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World History: Islam
Notes Packet: Ch. 11
Section 11.1: The Rise of Islam
 Arabia: Its Geography and People
 ____________________________________________________________
 Most of the Arabian Peninsula is desert, where Arab nomadic herders
(Bedouins) of sheep and camels
 The leader of a Bedouins was called a sheikh, who was given that
title to honor in the eyes of his tribe
 The city of Mecca became a trade center
 The Prophet Muhammad
 Born in Mecca to a poor clan
 ______________________________________________________
 At the age of 40, Muhammad declared that the angel Gabriel called him to
be a prophet for Allah (God) and revealed verses to him to recite
 ______________________________________________________
 Every year, Arabs came to Mecca to worship at the Kaaba, a stone
building filled with idols to worship
 ______________________________________________________
 He leaves Mecca for a more accepting place
 622 AD: Muhammad settles in Yathrib
 The journey of him from Mecca to Yathrib is known as the hijrah
 ______________________________________________________
 In Medina, Muhammad amassed many followers and soon went to
war with Mecca and took it in 630 AD
 ________________________________________________
 Through force and violence, wise policies, and tolerance,
Muhammad converted many Bedouins to Islam
 By 632 AD, the year Muhammad died, Islam was
spreading and fast and in a few years spread throughout the
Middle East and North Africa
 The Faith of Islam
 There is one God, Allah
 ______________________________________________________
 Followers of Islam are Muslims
 ______________________________________________________
 The collected verses revealed to Muhammad by Gabriel
World History: Islam
Notes Packet: Ch. 11
 The Five Pillars of Islam
 Profession of faith
 ________________________________________________
 Five daily prayers
 Ritual washing followed by prayers in the direction of
 Paying zakat
 ________________________________________________
 Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan
 Muslims eat and drink nothing from dawn to sunset
 Making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life, if possible
 Islam teachings Muslims to be tolerant, not eat pork, not to drink, and live
humble lives
 Jihad (struggle to defend the faith)
 ________________________________________________
 The Koran is written in Arabic, which made the language the dominate
language in the major areas Islam stretched into
 ____________________________________________________________
 Women have their own section or must worship at home
 Friday is the Muslim day of worship
Section 11.2: The Spread of Islam
 Expansion under Abu Bakr & Umar
 Muhammad’s followers chose Abu Baker to be his successor and gave
him the title caliph (successor to the prophet)
 In 634 AD, ‘Umar became the next caliph
 He conquered the old Persian Empire and Iraq in the name of Allah
 ________________________________________________
 The Muslims did not require all they conquered to
convert to Islam, but those who did not had to pay a
 __________________________________________
 In 711 AD, Muslims conquered Southern and Central Spain
 The Islamic Community Divides
 Disagreements on who should be caliph caused a split in Islam
 ______________________________________________________
World History: Islam
Notes Packet: Ch. 11
 Muslims that accepted the decedents of Ali as the true heirs to be
caliph became Shi’ah Muslims
 Only 10% of all Muslims are Shi’ah
 ______________________________________________________
 The Empire continues to Spread
 The Moors
 A North African Muslim general Tariq, who conquered Spain, he
and his settlers in Spain become the Moors
 ______________________________________________________
 The Turks
 Tough, nomadic people from central Asia, who in the late 900s
converted to Islam
 ______________________________________________________
 By the Early 1200s AD, the Turks ruled most of the Muslim
Empire and parts of India
 Christian advances in the West and Mongols strikes in the
East halted Turkish expansion
Section 11.3: Islamic Civilization
 A culture of Traders
 Arabs were traders before Islam and the Muslim Empire was located at the
center of world trade where Europe, Africa, and Asia all met
 ______________________________________________________
 The Muslim regions became centers for learning and the
discoveries made in the Middle East were carried by traders
to the rest of the world
 Government and Society
 The Muslim Empire was broken up into three areas (caliphates) with
capitals in Bagdad, Cairo, and Cordoba ruled by separate caliphs
 All laws were based on the Qur'an; there was no separation of
religion and government
 ________________________________________________
 No free Muslim could be a slave
World History: Islam
Notes Packet: Ch. 11
 The family was at the core of Muslim Society
 ______________________________________________________
 Respect for elders was imbedded in Muslim culture
 Parents arranged marriages, but the Qur’an gave women the right to refuse
an arrangement
 ______________________________________________________
 Muslim men could have up to four wives according to the Qur’an and had
to treat each well
 If a women divorced, the Qur’an gave her the right to keep her
money and to remarry
 ________________________________________________
 Education was supported by the government
 At the mosque, religious studies took place
 ______________________________________________________
 The Sciences
 Medicine
 Some of the early Muslim work in the development & preparation
of pharmaceutical drugs is still in use today
 ______________________________________________________
 Muslim doctors in Baghdad had to pass examinations
 ________________________________________________
 Al-Razi: was a Muslim doctor that wrote down ways to describe
small pox and measles and he created a medical encyclopedia used
in the rest of the world for centuries
 Geography
 Muslims studied the maps of the Greeks and then began improving
 al-Idrisi sent his people to other countries to ask the people their to
draw maps of the area
 ________________________________________________
 Muslims used the Greek, astrolabe, which used the positions of the
stars to calculate a person or ships’ location on Earth
 ________________________________________________
World History: Islam
Notes Packet: Ch. 11
 Mathematics
 In the 800s AD: Muslim introduced a number system from India
that used zero and expressed any number by using only 10 figures
 ________________________________________________
 Muslims got the concept of decimals from the Indians and AlKhwarizmi used this concept to write a book that would be used to
develop Algebra
 ______________________________________________________
 The Arts
 ____________________________________________________________
 Architecture was the greatest form for Islamic Art
 Mosques, palaces, and libraries were designed to glorify Islam
 The mosque at Cordoba, Spain built in 988 AD was a an
example of sophisticated Muslim architecture
 ______________________________________________________
 Often a tower (minaret) was attached to the mosque, where
a crier called Muslims to worship five times a day
 The caliphs were great patrons for the arts with some writers living at the
caliph’s court
 ____________________________________________________________
 Stories such as Aladdin, Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, and Sinbad
the Sailor are found in the book and remain some of the most
widely read stories in history