Download 6 BOWEL NOSODES Morgan Pure Congestion. A non lactose

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Morgan Pure Congestion. A non lactose fermenting ,most frequently found in stools and it has the
greatest number of associated remedies than other nosodes.
” Congestion” is the
Biochemistry : Sulphur & Calcarea carb. stand the most
frequently prescribed when there is
repeated bronchopneumonia in children.
MIND-Introspective, avoid company but often show mental
anxiety if left alone.
Depression with suicidal tendency.
HEAD-Congestive head ache with flushed
face in hot climate, traveling etc.
Vertigo from high BP
GIT. Bilious attack with severe headache > by
vomiting large quantity of bile stained mucus ( In Migrane & Menopause). Cholecystitis, Gallstone,
constipation, etc.
RESPIRATION-Recurrent attack of bronchopneumonia in children.
URINARYCongestive pneumonia & menopausal flushing.
CIRCULATION-Tendency to varicose veins in
children due to congestion.
Painful swelling of articulation of hand.
SKIN-Is the most important area of
action congestion of skin with itching eruption. Aggravation from heat, papulo-pustular eruption on
associated skin remedies are Sulphur,Graphitis, Petr & Psorinum. Indicated when there is
marked skin eruption, disturbance of liver ,bilious headache or gallstone.
Morgan Gaertner Most useful in acute inflammatory conditions as in renal colic and gallstone colic.
Aggravation at 4- 8 pm
Loss of hair in bunches.
Noisy eructation with bad smell. Rectal prolepses.
Thick brown corrosive bad smelling leucorrhoea.
Gaertner Key note. Malnutrition.
Biochemistry . Sil., Merc.
Over active brain with undernourished
body. Chew nails, sleep for a long time. GIT-Intestinal infantilism
inability to digest fat- celiac disease.
Chronic gastro colitis, thread worms.
Presence of blood and mucus in urine.
Profuse fetid
leucorrhoea with prostration.
Proteus Key note. Suddenness in nearly all complaints.
Always related to central and peripheral
nervous system
of biochemistry . The outstanding element is chlorine.
MIND. Brain storm.
Out burst of violence and temper especially if opposed.
Child lies on floor kick &
GIT-Duodenal ulcer due to prolonged mental strain (Nat.m )
NEUROMUSCULAR SYSTEMCramps of muscles (Cupr.,)
Spasm of peripheral circulation resulting in intermittent
claudicating and
dead fingers.
Highly recommended in Raynadue’ s disease and Miner’s disease.
edema (Apis)
Marked sensitivity to UV light.
Keynote: Irritability with special reference to synovial &
mucus membrane
Mind-Temporary nervous irritability, (Lyc). Fear of dark alone while. HEAD-Head ach due to sinusitis
abundant perspiration at night. Persistent headache in a child may be a feature of or prodomal sign of
tubercular meningitis.
Premature grayness
GIT-Chronic irritation of the whole elementary tract
Urgent call to stool as soon as rising from bed
RESPIRATION- A/c ,sub a/c & c/c bronchial
catarrh. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids in children. Fibrosity of the thoracic wall. Considered as a
tubercular remedy
CIRCULATION-Always an anemic look.
Painful swollen hands with pain in
NEUROMUSCULAR-Rheumatic complaint < in damp & rest (Rhus-t.)
SKIN-Vesicular warts on
an oily skin.
Warts on mucocutaneous surface. Fibrosic indurations of skin
enuresis in children. Peylonephritis ,urethritis and cystitis
FEMALE-Pain in leftt. Ovary during
Tubal infections, profuse leucorrhoea.
Dysentry co. Keynote: Anticipatory nervous tension.
Hypersensitive to
Shyness and
GIT-Selective action on the pylorus causing spasm & retention of digestive content.
Inflammation of nasal ,ocular and pharyngeal. MARKED IMPROVEMENT IN CONGENIATL PYLORIC
Duodenal ulcer from nervous tension, which along precedes the physical symptoms.
proteus – nervous tension is insidious in action ,unperceived by the patient and the physical condition
– the ulcer tend to come suddenly with out warning.
CVS-Anticipatory discomfort in cardiac area.
26.DIPH-TET-PERT. 200C (Potentized vaccination of DTP-diptheria-tetanus-pertussis)
Useful as an alternative instead of DTP vaccine. Helping to recover from side effect of DTP
vaccination. Hyperactivity, temper tantrums, stubborn, anger, explosive temper, wakes grumpy,
irritable, charming, suppressed emotions. Jealousy develops after DPT. Stammers, desires company,
aversion to company, tearful mood, lacks confidence, mild, tidy. Bangs head, makes gestures, bites
nails, sucks thumb. Retarded learning, reading and writing, left handed, dyslexia.
27.HAEMOPHILUS-INLUENZA 200C ( Nosode of Influenza)
This generally prevents the spread of the trouble and clears up the "colds", whether they are of the
influenza type or not. HAEMPHILUS is one of the most important of all the nosodes. It is often
required in patients who give no history of ever having had influenza. This leads us to believe that
influenza is the most common of all chronic diseases. Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the
cure of Influenza.
28.LATHYRUS 200C Useful as an alternative instead of Polio vaccination.
Affects the lateral and anterior columns of the cord. Does not produce pain. Reflexes always
increased. Paralytic affections of lower extremities; spastic paralysis; lateral sclerosis. Infantile
paralysis. After influenza and wasting, exhaustive diseases where there is much weakness and
heaviness, slow recovery of nerve power. Mind.-Depressed; hypochondriacal. Vertigo when standing
with eyes closed. Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Polio.
29.MENINGOCOCCINUM 200C (Meningococcal bacteria) Protecting against, modifying and aiding
in the cure of Meningococcal diseases.
30.PAROTIDINUM 200C (The nosode of Parotid gland/Mumps) Protidinum has been used as a
prophylactic against infection by mumps. Parotidinum is generally given in the 30C or 200C two or
three times a day to those exposed to infection. In the disease itself it may be given every four hours,
either by itself or alternated with other indicated remedies. Protecting against, modifying and aiding
in the cure of Mumps diseases.
31.PERTUSINUM 200C Nosode from the glairy and stringy mucus containing the virus of whoopingcough. Introduced by John H. Clarke for the treatment of whooping-cough and other spasmodic
coughs. Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Whooping cough.
32.PNEUMOCOCINUM (Nosode from pneumococcal bacteria) Useful as an alternative instead
Pneumococal vaccination. Pneumococcal pneumonia may begin suddenly. You may first have a
severe shaking chill which is usually followed by high fever, cough, shortness of breath, rapid
breathing, chest pain. Other symptoms may include, nausea, Vomiting, tiredness, muscle aches.
Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Pneumococal infection.
33.PYROGENIUM 200C (Artificial Sepsin)
Pyrogen is the great remedy for septic states, with intense restlessness. "In septic fevers, especially
puerperal, Pyrogen
has demonstrated its great value as a homoeopathic dynamic antiseptic." (H.C.Allen.) Hectic, typhoid,
typhus, ptomaine
poisoning, diphtheria, dissecting wounds, sewer-gas poisoning, chronic malaria, after-effects of
miscarriage, all these conditions
at times may present symptoms calling for this unique medicine. All discharges are horribly offensivemenstrual, lochial, diarrhoea, vomit, sweat, breath, etc. Great pain and violent burning in abscesses.
Chronic complaints that date back to septic
conditions. Threatening heart failure in zymotic and septic fevers. Influenza, typhoid symptoms.
34.MMR 200C (Potentized vaccination of MMR-measles-mumps-rubella
Useful as an alternative instead of MMR vaccine. Helping to recover from side effect of MMR
Retarded learning, reading and writing, left handed, dyslexia. Speech los tor complication with speech.
35.THYROIDINUM 200C (Dried Thyroid Gland of the Sheep)
Thyroidinum is helpful in anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous
tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis. Heart rate increased, exophthalmus and
dilation of pupils. In myxedema and cretinism its effects are striking. Rheumatoid arthritis. Infantile
wasting. Delayed union of fractures. In half grain doses twice a day over a considerable period said to
be effective in undescended testicle in boys. Thyroidinum - exercises a general regulating influence
over the mechanism of the organs of nutrition, growth and development. Weakness causes decided
craving for large amount of sweets.
Cholerinum nosode, protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Cholera. Cholerinum is
also capable of preventing those typical symptoms in a previously unprotected person. In other words,
the Cholera nosode can be used to prevent Cholera the disease. A disease nosode alerts the body to
the possibility of a disease process.