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ICT619 Intelligent Systems
Topic 5: Genetic Algorithms
How GAs work
The TSP as an example
Business Applications of GA
Advantages of GA systems
Some issues related to GA based systems
Case Study
Dhar, V., & Stein, R., Seven Methods for Transforming Corporate Data into Business
Intelligence., Prentice Hall 1997, pp. 126-148, 203-210.
Fakhreddine, O., and de Silva, C, Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems Design, Addison
Wesley, Harlow 2004.
Goldberg, D. E., Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms Come of Age, Communications of the
ACM, Vol.37, No.3, March 1994, pp.113-119.
Holland, J. H., Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1975.
Kingdon, J., Intelligent Systems and Financial Forecasting, Springer Verlag, London 1997.
Medsker, L., Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston 1995.
Michalewicz, Z., Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, SpringerVerlag, Berlin 1996.
Negnevitsky, M. Artificial Intelligence A Guide to Intelligent Systems, Addison-Wesley
ICT619 S2-05
Genetic algorithms (GAs) were first introduced by John Holland in the 1970s (Holland 1975) as a
result of investigations into the possibility of computer programs undergoing evolution in the
Darwinian sense.
GAs are part of a broader soft computing paradigm known as evolutionary computation. They attempt
to arrive at optimal solutions through a process similar to biological evolution. This involves following
the principles of survival of the fittest, and crossbreeding and mutation to generate better solutions
from a pool of existing solutions.
Genetic algorithms have been found to be capable of finding solutions for a wide variety of problems
for which no acceptable algorithmic solutions exist. The GA methodology is particularly suited for
optimization, a problem solving technique in which one or more very good solutions are searched for in
a solution space consisting of a large number of possible solutions. GAs reduce the search space by
continually evaluating the current generation of candidate solutions, discarding the ones ranked as
poor, and producing a new generation through crossbreeding and mutating those ranked as good. The
ranking of candidate solutions is done using some pre-determined measure of goodness or fitness.
How GAs works
A genetic algorithm is a probabilistic search technique that computationally simulates the process of
biological evolution. It mimics evolution in nature by repeatedly altering a population of candidate
solutions until an optimal solution is found.
In nature, each individual has characteristics determined by its DNA. Its collection of genetic traits is
commonly known as a genotype. In GAs, the term genotype is used to denote the encoding of a
candidate solution and is often referred to as its chromosome.
The smallest unit of a genetic algorithm is called a gene, which represents a unit of information in the
problem domain. A chromosome consists of a series of genes. Each gene in the chromosome represents
one component of the solution pattern. In nature, genes directly or indirectly control various physical
traits, eg, in humans – genes determine hair or eye colour and skin complexion. Several genes often
collectively determine a physical trait, and they are not necessarily independent. This is often the case
in GAs too.
Each gene in a chromosome may have one of a number of possible values known as alleles. The most
common form of representing a solution as a chromosome is a string of binary digits. Each bit in this
string is a gene having only two alleles – 0 and 1. The process of converting the solution from its
original form into the bit string is known as coding. The specific coding scheme used is application
dependent. The solution bit strings are decoded to enable their evaluation using a fitness measure.
The GA evolutionary cycle starts with a randomly selected initial population of solution individuals
(referred to here simply as solutions). The changes to the population occur through the processes of
selection based on fitness, and alteration using crossover and mutation. The application of selection and
alteration leads to a population with a higher proportion of better solutions. The evolutionary cycle
continues until an acceptable solution is found in the current generation of population, or some control
parameter such as the number of generations is exceeded.
ICT619 S2-05
(Mutation &
Genetic algorithm evolutionary cycle.
In biological evolution, only the fittest survive and their gene pool contributes to the creation of the
next generation. Selection in GAs is also based on a similar process. In a common form of selection,
known as fitness proportional selection, each chromosome’s likelihood of being selected as a good one
is proportional to its fitness value. In general, this value is comparative rather than absolute, and is used
for relative comparison of solutions in terms of their acceptability.
The most common fitness proportional selection technique is the roulette wheel selection. Each
chromosome is given a slice of the circular roulette wheel. This area is proportional to the fitness ratio,
which is the ratio of the chromosome’s fitness value to the total fitness of the population. To select a
chromosome for the next generation, a random number in the interval [1,100] is generated, and the
chromosome whose segment spans the random number is selected. This is equivalent to spinning a
roulette wheel for selecting a winner.
The fitness value of a particular solution is measured by a fitness function, also known as an objective
function. It takes a chromosome as a parameter and usually returns a real-valued result as the
chromosome’s fitness value.
In some cases, the choice of the fitness function can be relatively simple, while in other situations it
may be expensive to compute. The function may not be a mathematical solution and instead, be a
measurement of the solution’s performance in a simulation or real-world experiment. The selection
operator selects the good solutions for further processing based on their fitness values, and discards the
remaining ones. The design of the fitness function is one of the more difficult steps in a GA.
Alteration to improve good solutions
The alteration step in the genetic algorithm refines the good solutions from the current generation to
produce the next generation of candidate solutions. It is carried out by performing crossover and
Crossover may be regarded as the artificial equivalent of genetic recombination through mating
occurring in nature. In crossover, chromosomes representing two individual solutions in the current
generation are combined to create the chromosome for the next generation of solutions. This is done by
splicing two chromosomes from two different solutions at a crossover point and swapping the spliced
parts. The idea is that some genes with good characteristics from one chromosome may as a result
combine with some good genes in the other chromosome to create a better solution represented by the
ICT619 S2-05
new chromosome. Crossover is usually carried out with a probability, with 0.7 generally producing
good results. Chromosomes not crossed over are cloned with their exact copies added to the next
Mutation is a random adjustment in the genetic composition. In nature, mutations are random
alterations in genetic material resulting from harmful chemicals or radiation. It is useful in GAs for
introducing new characteristics in a solution population – something not achieved through crossover
alone. Crossover only rearranges existing characteristics to give new combinations. For example, if the
first bit in every chromosome of a generation happens to be a 1, any new chromosome created through
crossover will also have 1 as the first bit.
The mutation operator selects a gene in a chromosome at random, and changes its current value to a
different one. For bit string chromosomes, this change amounts to flipping a 0 bit to a 1 or vice versa.
Although useful for introducing new traits in the solution pool, mutations can be counterproductive,
and applied only infrequently and randomly (see mutation interference below). The probability of
mutation occurring in nature is quite small. Accordingly, in GA mutation probability typically ranges
between 0.001 and 0.01.
The steps in the typical genetic algorithm for finding a solution to a problem are listed below:
The typical Genetic Algorithm
Represent the solution as a chromosome of fixed length; choose size of population N,
crossover probability pc and mutation probability p m.
Define a fitness function f for measuring fitness of chromosomes.
Create an initial solution population randomly of size N:
x1, x2, …, xN
Use the fitness function f to evaluate the fitness value of each solution in the current
f(x1), f(x2), …, f(xN)
Select “good” solutions based on fitness value. The higher the fitness value of a solution, the
greater the probability of it being selected. Discard the rest of the solutions.
If one or more acceptable solutions are found in the current generation, or maximum number
of generations is exceeded, then stop.
Alter the solution population using crossover and mutation to create a new generation of
solutions with population size N.
ICT619 S2-05
A key feature of GAs is their ability to achieve good performance by balancing two conflicting
objectives of any search procedure – the exploitation of the best solution, and the exploration of the
search space. Exploration relates to the examination of the well-known areas of the problem space. In
many cases, there may be several regions containing good solutions. A purely exploratory algorithm
(e.g. random search) might search widely through the problem space, but, might never search the
vicinity of a good solution it comes across to see if better solutions exist close by. By contrast, a purely
exploitative algorithm (e.g., a hill-climber) may find a solution but never discover a much better
solution far away in the problem space. GAs feature both exploration (through mutation and, to some
extent, crossover), and exploitation (through selection and also through crossover). The degree to
which a GA explores or exploits is determined by its parameters such as the population size and the
mutation rate, and also on the choice of fitness functions and terminations conditions. This makes GAs
very sensitive to the choice their parameters and so a lot of planning and experimentation is needed to
produce desired results.
The TSP as an example
One classic example of an optimization problem is the travelling salesperson problem (TSP), which is
stated below:
Given a set of n cities (A, B, C, ...) with inter-city distances dAB, dBC, dAC etc., find a closed tour of all
cities with a short total distance d.
This is an optimization problem with the following constraints
Each city is to be visited once and only once
Total distance travelled is to be as short as possible
Time required to find a solution for the TSP with traditional methods is proportional to t , which
increases exponentially with n. The TSP is an example of a type of computing problem (known as nondeterministic polynomial-complete or np-complete) for which the computational cost becomes
prohibitive beyond a small problem size. To solve the TSP problem for 50 cities with a computer
capable of calculating 1 billion tours per second, the time required is 1 million centuries!
Representation and coding of solutions
A solution to the TSP problem is an ordered list of the n given cities, with each city assigned one out of
n possible positions. The representation of the solution may be visualised with the help of a matrix or a
table as shown below for a five city problem. Each row in the table represents a city, and each column
is associated with a tour position for the cities.
The tour represented above is CAEBDC, which can be coded as a bit string by writing the rows end to
end, starting with row one:
01000 00010 1000 00001 00100
It is worth pointing out though that a binary bit string is not the best solution representation scheme for
the TSP for the following reason. The operations of crossover and mutation are likely to lead the search
to outside the solution space by creating chromosomes which are illegal, for example the same city
appearing more than once in a tour. This would then necessitate some sort of chromosome repair
algorithm to place the search back into the solution space.
ICT619 S2-05
In one reported work (Michalewicz 1996) among many, an integer rather than a binary vector
representation is used together with a variant of the crossover operator. With 100 cities, a tour with a
cost 9.4% above the optimum was arrived at after 20000 generations.
Business Applications of GAs
Although initially GAs were mainly of academic interest, since the late 1980s, an increasing number of
industrial and business applications of GA has appeared (Goldberg 1993). In business, applications of
GA include (Kingdon 1997)
 portfolio optimisation
 bankruptcy prediction
 financial forecasting
 fraud detection
 scheduling
In Europe, the ESPRIT III project PAPAGEN was the largest pan-European investment into the
research, exploration, and commercial development of GAs. It demonstrated the potential of genetic
algorithm technology in a broad range of business applications. These included credit scoring, direct
marketing, insurance risk assessment, economic modelling and handwritten character recognition.
GAs have also been used in portfolio optimisation and financial time series analysis.
In the US, Prediction Company of California has developed a set of time series prediction and trading
tools in which GAs play an important role. One measure of investment efficacy in financial circles is
the Sharpe ratio – the ratio of return to risk. A known group of currency traders was found to have
Sharpe ratios in the range 0.3 – 1.0. Tests with the Prediction Company’s technique demonstrated
ratios as good as the best of the known currency traders.
First Quadrant, an investment firm also in California, uses GA to manage US$5 billion worth of
investments. It started using GA technique in 1993 and claims to have made substantial profits.
Currently the company uses GA to govern tactical asset management in 17 different countries. Many
other investment houses both in the US and Europe are rumoured to be using the technique.
Advantages of GA systems
GAs can be used when no algorithms or heuristics are available for solving a problem. A GA based
system can be built as long as a solution representation and an evaluation scheme can be worked out.
Since it only requires the description of a good solution and not how to achieve it, the need for expert
access is minimised.
Even where rules are available for solving a problem, the number of rules may be too large or the
nature of the knowledge base too dynamic. GAs can act as alternative problem solving tools in such
Optimisation problems in which the constraints and objective functions are non-linear and/or
discontinuous are not amenable to solution by traditional methods such as linear programming. GAs
can solve such problems. Unlike other search-based optimisation procedures such as Hill Climbing 1,
GAs have consistently achieved good performance.
GAs do not guarantee optimal solutions, but produce near optimal solutions which are likely to be very
good. Solution time with GAs is highly predictable – it is determined by the size of the population,
time taken to decode and evaluate a solution and the number of generations of population.
Hill climbing is similar to Gradient descent, except that instead of trying to arrive at a minimum in the
error space, it attempts to reach a maximum in the quality of the solution in the solution search space.
ICT619 S2-05
GAs use simple operations, but are able to solve problems which are found to be computationally
prohibitive by traditional algorithmic and numerical techniques. One example is the TSP problem
(discussed earlier in this topic).
GAs work with a coded version (typically binary strings) of the solution parameters.
They start the search procedure from a number of points (represented by the current population of
solutions), not from a single point. This makes them particularly suitable for parallel processing.
Because of their relative simplicity, GA software is reasonably sized and self-contained. Due to their
compact nature, it is easier to embed them as a module in another system compared with rule based
Some issues related to GA based systems
Level of explainability
GAs themselves are blind to the optimisation process, as they only look at the fitness value of each
chromosome rather than knowing what the fitness value actually means. As a result, their capability to
explain why a particular solution was arrived at is practically nil.
Although GAs are moderately scalable – an increased number of variables can be accommodated by
increasing the length of the chromosome – a longer chromosome also makes finding the solution more
time consuming. The longer the chromosome, the larger the population needs to be since there are
more potential combinations of genes. This results in more time required for decoding and fitness
Data requirements
In general, GAs do not require extensive access to data. But some applications may require access, and
process data from the organisation’s databases to be able to evaluate the fitness of solutions. For these
applications, the quality and quantity of data is important.
Local maxima and premature convergence
Local maxima are regions that hold good solutions relative to the regions around them, but which do
not necessarily contain the best solutions in the solution space. The region(s) that contain the best
solutions are called global maxima. GAs are less prone to being trapped in local maxima because of
the use of mutation and crossover, but, if a GA explores such a region extensively, it may be dominated
by identical or very similar solutions within the region. In such a situation, the GA is said to have
converged. If a GA converges to a set of solutions within a local maximum, then the GA is said to have
converged prematurely. The most significant factor leading to such convergence is a mutation rate
which is too slow.
Mutation interference
Mutation interference occurs when mutation rates in a GA are so high that solutions are frequently or
drastically mutated and as a result, the algorithm never manages to explore any region of the space
thoroughly. Any good solutions found tend to be destroyed rapidly. This problem is opposite to that of
premature convergence. A GA experiencing mutation interference may never converge since its
population is too unstable. Finding a mutation rate which allows the GA to converge but which also
allows adequate exploration of the solution space is essential for satisfactory performance.
Case Study
ICT619 S2-05
Help Desk Task Scheduling (Dhar & Stein 1997, pp.219-227)
Moody’s Invertor Service is a large organisation with a help desk dedicated to providing IT user
support for its employees. This case study looks at the GA based system developed at Moody’s for
scheduling service tasks to its customer service representatives (CSR).
The major constraints were that the system
 Must minimise computer downtime.
 Must minimise customer dissatisfaction through timeliness of service and reporting of
estimated time for service.
 Must be able to integrate with the organisation’s existing database system which kept track
help desk requests.
 Must be flexible enough to allow new types of task definitions and accommodate changes in
employee, training etc.
 Must also be flexible enough to allow the administrator to modify solutions.
 Must be able to generate and reevaluate schedules quickly (under 15 minutes) and
 Must not take administrator or CSRs away from their jobs for any extended period of time.
 Must be developed quickly.
 Should be scalable in case of future growth in number of requests for help and the number of
 Must not be too complicated for its users – the administrator and CSRs.
The main difficulties in meeting the above constraints were due to the large number of tasks, the large
number of CSRs, the varying capabilities of CSRs, and the wide variety of tasks. In order to develop an
effective scheduling system, the following issues needed to be considered.
The priority of a task, which is determined by the severity of the problem.
The length of time required to perform the task and how it would affect the servicing of other
The ability of various CSRs to perform different levels of tasks. The level of CSR expertise
must match the complexity of the problem.
Low priority tasks must not be kept waiting indefinitely.
The measure of goodness of a schedule was to be based on the number of downtime each
schedule cost the organisation.
The following three problem solving methodologies were considered:
1. Traditional linear programming (a numerical optimisation technique).
2. A rule based expert system
3. GA based system
The expertise to solve this problem was not expressible clearly as a set of rules. Besides, the help desk
administrator was not available for knowledge extraction (one of the constraints listed above). So an
ES solution was ruled out.
Although linear programming methods are useful for a wide variety of optimisation problems, one
problem with integer programming (the specific linear programming technique to be used in this case)
is that it searches for an optimal solution, and fails if no such solution can be found. It does not produce
any sub-optimal solutions, which is the case with GA.
The solution
SOGA (Schedule Optimising for GA) - a hybrid system consisting of GA and fuzzy system
components was developed to meet the requirements. The GA component deals with the scheduling
Each task in the queue is represented by a gene. The entire task list forms the chromosome. Each
chromosome is decoded by feeding the task list into a scheduling module that assigns tasks only to
those CSRs who can perform them and are available.
ICT619 S2-05
The fitness of each chromosome is determined by calculating the amount of time that would be lost
while the employees of Moody’s wait for tasks to be completed based on the schedule represented by
the chromosome.
The schedules generated by the GA component is modified by a “goodwill” function that is used to
estimate how dissatisfied each user would be if forced to wait the amount of time prescribed by the
schedule. The amount of modification is determined by the fuzzy system component, which applies
rules like “IF wait time is long THEN satisfaction is decreased”.
SOGA runs in the background behind the help request tracking system. It updates schedules based
upon a predefined time interval (eg, every 10 or 15 minutes). CSRs access their current job queue
through their interface to accept jobs.
The system is timely – generating schedules in about 5 minutes.
The solutions are found to be good by the help desk administrator.
The system is flexible enough to allow for task definitions
The system scales up well to larger domains (higher number of tasks)
The SOGA system was developed in two months using one programmer and overseeing by its
Hybrid GA Systems
The searching capability of GA has been utilised in other soft computing methodologies such as ANNs
and fuzzy systems.
Use of GA for ANN learning
Finding the optimum set of interconnection weights in an ANN can be regarded as a search process.
Encoding schemes have been proposed for representing network parameters such as weight. Once
encoded in the chromosomes, training patterns are presented to the system and errors are computed.
The fitness function used is often the inverse of the network error scaled by the total sum of error of the
Integration of GA with fuzzy logic – neuro-fuzzy modelling
Fuzzy systems can be improved by providing means for optimising their parameters using GA. Once
fuzzy rules have been set and the parameterised membership functions have been initialised, the GA
module can be used to tune the parameter values subject to attaining the optimum of the fitness
For example, a chromosome can be defined to be a concatenation of the values of all the membership
functions. When triangular functions are used to represent the membership functions, for instance, the
parameters are the centres and widths for each category. From an initial pool of possible parameter
values, the fuzzy system is run to determine how well it performs. This information is used to
determine the fitness of each chromosome and to establish the new population. The cycle is repeated
until the best set of values for the membership function parameters is found.
ICT619 S2-05