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The following program has been designed as an alternative to immunization and treatment where
it is undesirable. It is important to consult your Homoeopath in the unlikely event of a possible
reaction to any remedy. It may be preferable to discontinue, that particular remedy and this
requires the expertise of your practitioner.
Prophylactic Kit Contents
1. ANTRACINUM 200C (Anthrax Poison) This nosode has proven a great remedy in epidemic
spleen diseases of domestic animals, and in septic inflammation, carbuncles and malignant
ulcers. In boils and boil-like eruptions, acne. Terrible burning. Induration of cellular tissue,
abscess, bubo, and all inflammation of connective tissue in which there exists a purulent focus.
Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Anthrax Poisoning.
(A Maceration of a Typical Tuberculous Lung Introduced by Dr.
Burnett) Has been employed successfully in the treatment of tuberculosis; its good effects seen in
the change of the sputum, which becomes decreased and more aerated and less purulent. Many
forms of chronic non-tubercular disease are influenced favorably by Bacillinum, especially when
bronchorrhoea and dyspnoea are present. Respiratory pyorrhoea. The patient expectorates less.
Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Tuberculosis.
3. CARCINOSINUM 200C (A nosode from Carcinoma) It is claimed the Carcinosin acts
favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be elicited, or
symptoms of the disease itself exist. Carcinoma of the mammary glands with great pain and
induration of glands; of uterus, the offensive discharge, haemorrhage and pain are greatly
4. CHOLESTERINUM 200C (Cholesterine - The proximate principle. Furnished by
the epithelium lining of gall bladder and the larger ducts) For cancer of the liver. Obstinate
hepatic engorgements. Burning pain in side; on walking holds his hand on side, hurts him so.
Opacities of the vitreous. Jaundice; gallstones. Cholesterine is the physiological opponent of
Lecithin. Both seem to play some unknown part in the growth of tumors. Gallstones and
5. DIPHTERINUM 200C (Potentized Diphtheritic Virus) Adapted to patients prone to catarrhal
affections of respiratory organs, scrofulous individuals. Diphtheria, laryngeal diphtheria, postdiphtheritic paralysis. Malignancy from the start. Glands swollen; tongue red, swollen; breath and
discharge very offensive. Diphtheritic; membrane thick, dark. Epistaxis; profound prostration.
Swallows without pain, but fluids are vomited or returned by the nose.
6. HYDROPHOBINUM-LYSSINUM 200C (Lyssin-Saliva of Rabid Dog) Affects principally the
nervous system; aching in bones. Complaints from abnormal sexual desire. Convulsions brought
on by dazzling light or sight of running water. Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the
cure of Rabbies.
7. INFLUENZINUM 200C ( Nosode of Influenza) This generally prevents the spread of the
trouble and clears up the "colds", whether they are of the influenza type or not. Protecting
against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Influenza.
(An active principle from the pancreas which affects sugar
metabolism) Besides the use of Insulin in the treatment of diabetes, restoring the lost ability to
oxidize carbohydrate and again storing glycogen in the liver, some use of it homoeopathically has
been made by Dr.Wm.F.Baker, showing its applicability in acne, carbuncles, erythema with
itching eczema. In the gouty, transitory glycosuria when skin manifestations are persistent give
three times daily after eating. Given a persistent case of skin irritation, boils or varicose
ulceration with polyuria, it is indicated.
9. MALARIA 200C (Decomposed vegetable matter) Has evident power to cause the
disappearance of the plasmodium of malaria. Malarial cachexia. General sense of weariness.
Spleen affections. Malaria and rheumatism. Functional hepatic diseases. Nape of neck pains;
tendency to sleep after eating; much flatus; ascites); Momordica-Balsam Apple-(Colic,
dysmenorrhoea with gushes of blood.) Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of
10. MALANDRINUM 200C (Grease in Horses)A very effectual protection against smallpox.
Ill effects of vaccination.[Thuja; Silica.]. Efficacious in clearing of the remnants of cancerous
deposits (Copper).
Skin.-Scab on upper lip, with stinging pain when torn off. Aching in forehead. Dry, scaly;
itching; rhagades of hands and feet in cold weather and from washing. Toes feel scalded and itch
terribly. Bone-like protuberances.
11. MEDORINUM 200C (The Gonorrhoeal Virus) A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often
indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhoea. For women with chronic pelvic
disorders. Chronic rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pains
intolerable,; tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal
conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils; lips
thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and trembling all over. History of sycosis.
Often restores a gonorrhoeal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Oedema of limbs; dropsy of
serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.
12. MORBILINUM 200C (The nosode of Measles) Morbillinum is one of the most useful of
nosodes. We all know the frequency with which chronic ear - troubles will follow an attack of
measles. Many patients will report that they have never been completely well since an attack of
measles. These cases will be greatly helped by a dose of Morbillinum. Whenever there is a case
having a history of measles, no matter what the indicated remedy may be, it will be helped by a
dose of Morbillinum. Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Measles.
13. PSORINUM 200C (Scabies Vesicle) The therapeutic field of this remedy is found in socalled
psoric manifestations. Psorinum is a cold medicine; wants the head kept warm, wants warm
clothing even in summer. Extreme sensitiveness to cold. Debility, independent of any organic
disease, especially the weakness remaining after acute disease. Lack of reaction, i.e., phagocytes
defective; when well-chosen remedies fail to act. Scrofulous patients. Secretions have a filthy
smell. Profuse sweating. Cardiac weakness. Skin symptoms very prominent. Often gives
immunity from cold-catching. Easy perspiration when walking. Syphilis, inherited and tertiary.
Offensive discharges.
14. SCIRHINUM 200C (The nosode of Scirrhous Cancer).The nosode of cancer corresponds to
the cancerous diathesis; cancer of the breast with enlarged glands. Many such cases have been
cured with this remedy by Burnett and many other homeopathic physicians. It is a valuable
intercurrent remedy to be given during the course of the broad constitutional treatment,
enhancing and complementing the action of the other indicated remedies. A patient to whom
Burnett had given this remedy mentioned that it had caused the passage of an enormous number
of thread worms. Breast, cancer.
Cancer. Cancerous diathesis. Glands, enlarged. Haemorrhages. Varicosis.
15. STAPHYLOCOCINUM 200C (Staphylococcus bacteria). Staphycocinum is used for
diseases where the staphyloccus bacteria is the chief bacterial factor, as acne, abscess, furuncle,
empyema, impetigo, endocarditis. Allergic conditions. Psoric and sycotic. Pre-diabetic
conditions. Syndrome of acute septicemia. Oscilliating fever with great chill, general condition is
weakened, an enlarged spleen. Radiculitis. Myelitis. Meningitis. Abscess of the brain. Protecting
against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Staphylococcus bacteria.
16. STREPTOCOCINUM 200C (Streptococcus Bacteria) Useful homeopathic nosode for any
throat irritation. Complains of a sore throat, use this remedy as a preventive. Urinary tract and
sinus infections. Getting a sore throat at the onset of respiratory illnesses. To keep a minor
infection from becoming worse. Fever and Inflammation Sore throat; swollen glands. Protecting
against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Streptococcus Bacteria.
17. SYPHILINUM 200C (The Syphilitic Virus-A Nosode) Utter prostration and debility in the
morning. Shifting rheumatic pains. Chronic eruptions and rheumatism. Ichthyosis. Syphilitic
affections. Pains from darkness todaylight; decrease and increase gradually. Hereditary tendency
to alcoholism. Ulceration of mouth, nose, genitals, skin. Succession of abscesses.
18. TUBERCULINUM 200C (Nucleo-protein, a Nosode from Tubercular Abscess)
Tuberculinum is indicated in renal affections, but caution is necessary, for where skin and
intestines do not perform normally even high potencies are dangerous. In chronic cystitis,
brilliant and permanent results.
19. VACCINUM 200C (Nosode-From vaccine matter) Vaccine poison is capable of setting up a
morbid state of extreme chronicity, named by Burnett Vaccinosis, symptoms like those of
Hahnemann's Sycosis. Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with great
flatulent distension. Protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of side effect
20. VARIOLINUM 200C (Lymph from small-pox Pustule). Used for "internal vaccination."
Seems to be efficacious in protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of smallpox.
21. TETANUS 200C (Bacillus tetani). Tetanus nosode, protecting against, modifying and
aiding in the cure of Tetanus.
22. HEPATITIS A 200C (Sterilised human blood of Hepatitis A). Hepatitis A nosode, protecting
against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Hepatitis A.
23. TYPHOID ABDOMINALIS 200C (Salmonella typhi). Typhoid abdominalis nosode,
protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Typhoid.
24. AIDS NOSODE The AIDS nosode is associated with boundary issues: keeping what is in, in;
and what is out, out. The disease is characterised by a complete breakdown of the immune
AIDS can cause a totally new remedy image, on the mental, emotional and physical levels. The
changes are often even more pronounced than in the case of cancer. In the case of AIDS, one
often notices a strong separation between the mind and the body. Strong pathology often causes a
strong disturbance. If the mental layer has been affected in AIDS, strong remedies should be
25. BORRELIA 200C (Deer Tick carries-Lyme bacteria). Sterilisated Borrelia culture-Borrelia
The main clinical signs include a sudden yet recurring lameness that may shift from leg to leg.
Sometimes this lameness is associated with a fever and depression. Occasionally you will see
swollen lymph nodes. Sometimes the joints may be swollen, warm and painful and they usually
walk stiffly with a hunched back. Animals with Lyme disease really look painful and stiff and
commonly are very sensitive to touch and may cry out with even the slightest touch. Protecting
against, modifying and aiding in the cure of Lyme Diseases.
Instructions for use of the “Homoeopathic Prophylactic-Immunisation”
1. 1-2pills are allowed for each dose. Globules can be rolled into the lid of the vial, and then
dropped under the tongue. The longer the person takes to suck on or dissolve a pill, the more
effective the dose, as the remedy is absorbed in the mouth. Remedy diluted in water may
achieve faster and more profound effect. The way is to diluting 1-2 globules in bottle of
120cc.(12-14 -table spoons) filled up with drinking water, add 1 tea spoon of alcohol 40%, or
vinegar to preserve the medicine. Take 1 dose = ½ lid, or ½ tea spoon.
2. You do not need to wait till the person is free of a cold in order to administer the dose. The
prophylactic immunisation is very flexible, and 1 week late will not matter at all.
3. The best time to begin is at 2-3 weeks before journey as instructed, as this slowly develops the
“immune system” and the vital force. If staying longer then 4-6 weeks or longer in effectedepidemic location, repeat the dose again.
4. When possible give the remedy 30 minutes or more away from meal times, including
breastfeeding. However, this is not always possible with a starving infant! If your child vomits
soon after having the remedy, don’t worry. Absorption of homoeopathics takes place in the
mouth, not the stomach.
5. Keep your remedies out of reach of children. They are, however, non-toxic and cannot be
6. The supplementary program can be given to anyone who is exposed to potential infection,
including “fully immunized” children and adults.
7. If you’re a person who has been partially immunized already, follow the steps outlined in 3
above. If there have been any ill effects from the conventional immunizations, this will be
counteracted as much as possible by the homeopathic.
Copyright©Radomir Hikl