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Curriculum vitae ir. Albert (Berry) P.B. Uiterwijk Winkel
: 22 June 1942 at Leiden, The Netherlands
1962 – 1964
: High School Leiden; graduation HBS-B
: Military service
: Wageningen University & Research (WUR); Water Treatment,
Technology, Soil Science, Microbiology
1976 – 2004
: Rijkswaterstaat (National Waterways Board); investigation of
sludge, treatment of communal waste water discharge, sewage
systems, soil treatment, treatment of waste discharge, dredging
sludge, storage of dredging sludge, geological investigation into
sand deposits in the North Sea
: Retirement
1985 – 2000
: The first Top-Down analysis and Bottom-Up deduction of the
Biochemistry of Living Matter; first version of the Principles of
1995 – 2007
: The systematic deduction of all forces on matter: the plain
atom, the black hole atom, the anti-matter atom, quarks and
strings; unifying all forms of matter and all forces in nature
2000 – 2007
: Analyzing Big / Little Bang; drafting of the Cycle of the
Universe / Taeut Cycle; formulating the Principles of the
All matter in the Universe has been structured in accordance
with the Periodical System of Elements / Isotopes and in
accordance with matter on Earth
2002 – 2007
: Deducing the various types of physical, physico-chemical
bonds of the normal atom
Deducing the three limitations of velocity required to be set on
atoms within the Theory of Relativity
: Revision of the Top-Down analysis of Biochemical Pathways
and of the Bottom-Up deduction of the Biochemistry of Living
The final version of the Principles of Biochemistry
August 2006
: The launch of the author’s website
-) For the author logic in the science subjects was missing:
When taught science at high school the author misses the logic in chemistry and
physics as well the logical connection between both subjects. In the Sixties, this lack
was felt in such additional subjects as physical chemistry and biochemistry at the
Agricultural University of Wageningen (Wageningen University & Research; WUR).
-) Biochemistry of living matter feasible only when chemistry, physical chemistry
and physics are completely integrated:
In the early Seventies the author determines single cell algae and zoo-plankton. He
concludes that single cell organisms as well as all forms of living matter can only
operate if in their biochemical processes, chemistry, physics and physical chemistry
have been completely integrated in one indissoluble system and as one complete and
exactly synchronized total.
Transforming the chemical energy bond into heat is the single driving force of the
biochemistry of living matter which is also responsible for the completely finite and
irreversible expiry of biochemical processes of life in time.
Time is absolutely irreversible for living matter; incompatibility with Theory of
-) The minimal and maximal concept of one:
In every molecule of living matter only one, and not more than one, single chemical
and one single physical modification can occur at exactly the same moment. This is
expressed by the author as the minimal and maximal concept of one: the min./max.
concept of 1.
-) Top-Down analysis of Biochemical Pathways:
Based on the Biochemical Pathways by Gerhard Michal, the author deduces the
biochemical basic principles of living matter in the early 1990’s. Although the
chemical, physico-chemical and physical reactions in the biochemistry of living
matter appear to occur reasonably separately, they however have been completely
integrated into one logical total in the form of biochemical reactions.
-) Bottom-Up deduction from all conceivable molecules; the 6 Principles of
On the basis of all conceivable, about 10-20 milliard, molecules in all their physical
conditions, the author also deduces which biochemical conceptions have been left by
the Periodic System. The Bottom-Up deduction unequivocally confirms Biochemical
Pathways: the Periodic System of elements contains only one single biochemical
system (BP) for living matter.
On Earth all biochemical properties may be found that can be realized with the
elements of the Periodical System. The biochemistry of living matter on Earth is
unique but is also universally standard for all forms of life.
The biochemistry of living matter has two principal biochemical processors: the citric
acid cycle and lipid acid cycle as well as the amino acid synthesis.
On the basis of the Top-Down analysis of Biochemical Pathways and the Bottom-Up
deduction from the Periodical System the author derives the 6 Principles of
-) Spontaneous development of living matter:
The biochemistry of all living matter anywhere in the Universe is based on exactly the
same principles as found on Earth.
On all planets with liquid water and a minimal atmosphere first the biochemistry of
living matter and later living matter itself evolves which is prompted by
-) All matter in the Universe ordered in accordance with the Periodic System:
The universal uniqueness of the citric acid cycle, the lipid acid cycle, the amino acid
synthesis and Biochemical Pathways and thus living matter on Earth may be proved
1. all matter is stringently ordered in accordance with the Periodic System, and
2. all forces/ bonds on this matter are known.
The author has systematically deduced this between 2000-2006.
-) No super hot Big Bang but a super cold Little Bang:
The author deduces that the “Big” Bang will occur at the absolute zero point and that
from the black hole, with all matter of the universe gathered, only an equivalent of
protons and electrons will be disengaged. Because of their mutual attraction, these
protons/electrons will stay closely together in layers of alternately 1 electron/ 1
On the basis of the Little Bang model the atom core contains protons and electrons
only and no neutrons.
This system of loose protons/ electrons eventually evolves universally to the H atom
and the H2 molecule. At the supernova explosions H2 leads to universally the exact
same Periodical System of elements as known on Earth. The system of forces on
those atoms / elements P.S. is universally also the same.
The author’s Little Bang model is completely the opposite of the “Big” Bang model
which has as its starting point E = mc2.
-) E = mc2 is incorrect:
The author in case of annihilation. In all other cases E ≠ mc2. Einstein when
concluding the Theory of Relativity made the basic mistake of linking gravity and
weight to mass while there is no connection between them.
When systematically inferring all forces the author found that gravity is not activated
by the atom core which in fact is even completely without gravity and without weight.
Gravity (and weight) is exclusively generated by the electrons/ electron pairs in
trajectories around the nucleus.
Such electrons comprise only approx. 1/2,000th of the total mass of the atom. In itself
gravity (and weight) is not linked to the mass of the electron.
Gravity and other basic forces are only generated by electrons and electron pairs in
trajectories around the nucleus and only then if that atom is subjected to velocity/
rotation velocity in the universe. The weight of an atom is totally attributable to the
electrons surrounding the nucleus and not to the mass of those electrons.
-) Deducing all forces on matter:
The author systematically deduces all forces and bonds both on normal atoms, black
hole atoms in black holes and anti-matter atoms possibly present in the Universe.
When deducing all forces on the atom a substantial group of forces first appears to be
activated on the atom but only if that particular atom is subjected to transformation
velocity/ rotation velocity.
The author deduces on plain matter/ the elements/ isotopes of the Periodic System:
- 2 elementary forces of the proton
- 2 elementary forces of the electron
- 1 basic forces independent of velocity related to the structure of the atom
- 2 basic(velocity)forces of the nucleus
- 1 basic(velocity)force of electrons(1)/ electron pairs(2): gravity
- 5 basic(kinetic energy)forces of electrons(1)/ electron pairs(2) and
- 1 basic(kinetic energy)force related to the charge of the outer electron shell of
the atom
- 3 basic(temperature)forces related to temperature.
In total it concerns 17 differing fundamental forces.
Apart from these the author also deduces 10 semi fundamental forces on the atom.
Every form of velocity in the Universe generates its own vector on the basic(velocity/
kinetic energy) force.
Bonds are only feasible between exactly the same (velocity)vectors of one and the
same force.
-) The cycle of the Universe/ The Taeut cycle:
This process brought the author back to the evolution of matter and the forces on
matter during the Little Bang and during the subsequent cycle the Universe will start.
The author deduces the 25 different successive and seamlessly connected phases of
the Universe which the Universe subsequently will run.
Of every phase, the period of the Universe clock time, space occupied, form(s) of
matter and forces active on matter present as well as the reaction of those forces on
the movements in the Universe.
The Universe as a system is subject to a cycle: the cycle of the Universe/ Taeut cycle
which runs from Little Bang to the next Little Bang which takes a minimum of about
25,000 milliard years.
At the next Little Bang the universe clock time of this Universe will end at about
25,000 milliard years and the universe clock time of the next new Universe will start
again at t = 0 sec. Both time, space, matter and forces on matter are cyclic and both
are directly linked to each other through the cycle of the universe.
Depending on the phase of the Universe eternity lasts very long in the present
universe but amounts to a maximum of about 25,000 milliard years. In the light of the
universe clock time eternity and time are in fact always finite.
-) All matter exactly the same universe clock time:
All matter in the universe always has exactly the same universe clock time;
differences in time are not possible. The phenomenon of time cannot be accelerated,
decelerated nor distorted which is also valid for the notion of space.
-) The driving force behind the cycle of the Universe:
The energy / driving force for the cycle of the Universe is generated as follows:
a) the Universe knows no gravity for the first 2,000 milliard years after the Little
Bang. The expansion of the Universe also constructs potential energy in
comparison with the point of Little Bang
b) when after approx. 2,000 milliard years the H atom finally has been
constructed and at the same time gravity, the potential energy in comparison
with the Little Bang becomes both visible and tangible as if out of nowhere.
That energy is released at the decrease of the Universe and needs to be
discharged from the Universe.
This objective as deduced by the author does not require matter to be converted into
energy. The cycle of the Universe takes care of its own energy so as to preserve all
-) Universe closed for matter and open to energy:
The author’s analysis leads to a Universe with a radius of approx. 16 – 50 milliard
light years. That Universe is a system closed to all forms of matter but is open to all
truly matter-less forms of both radiation and energy.
In the Universe, matter is neither converted in matter-less forms of energy nor
constructed from matter-less forms of energy.
-) Vision completed:
The author’s search has taken more than 10,000 hours so far. The author has
formulated a complete vision and has penetrated to the essence and outline of:
 the Universe, the laws of the Universe and the continuous cycle of the
 the connected integrated cycles of: matter, forces, time and space;
 the construction of matter and resulting forces and bonds, and
 all conceivable forces that may be established, qualitatively verified and
quantitatively measured as physical, chemical and physico-chemical
magnitudes; mystical (=inexplicable) forces neither occur within matter nor
 the biochemistry of living matter, i.e. the Principles of Biochemistry; the
spontaneity and biochemical uniformity of all forms of life in the Universe;
 the string and quark structure of protons and electrons.
The deductions in these documents necessitate a completely different view.
-) Today’s science contains a great number of illusions:
Today’s science contains numerous illusions put down in the literature and remaining
as viruses. They appear to be correct but are not upon closer analysis. In most cases
different matters have been measured and observed than originally thought.
Science first needs to rid itself of the numerous errors/ illusions in the coming years.
Some of these are the cornerstones of current science and literature, i.e. E = mc2.
Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands,
August 2006/ February 2008
Translation: Etta Jonquiere.