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The Earth
The Earth is round, like a
ball, but it is also slightly
squashed. We say that its
shape is roughly spherical.
The Earth travels around
the Sun once every year.
The Earth
The Earth also spins on its
own axis. The axis is an
imaginary line through the
centre of the Earth from the
North Pole to the South
Pole. The Earth spins round
once every 24 hours. This
causes day and night on
The Earth
It is day on the part
of the Earth that is
facing the Sun.
It is night on the part
of the Earth that is
facing away from the
The Moon
The Moon is roughly
spherical, but it is a lot
smaller than the Earth.
The Moon travels around
the Earth. It goes round
once every 28 days.
The Moon
We only see the part of
the Moon that is lit by the
Sun. So sometimes we see
the whole Moon and
sometimes we only see
part of the Moon.
The Sun
The Sun is a star and gives
out heat and light.
It is roughly spherical in
shape and is much,
much bigger than the Earth.
What shape are the Earth, Sun and
A) Round and flat
B) Cuboid
C) Roughly spherical
Which is largest, the Earth, Sun or
A) The Earth
B) The Sun
C) The Moon
How long does it take the Earth to
travel once around the Sun?
A) 24 hours
B) 28 days
C) 12 months
How long does it take the Moon to
travel once around the Earth?
A) 24 hours
B) 28 days
C) 12 months
How long does it take the Earth to
turn once on its axis?
A) 24 hours
B) 12 hours
C) 6 hours
Which part of the Earth is in daylight?
A) The part facing the sun
B) The part facing away from the sun
C) The part facing the moon
True or False
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
Why does the Moon seem to change
A) Because it gets bigger and smaller
B) Because we only see the part on the
Moon that is lit by the Sun
C) Because sometimes it is cloudy
Imagine you were standing
underneath a tree. When would the
shadow of the tree be shortest?
A) At sunrise
B) At midday
C) At sunset
Why, in some parts of the world, are
the days longer in the summer than in
the winter?
A) Because the Earth is tilted as it moves around
the Sun
B) Because the Sun gets brighter in the summer
C) Because the Earth spins more slowly in the