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100- What is chlorophyll?
A green chemical in plant cells that allows plants to use Sun’s energy for making food.
200 – True or False: Vascular plants have tissues that water and food move through.
300 – What is the outer layer of a root?
400 – What is the layer of the root that stores the food and is next to the epidermis?
500 – What does the cambium do?
Separates the xylem from the phloem
100 – True or False: The fungus kingdom contains one-celled and many-celled
living things that absorb food from the environment.
200 – What are the tiniest living things on Earth?
Bacterium or bacteria
300 – True or False: Water and minerals flow down the plant through the xylem.
False; flows down from leaves through the phloem
400 – What is a protist?
The kingdom that contains one-celled and many-celled living things, some that makes food and
some that hunt for food.
500 – Explain Photosynthesis.
Water, carbon dioxide and sunlight enter the plant. Chloroplsts take the sunlight, water and
carbon dioxide and combine them to make oxygen and energy (glucose/sugar). Energy stays in
plant and helps it live, oxygen gets released in the air.
100 – Why are most leaves green, broad and flat in shape?
To capture the sunlight
200 – Name one way a root helps a plant survive.
Holds them in the ground; keeps plants from being swept away; draws up water and minerals
from soil; stores food for the plant.
300 – True or False: One way a stem helps a plant is by supporting the leaves.
400 – The job of the leaves is to ?
Make food for the plant
500 - In general, describe how plant cells work together
They work from different parts of the plant to keep plant alive, each do a different job.
100 – What is transpiration?
When water evaporates through the leaves and more water moves up through the plant to
replace lost water.
200 – What is needed and enters the plant for photosynthesis to take place?
Water, carbon dioxide and sunlight
300 – What are the “green food factories” of plants called?
400 – Why do leaves change colors in the fall?
The leaves stop making chlorophyll because of colder temperatures (less sunlight)
500 – Explain how water and minerals move through a plant in 5 steps.
1. Water and dissolved minerals enter root hairs from soil
2. water passes thru cortex of root, enters xylem and travels up stem
3. transpiration in the leaves helps draw water into xylem of stem
4. water moves up stem, through petiole and into veins which carry water to leaf’s cells.
5. almost 99% of water that entered roots is given off into air by transpiration through leaf’s
100 – True or False: All green plants contain chlorophyll and are made of cells.
200 – What 2 things make animals different from plants?
Animals do not make their own food; animals can move from place to place
300 – What are the two major plant groups?
Vascular and nonvascular
400 – How are the two major plant groups different?
Vascular has tissues with tube like cells that run up and down the stem. Nonvascular does not
have tissues; instead their cells are packed together like a jigsaw puzzle.
500 - What do all green plants have in common? 3 out of 5
-contain chlorophyll to make food
-cell wall which gives plants their shape
-cells of all plants work together to keep plants alive
-different cells do different jobs i.e., root, stems, leaves
-cells are organized into tissues
-all plants made of cells
Describe what each part of the root’s job is (6 parts)
1. root cap: protects root tip as it grows in soil
2. epidermis: outer layer
3. cortex: stores food
4. xylem: water and minerals flow up from soil
5. phloem: food flows down from leaves
6. cambium: separates xylem and phloem