Download China during the Tang and Song Dynasties

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AP World
Unit 3
Post-Classical China Webquest
Directions: Click on the following links for each section, and answer the questions
that follow.
Tang and Song Politics
1) How did Empress Wu gain power?
2) What were the major features of Empress Wu’s reign?
3) What is this author’s opinion of Empress Wu? How can you tell?
Tang Poetry
1) Click on the author Du Fu. Choose one of his poems. Cut and paste the English
translation of the poem into this document. Explain the subject of the poem and
at least one significant thing it teaches us about China.
2) Click on the author Li Bai. Choose one of his poems. Cut and paste the English
translation of the poem into this document. Explain the subject of the poem and
at least one significant thing it teaches us about China.
3) Click on the poem “Drinking Alone with the Moon”. Scroll over each Chinese
character in the poem for a translation of the term. What does this poem mean?
What do you think of the translation of this poem? Why is the structure of the
poem important? (Note: This poem is written from top to bottom, right to left.)
Tang and Song Ceramics
1) Clink on the links to the following sections: Tang Innovations, The Beginning of
Porcelain, and Sung Dynasty Ceramics. Summarize the write-ups for each of
these sections in 1-2 sentences. In addition, choose one of the images in each of
these sections. Insert the image into this document and explain why you think it
is an important example of Chinese ceramics.
2) Choose TWO of the following additional sections: Tang San-Tsai Ceramics, Ting
Ware, Ching-Pai Ware, Black-Glazed Ware, Sung Dynasty Tea Bowls, Northern
Celadon Wares, Lung-Chuan Celadon. Summarize and insert an image like you
did above, but be sure to explain why this particular brand of ceramics is unique.
Tang and Song Technology
1) What impact did gunpowder have on Chinese history?
2) What impact did the printing press have on Chinese history?
3) What impact did the compass have on Chinese history?
4) Write a two-sentence thesis comparing and contrasting the impact of ONE of
these inventions on Post-Classical China and Early Modern Europe.