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Homework 05 for Tectonic Landforms
Use these questions to test your knowledge of Tectonic Landforms.
A. Match the terms. (note variable definitions, e.g. Flatiron, Nappe)
Tectonic Landform __ a. shape defines a deformed surface
Escarpment __
b. steep slope due differential movement
Flatiron __
c. triangular remnants of scarp erosion
Joint __
d. crack without relative movement
Fault __
e. crack with relative movement
Monocline _
f. fold with one non-horizontal limb
Diapirs __
g. ductile rocks rise through overlying rocks
Nappe __
h. block moved far along thrust fault
Orogen __
i. continental mountain belt due to collision
10) Thrust Fault __
j. shallow dip reverse fault
11) Buoyant Subduction __ k. very shallow dip of subducted lithosphere
B. Mixed Format
12) Below is a false-color image of Japan, modified from satellite photos.
Match the following terms with the surface features: accretionary wedge,
continent, volcanic island arc, trench, backarc basin, forearc basin,
abyssal plain.
Rift Valleys (divergent margins e.g. Great Rift Valley, etc) contain:
steep escarpments with normal faults
thick valley sediments
basalt flows
axial lakes
border conglomerates (or often breccias)
all of the above
14) Fold and Thrust Mountains (e.g. Alps, Himalayas, Appalachians) and
Accretionary Wedges (e.g. the Santa Catalina [Island] Schist) formed in
a) convergent margins
b) divergent margins
c) transform margins
15) Continental Volcanic Arcs (Andes, Cascades) and Volcanic Island
Arcs (Aleutians, Japan, Philippines, Solomons, Lesser Antilles) are
examples of volcanoes formed above
a) mid-ocean ridges
b) plumes
c) subduction zones
16) Transform Faults may be recognized in aerial photographs by
a) flatirons
b) offset streams
17) Sediments are originally horizontal beds, with few exceptions. A fold
where one limb is turned more than 90o but the axial plane is not
horizontal, is called a(n)
a) recumbent fold
b) overturned fold
18) This air photo shows folded rocks exposed at the surface. The oldest
rocks are in the center, and the layers all dip away from the center. The
nose points north. This is
a) a syncline plunging north
b) an anticline plunging north
c) an anticline plunging south
d) a syncline plunging south