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History of the United states
Please identify (write out, in two to three complete sentences,
who, what where, when, and historical significance five of the
following (10 pts each; 50 pts total):
1) Andrew Jackson
2) War of 1812
3) Free Soil Party
4) John Quincy
5) Missouri Compromise
6) Emancipation Proclamation
7) Bleeding Kansas
8) William T. Sherman
Write a clear, organize, and well-developed essay for the
following question (50 pts total)
The novel Killer Angels provides a fictionalized account of
the Battle of Gettysburg. Please write an essay in which
you do the following:
--- summarize the events of the battle as you learned them from
the novel
---- comment on the benefits of reading a fictionalized account
as opposed to a general history
---- comment on the shortcomings of reading a fictionalized