 28: World War II (pgs. 940 – 948)
Japan invades
Germany begins to
Italy invades Ethiopia
Hitler sends troops
into the
Spanish Civil War
German troops enter
Austria - Anschluss
Germany annexes the
German troops enter
Josef Stalin and Adolf
Hitler meet
Germany invades
Western Reaction
Name:_______________________________________________________ Period:_____ Date:___________
Chapter 28: World War II (pgs. 948-960)
I. Aggression, Appeasement, and War
A. Early Challenges to World Peace
1. Japan, led by ________________________, invades Manchuria in 1931
a) Japanese military leaders felt Japan should have an empire equal to the
__________________ in Europe
b) By 1937 Japan controlled Manchuria and most of eastern China
2. Italy invades _______________ in 1935
a) The king of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, appealed to the ________________for help
b) The League voted to imposed _________________ (penalties) against Italy
1) the sanctions did not include petroleum
2) the sanctions failed because __________________
3. Germany rearms and takes back land lost through the Treaty of Versailles
a) Hitler begins __________________ in 1933
b) Hitler sends armed troops into the _______________, a “demilitarized” zone
B. The western power’s policy of ___________________ – giving into the demands of an aggressor
in order to keep the peace
1. no country wanted to be responsible for another war
a) most countries believed in ____________ – opposition to all war – to avoid war at any
b) some westerners felt Germany was justified in their actions because the Treaty of
Versailles was too harsh towards them
2. the United States passed the ___________________ to avoid getting involved with any war in
3. The Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
a) Germany, Italy and Japan agreed to fight communism and not interfere in each other’s
plans for expansion
C. The Spanish Civil War – foreshadowing events to come
1. In the 1920’s the monarchy in Spain was removed and replaced by a republic.
2. The republican government passed a series of controversial reforms which split the country
into two groups:
a) Nationalists – led by __________________ – rallied conservatives supported by the
military; they rejected change
1) _____________ and ______________ supported Franco
b) Loyalists supported the republic and called for radical change
1) ______________ supported the Loyalists because of their communist roots
3. Germany seized this opportunity to test a new type of warfare
a) Guernica was a small town which fell victim to this modern warfare
b) this inspired one of __________________ most famous works - Guernica
D. German Aggression Continues
1. ________________ – the union of Germany and Austria
2. Czechoslovakia - Germany annexes the _______________ from Czechoslovakia
a) Czechoslovakia is the only democracy left in the east – this action brings Europe to the
brink of war
b) at the ____________________ British and French leaders chose appeasement instead of
war allowing Hitler to annex the Sudetenland
1) British Prime Minister Chamberlain proclaimed after the conference that he had
achieved “peace in our time.”
c) by March of 1939 all of Czechoslovakia was under Nazi control
3. Nazi-Soviet Pact – this was not signed out of friendship but out of need
a) Hitler wanted to avoid a _____________________
b) Stalin wanted time to build up Russian defenses
4. On September 1, 1939 Germany invades ____________ starting World War II
II. The Global Conflict: Axis Advances
A. Early victories for the Axis powers
1. Poland falls to Germany
a) the German army – the _______________ – uses a new type of offensive warfare called
_______________ – “lightning war”
1) This was different from the defensive trench warfare used throughout World War I
2. France falls to Germany
a) expecting a defensive struggle France relies too much on the ____________________ – a
defensive structure built after World War I
b) Germany avoids this defensive structure by invading and conquering the
____________________ - Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium
1) Germany also invades and conquers Norway
c) Battle of Dunkirk
1) 300,000 French and British troops are saved by a ____________________
d) France surrenders on June 22, 1940
1) Germany occupied northern France. Southern France had a puppet state set up which
was called _________________
B. The Battle of Britain
1. Germany prepares for the invasion of Britain – Operation ____________________
a) the first part of this plan was to secure __________________ over Britain – Germany
does not succeed
1) the ______________ (German air force)vs. the R.A.F (_______________)
b) Hitler begins “_____________” – bombing of civilian targets in order to break the spirits
of the British – which does not succeed
c) Germany scraps Operation Sea Lion
C. Hitler finishes what ________________ starts
1. In 1940 Mussolini invades northern Africa
a) Italian forces are defeated by British forces
b) Hitler sends General _______________, “the desert fox”, to Africa to assist the Italian
1) Rommel pushes British forces back seizing Algeria, Tunsia, Libya and most of Egypt
2. Also, in 1940, Mussolini invades ______________ and _______________
a) Italian forces are stopped by fierce resistance
b) Hitler sends German troops to assist Italian forces
D. Operation _______________ – Hitler’s plan to conquer Russia
1. Hitler wanted Russia in order to achieve his dream of ________________for the German
a) Russia had unlimited ___________________
2. On June 22, 1941 Germany broke its non-aggression pact with Russia sending over three
million men into the Soviet Union
a) over two and a half million Russian soldiers were either captured or killed in this initial
German attack
b) by early December the German advance had stalled because of _________________,
___________________, and ____________________
E. The United States joins the allies
1. The arsenal of democracy
a) the _______________________ was an attempt by the U.S. to supply arms to those who
were “fighting for freedom” (England and Russia)
2. Japan seeks the rich resources in _____________________
a) the U.S. placed an _________________ on Japan because of their aggression
3. Japan attacks the U.S.
a) on December 7, 1941 Japan attacks ________________ crippling the United States’ navy
b) the _______________ declares war on ______________three days after the attack;
_________________ declares war on the U.S.
4. Japan expands their empire by seizing the Philippines, Hong Kong, Burma, Malaya, the Dutch
East Indies, French Indochina, and various American Islands in the Pacific
III. The Tide Turns
A. Nazi Europe and the Japanese Empire
1. Nazi and Japanese brutality
a) some conquered lands welcomed the Nazis and the Japanese invaders as
__________________; however this support vanished as the conquerors proceeded to kill
and torture civilians
B. The Allies
1. the major Allied powers distrusted each other:
a) United States led by ______________________
b) Great Britain led by ______________________
c) Russia led by ______________________
C. Turning Points of the War
1. _________________________ – Eastern Front in Europe
a) the Russians stop a summer offensive by Germany in 1942 and start their own
counteroffensive in the summer of 1943
b) the battle for this city was fought ___________by _____________, building by building,
house by house
2. _________________________ – North Africa
a) the British under General Montgomery stop General Rommel’s advances in North Africa
3. the battle of _______________ and the battle of the ________________ – War in the Pacific
a) after these battles the United States went on the __________________
b) the United States’ offensive strategy in the Pacific was called “___________________”
c) the U.S. was led by General ______________________
4. Invasion of __________________ – Southern Front in Europe
a) after their success in North Africa the Allies invaded _____________ and then Southern
Italy in 1943
1) __________________ was removed by the Italian people and an armistice was signed
by the new Italian government
a) Hitler, however, sent a German army to Italy to stop the Allied advance
2) the Allies slowly moved up the Italian peninsula facing stiff Nazi resistance
5. Invasion of France – Operation ________________ – Western front in Europe
a) on June 6, 1944 (D-Day) the Allies, led by General ____________________, invaded
France landing on the beaches of _________________
1) by August 25, 1944 Paris was liberated
IV. Allied Victory
A. The Nazis are Defeated
1. The _____________________ – the last (and unsuccessful) attempt by Germany to stop the
Allied advances in the west
2. V.E. Day – _______________________; Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945.
B. Invasion versus “the bomb”
1. the closer the Allies got to the main island of Japan resistance became more fierce
a) _________________ pilots – men who went on suicide missions crashing their planes into
Allied ships
b) the Japanese showed they would fight to the death in the battles of _______________ and
2. On August 6, 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped on _______________
a) Japan still refused to surrender
3. On August 9, 1945 another atomic bomb was dropped on _________________
4. V.J. Day – ___________________; Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945