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Chapter 18 Study Guide: Cold War Conflicts
1. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was from:
2. During the _________________________the United States and the Soviet Union never directly
attacked each other with their militaries.
3. After World War 2 the Soviet Union wanted to control Eastern European countries, but the United
States wanted them to:
4. Why did Joseph Stalin install communist governments in Eastern European countries right after
World War 2?
5. Name some examples of countries that are satellite nations:
6. Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stated in a speech that the Eastern European
countries that were controlled by the Soviet Union were behind the:
7. The United States’ policy towards communism under President Harry Truman was called:
8. The main goal of the Truman Doctrine was to:
9. Which two countries first benefited from the Truman Doctrine?
10. George Marshall, Secretary of State and creator of the Marshall Plan, was originally from:
11. In order to receive funding from the Marshall Plan, countries had to agree to:
12. The Marshall Plan helped prevent the spread of communism into Western Europe by providing
countries with:
13. When the U.S., Great Britain, and France combined their parts of Germany and the city of
Berlin, the Soviet Union:
14. Explain the Berlin airlift?
15. The United States, Canada, and ten Western European nations that created NATO promised to:
16. When the United States joined NATO it marked the end of U.S.:
17. When West Germany was allowed join NATO, the Soviet Union responded by creating the
defensive alliance known as the:
18. What happened in China that made Americans even more worried about communism?
19. After the civil war in China was over, who did the United States recognize as the real
government of China?
20. Which country crossed the 38th parallel and began the
Korean War in 1950?
21. Why did Kim Il Sung believe he could defeat South Korea without drawing the United States
into the war?
22. What is the #1 reason the United States originally got involved in the Korean War?
23. How did the United Nations respond when North Korea invaded South Korea?
24. Why didn’t the Soviet Union veto the U.S. resolution to help South Korea?
25. How long did it take the United States to send troops to South Korea?
26. Where were the United Nations and South Korean troops
driven back to by August 1950, shortly after they arrived in South Korea?
27. Where did General Douglas MacArthur land his brilliant
attack which changed the momentum of the war to the United Nation’s favor?
28. After General Douglas MacArthur recaptured Seoul and pushed the North Koreans back past the
38th parallel, what did the United Nations give him permission to do?
29. Why did China enter the Korean War?
30. Name some facts about the Korean War:
31. After China got involved in the Korean War, who wanted to return to the original goal of
containment and fight a limited war?
32. President Harry Truman fired General Douglas MacArthur and replaced him with General
Matthew Ridgway for:
33. Once armistice talks began, what was a main issue that held up the peace agreement for two
34. What did the United States achieve in the Korean War?
35. Korea is still divided into two nations today, ______________________North Korea and
____________________________South Korea.
36. The purpose of President Harry Truman’s Loyalty Review Board was to investigate:
37. Individuals investigated by the Loyalty Review Board were not allowed to see what?
38. After World War 2 who began to investigate Communist influence in the movie industry?
39. What happened to the Hollywood Ten when they refused to answer HUAC’s questions?
40. If an individual, like screenwriter Gordon Kahn from the documentary we saw in class, was
41. The McCarran Act made it illegal to plan any action that might lead to __________ in the
United States.
42. Who was accused of passing information to a communist spy but was ultimately convicted of
perjury and sent to jail?
43. _______________________________became the first U.S. civilians executed for espionage
because they were found guilty of giving the Soviet Union information about the atomic bomb.
44. Although he never provided any evidence, who claimed to have personal knowledge
of Communists working in the government and later in the U.S. Army?
45. Making unsupported charges without evidence and disregard for the basic rights of the accused
is known as:
46. Senator Joseph McCarthy lost his power and influence when:
47. Although Americans tried to root out communism in the 1950s, they were willing to what?
48. During President Dwight Eisenhower's administration, the government's new policy of
Rollback meant what?
49. In 1949 what country became the second nation in the world to successfully explode an
atomic bomb, which led to an arms race between the U.S. and that nation?
50. Which of the following was the first nation to explode a hydrogen bomb, or H-bomb?
51. In order to survive an H-bomb attack in the 1950s:
52. Who became the new leader of the Soviet Union after Joseph Stalin’s death and actually
visited Pittsburgh in 1959?
53. What resulted from the Geneva Summit, where President Dwight Eisenhower
met with Soviet leaders in Switzerland?
54. During the Cold War, the CIA helped put new government leaders in some
____________________________________ because of fears of communism.
55. Issued because of the Suez War, the Eisenhower Doctrine was a warning to the Soviet Union
that the United States would defend any country in _________ against an attack by any
communist country.
56. What country’s revolt against the Soviet Union was unsuccessful because it did not receive any
military aid from the United States or other free countries?
57. What was a direct result of the Soviet Union’s successful launching of
58. What did the U-2 incident involve?
59. President Eisenhower explained in a speech to Americans that spying on the Soviet Union
was essential so that:
60. Because of the_______________________________________, the tension between the United
States and the Soviet Union increased and the Cold War continued in 1960.