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Botany – Session 15
Photosynthesis = _________________________________
a. Importance of Photosynthesis
i. _______________________________________________
ii. Photosynthetic organisms provide food________________
iii. The process of photosynthesis involves the release of
1. This release of oxygen changed the atmosphere from
anaerobic to aerobic
2. Some of the oxygen in the atmosphere is in the form
3. Ozone is important
4. Atmospheric oxygen
b. The Process
i. Green plants and certain other organisms use
CO2 + H2O
(C6H12O6)n + O2
ii. Occurs in green plants, seaweed, algae, and certain bacteria
iii. _____________________________________________
iv. Glucose is used for energy to build new
v. Glucose can also be converted to
vi. Plants often produce _______________ glucose than they
can use, so they _____________________ as
carbohydrates in their ________________,
_________________ and _______________________ .
c. Where photosynthesis occurs
i. Leaves and green stems within specialized cell structures
called ________________________
ii. In each chloroplast there are disk-like compartments
called _______________________
iii. The thylakoids are stacked like pancakes - this is
called _________________________
iv. The grana lie suspended in a fluid
called _________________________
d. How Photosynthesis Works
i. Beneath the upper epidermis are the palisade cells, which
ii. The stomata are
iii. Leaf veins carry __________________________________
iv. Carbon Dioxide enters through the ___________________
v. Chlorophyll contained in cells of the palisade and spongy
layers helps absorb sunlight
vi. Carbon Dioxide combines with water and is
photosynthesized into oxygen and sugar
vii. Oxygen escapes through the ________________________
viii. The sugar dissolved in water is carried throughout the
plant to ____________________________________
e. _______________________________________________
i. _______________________
ii. Light energy is trapped by pigments called chlorophyll and
converted to chemical energy
1. Chemical energy is in the form of________________
iii. There are two pigment systems:
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
f. ___________________________________________
i. Also know as the
RuBP Carboxylase
iii. This reaction is catalyzed by the _____________________
iv. The carbohydrate formed will then be stored
g. Different Forms of Chlorophyll
i. __________________ - Found in cyanobacteria and
photosynthetic eukaryotes
ii. __________________ - found in green algae and embryophites
iii. Chlorophyll c and d also exist