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World History
K. Stith
Notes – The Protestant Reformation
1) What was the Protestant Reformation?
a) _____________________________ that led to ___________________ &
the founding of Christian churches that ___________________________
(Protestant or non- __________________ churches)
2) Causes for the Protestant Reformation
a) Renaissance ideas of secularism & individuality _________________
Catholic church authority
b) ____________________________________ weaken the church’s authority
c) Leaders begin to speak out for ____________________________ (change)
3) Martin Luther Starts the Reformation (Germany)
a) Martin Luther, a German monk, protests __________________________
__________________________________ (pardons)
b) The Protestant Reformation begins or starts when Luther posts his _______
c) Pope is __________________ by Luther = Luther is ___________________
d) After excommunication, Luther creates a separate religious group called the
4) Other Important Protestant Reformers (New Protestant Religious Groups)
a) Calvinism (developed by _________________________)
i) Emphasized idea of _________________________ (God has decided all
things ____________________ i.e. who will be _____________)
World History
K. Stith
ii) Believed ideal government was a __________________ (gov. ruled by
religious leaders)
b) Anabaptists
i) Believed only ______________ should be _______________
ii) Believed in the separation of _____________ & _____________
5) Reformation Spreads & England Becomes Protestant
a) _____________________(8th) breaks with the Catholic Church for _______
_________________, not religious reasons.
b) Reason: Henry VIII wanted to ____________ his marriage so he could
produce a ___________ (Catholic Church did not usually permit _________)
c) The Result: the __________________________ (Church of England) will
be created
6) Catholic Reformation (or _________________ Reformation)
a) Catholic Church launches reforms to __________________ the church &
b) ___________________________ (Great Catholic Reformer)
i) Forms the ___________________ (religious order who helped spread
7) Impact of the Reformation
a) Religion no longer _____________ Europe = ____________________
b) _______________ in Church’s* power (pope) = _______________ in
monarchs’ & states’ power
c) Increased interest in _________________ & ________________ (i.e.
studying the Bible)