Download By the end of this unit students will be able to discuss knowledge of

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MARCH 14, 2012
Byzantine Empire
By the end of this unit students will be able to discuss knowledge of the Byzantine Empire and Russia from about 300 to 1000
A.D. by:
a) explaining the establishment of Constantinople as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.
b) identifying Justinian and his contributions, including the codification of Roman law, and describing the expansion of the
Byzantine Empire and economy.
c) characterizing Byzantine art and architecture, and the preservation of Greek and Roman traditions.
d) explaining disputes that led to the split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church.
e) assessing the impact of Byzantine influence and trade on Russia and Eastern Europe.
By the end of today, SWBAT:
Assess the Byzantine Empire
Understand the importance of the location of Constantinople and the entire Byzantine Empire
Discuss the important people of the Byzantine Empire
Describe the important pieces of architecture of Constantinople
Compare Western Roman Catholicism to Eastern Greek Orthodox Christianity
 Assessment: class work, quiz next class
 Homework: Study for quiz, Russia handout
Part I: Place Agenda into binder – DO NOW!
What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?
What language did they speak in the Byzantine Empire?
Part II: SOL review (5 minutes today): Groups
Ready . . .GO!
Part III: The Byzantine Empire (20-25 minutes): Power Point
Let’s take some notes! Let’s really focus on the Schism. In between, we will do q quick Venn diagram on the 2
branches of Christianity.
Part IV: Russia (20-25 minutes): Individual
Read – answer questions
3 Differences between RC and GC?
How did Byzantine culture spread to Russia?
Upcoming Events – is subject to change
March 6: Byzantine Empire
March 8: Byzantine Empire
March 12: Byzantine Empire
March 14: Byzantine
March 16: Quiz on Byzantine, Begin Islam
Learning Progression Scale for Byzantine Empire – coming soon
This day in History
1743 The first town meeting was held in Boston, Massachusetts, at Faneuil Hall.
The cotton gin was patented by Eli Whitney.
The Republic of Czechoslovakia was dissolved, soon to be occupied by the Nazis.
The FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives” list made its debut.
Perry Como's single "Catch a Falling Star" became the first RIAA gold record.
1964 Jack Ruby was found guilty of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, alleged assassin of President John F.
1990 The Soviet Congress voted Mikhail Gorbachev into the newly-created and powerful position of president.