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Ch7-Rome-ReviewSEC1-Foundations of Rome
1. According to tradition A______ fled from the city of T_____ when it was destroyed by the Greeks, He
eventually settled in I_______ and became an ancestor of the Romans. The city of Rome was founded by
R________ (a distant descendant of A_______). R________was one of a set of twins, R________ and
R_____, who were cared for by a mother w______. According to tradition R_______ founded Rome in _ _ _ BC.
2. Rome was founded at a shallow place on the T________ River at a place where there were ___ hills. The
L_________ were the people who lived around the Tiber River. They were the ancestors of the Romans.
3. 753BC-509BC: Rome was ruled by 7 k___________. In 509BC, the Romans overthrew their last king &
established a new form of government called a r__________.
4. Upper class people were called p__________ & common people were called pl____________.
5. Other people who lived in Italy included: E____________ (lived in northern Italy) gave Rome their alphabet &
taught the Romans engineering skills, how to build ar________ (architectural structure) and dr________ the
swamp between their hills; G________ colonists (lived on the coasts of southern Italy&Sicily) gave the Romans
m____ about gods and heroes.
6. Government of the Roman Republic:
a. S_________ (about 300 men) controlled public funds and f______ affairs.
b. Magistrates
1) 2 C___________held executive power; elected for term of __ year. Each had v____ power
over the other.
2) Pr___________-judges of the law courts; elected for a term of __ year.
3) C____________- enrolled citizens and oversaw public morals; also elected.
4) T____________-representatives of the common people. Had v____ power in the Senate. Were
elected by the pl_________.
5) D________: special position appointed to hold power in times of crisis for a maximum of ___
c. A___________ of the citizens-These elected the magistrates; Because of the way they voted, the votes
of the wealthy counted more than the votes of the poor.
7. Official name of the Roman Republic was the S__________and P_________of Rome, abbreviated _ _ _ _ .
8. 509BC-270BC: The “Conflict of the Orders” – the Roman “civil rights” movement, in which the Pl__________
gained equal legal rights:
a. Each time they wanted more rights, the Pl______ went on “strike” & withdrew from Rome until their
demands were met.
b. Pl___________ gained the right have their own assembly & to elect T________ with
v________ power in the S___________.
c. The Laws of the 12 T___________ were written & set up in the F__________. These were the
original laws of Rome.
d. Pl___________ gained the right to hold any office, including C_______-the highest office.
e. Finally, one of the two C_______ had to be a Pl___________.
9. 509BC-265BC-Gradually the power of Rome spread throughout I________________.
10. Roman army:
Citizens: L_______-4800men; C________-about480;C__________ about 80; tent group-8 men
Non-citizens: A________ troops, including archers and cavalry
Qualities of the Roman army: discipline & persistence. At the end of their service, soldiers got
Punishment for cowardice: d____________ (killing 1 in every 10 men).
11. At this early period, conquered lands were usually treated fairly well. Nearby areas were given full c________.
Areas farther away were granted partial c________ .
12. 264BC-146BC: The 3 P__________ Wars between Rome & C_____________:
C_________ was a city on the coast of North Africa that had a great trading empire.
1st P______ War: Conflict involved the island of S________. In this war, Rome built its first
n_______in order to defeat Carthage. Rome won & Rome got S_________.
2nd P______ War: Conflict involved Sp_______. The Carthaginian general H_____________
brought his army and e_________ over the Alps, into Italy, and ravaged the Italian countryside for
over 10 years without being able to capture the city of Rome itself. Finally when the Roman general
Sc______ took his army to lay siege to Carthage, H________ returned to defend his home city, and
there Sc________ finally defeated H_________. Rome won & got most of the Carthaginian Empire,
including Spain. C________ was not allowed to wage war without Rome’s permission.
Between 2nd & 3rd P_______ Wars, Rome fought & conquered M___________ (home of Alex the
Great) & gradually took all of Greece.
In the 3rd P_______ War: Romans like the Senator C_________ wanted to utterly destroy
Carthage. So Rome claimed that C________ had broken their treaty, attacked & destroyed
C_______________ & eve poured s_____ on the ground.
By 133 BC, Rome had spread its control almost all the way around the M_______________ Sea.
13. About 133BC: Social problems resulting from too much wealth & power: The rich in Rome became
r_____________but the poor became p___________. Many small farmers lost their l_______, and moved to
the cities, where they often remained unem______. The number of slaves greatly i________.
14. 133BC-122BC: Attempts at reform: Gaius & Tiberius G___________ were brothers who each: were elected
T___________(representative of the common people) & proposed reforms including giving l_________ to poor
farmers and providing cheap grain for the poor. Each was m______________ by thugs hired by the senate.
Peaceful reform failed.
15. 91BC: The S______ War was a rebellion by Rome’s Italian allies, who wanted full c__________. Rome put down
the rebellion, but in the end, gave all Italians full c____________.
16. About 110BC-27BC: A series of aggressive g____________ took control of the Roman government & there were
many c_______ wars.
M________, a general, reformed the army and made it professional. He became consul and held a lot
of political power;
Later, another general, S_______, took control of the Roman government with the support of the
Senate, and put up “proscription” lists of his enemies, to be killed for a reward.
In 60BC, the 1st T________ shared power. It included:
a. P_________-general who defeated pirates on the Mediterranean & conquered land in the east.
b. C________ -richest man in Rome & man who defeated the slave revolt led by Sp_______
c. J___ C_______- youngest & eventually most powerful of the three.
17. 59BC-49BC: J______ C_______ (JC) commanded an army & conquered G________ (France). P______ & the
Senate ordered J.C. to return to Rome. J.C. returned with his army. P__________& the Senate fled to Greece,
which J.C. defeated them. P______ then fled to Egypt where the ruler of Egypt (Ptolemy) beheaded him. J.C.
put Cl______ (sister of Ptolemy) on the Egyptian throne & made Egypt an ally. J.C. took control of Rome with the
title “D_________ for life”.
18. Reforms of J.C.: gave l_______ to poor farmers, gave j_______ to the unemployed; gave bread or grain to the
poor; reformed the c_____________ based on knowledge gained in Egypt.
19. 44BC: Senators including B______ believed JC was destroying the republic & assassinated him.
20. Following the murder of J.C. in 44BC, for a time the “2nd T_________” held power. It included:
M_____ A_______(general, friend, & brother-in-law of J. C.),
O_________ (Nephew and heir of J.C.) , and
Lepidus (a general). Soon Lepidus dropped out.
For a while, M______ A______ ruled the east, and O______ ruled the west.
Then there was another power struggle between O__________& M_____ A_____. At the battle of
Actium (31BC) O_______& his general Agrippa defeated M_____ A_______ and his lover
Cl_________. Now O__________ had sole power.
21. By 27 BC, O____________ was in reality the 1st Roman Emperor but he did not admit it; rather he used the
humble title P________________(1st citizen). The Senate also gave him the title A______________, (revered
one). The Senate still met, but it had little real power.
22. O______________ (= A____________) was a political genius who set up a very efficient organization for the
Roman Empire. He avoided envy by maintaining a simple life-style.
23. 27BC-180AD: P____ R___________ (Roman Peace)
A________ and the next 4 emperors are called the Julio-Claudian Emperors: 2)Tiberius,
3) C_________ who was insane & made his horse a consul 4) Cl________, who conquered Britain, and
5)N______, who blamed Christians for the Great F____ of Rome and viciously persecuted them.
Then 3 army generals ruled briefly, and then the Flavian Emperors (9)Vespasian, 10)Titus. 11)Domitian.
Then the “5 Good Emperors” including: Nerva, T_______; who expanded the Empire to its largest
size; H________who tried to integrate & Romanize all parts of the empire & built H_______’s wall
between Roman Britain & Scotland, Antoninus Pius, & M______ A______ who was also a Stoic
T____________ & t_____________ were safe & easy during this time. During this period there
was p_______ & pr__________ throughout most of the Empire, most of the time. The northernmost
boundary was H________ Wall. Boundaries in Europe were approximately the Rh____ River and the
D________ River.
Keys to Rome’s success: 1)strong government & l______; 2)eng__________, tr______ & tr_______ ; 3)strong
Roman l____ was probably its greatest achievement. Roman law was based on justice & reason & trained j______
decided cases. The original laws were called the “Laws of the 12 T____”, and many more laws were added. The
laws of most countries of E_________ are based on Roman Civil Law.
The Romans built about 60,000 of extremely well built paved r_______ to connect the empire.
The Roman a______ kept the peace. Soldiers were professionals who served about 25 years, were fairly well
paid, and got land & citizenship when they retired. There were fortified a_______camps around the borders of
the empires, and many of these eventually became towns & cities.
The head of the Roman family was the f__________, called the “pater familias”. He (theoretically) had the
power of life & death over the family members. Women were respected and had some rights, including the right
to own p______.
The V_________ V_______(priestesses of the goddess Vesta) were highly honored & kept the sacred fire of
Rome. Methods of augury (foretelling of the future) included interpreting the flights of b_________ &
examining the entrails of a sacrificed animal.
30. The favorite Roman public entertainment was c____________ racing. The biggest race track in Rome was called
the C__________ M___________. Another form of public entertainment was g____________ fights. The
largest arena in Rome was the C__________.
31. In cities, many ordinary Romans lived in a____________ buildings. Middle class and wealthy Romans lived in
comfortable houses, with central heat provided by hypocaust systems, which featured a furnace beneath the
floor that sent warm air up to heat the house.
32. Public b___________ were an important part of everyday life in cities. These were large facilities, and had
changing rooms, exercise areas, cold, warm & hot rooms.
33. Romans built large water systems called a_______________ to bring fresh water to cities. While most of the
length of an a_________ was usually underground, some parts wereon large bridge-like arcades.
34. The most important features of Roman architecture were the ar_____ and d_______. The Romans used
c______ which hardened into a stone-like substance. The P________________ was the “Temple of All the
Gods” in Rome. It has columns in front, and the top is a huge c________ dome.
35. The famous Roman poet V____________ wrote the Aeneid, the story of the hero Aeneas. There were other
poets who wrote passionate love poems, collections of myths, and satires. There were many important historians,
including L______, who wrote the early history of Rome.
36. The language of ancient Rome was L_______. The languages (Spanish, French. Italian, Romanian, etc) called the
R______ languages developed from L_______. L______ continued to be used by educated people for over a
thousand years after the Empire fell.
1. The homeland of the Jews became a Roman province called J_________
2. Many Jews were hoping for the coming of the M________, a special religious & political leader. Some Jews,
called Z__________, wanted to rebel against Roman rule for religious reasons. Jewish Revolts:
a. 66-70AD: 1st Jewish Revolt: the Romans crushed the revolt & destroyed the Jewish T______
b. 135AD: 2nd Jewish Revolt: the Romans crushed the revolt and forced the Jews to leave Judea.
This began the d________, which is the term for the scattering of the Jews.
3. Jesus was born about3-4BC in Judaea, and began his public teaching around 27AD. He was arrested and
cr________ by the Romans. His followers said he rose from the dead 3 days later, lived on earth for 40 more
days, and ascended into heaven. His followers said he was the M__________, or “Anointed One” which is
“Christos” in Greek.
4. The life of Jesus was recorded in the four G__________: Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. These, and the letters
of P________ to the early churches, became the most important parts of the New Testament.
5. At first Christianity was a small sect within J_________, but eventually it became a separate religion. Christian
beliefs based on J________ beliefs, with the added the belief that Jesus was the M_______ and son of God.
6. Emperor N______ blamed Christians for the “Great F____” of Rome, outlawed Christianity and began to
persecute & execute Christians. M________ is the term for a person who dies for his faith.
7. Person most responsible for the early spread of Christianity was a Jewish rabbi named P____, who converted to
Christianity & traveled to many cities in the Roman Emp. preaching & organizing Churches. Christianity spread
rapidly despite persecution.
8. In 312AD, the Emperor C____________ issued the Edict of Milan which legalized Christianity and stopped the
persecutions. On his deathbed Emperor C_________ himself was baptized as a Christian.
9. The early church became very organized. The early organization was as follows, from highest to lowest:
a. 5 P_________________ (Bishops in the 5 most important cities)
b. B__________________ (presided over a region called a diocese)
c. P___________________ (presided over a congregation)
d. People of a congregation
10. The Patriarch of Rome came to be called the P_____. Eventually, when the Roman Empire split, the P______ was
the head of the Western (Roman Catholic) Church, and the P______ of Constantinople was the head of the
Eastern (Eastern/Greek Orthodox) Church. The 2 churches did not officially split from each other until 1054AD.
11. 325AD: The church Council of N_______ formulated the doctrine of the Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
12. 391AD: The Emperor Th_______ made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
180AD-280AD was a time of instability in the Roman Empire. 3 important problems included:
a. One emperor after another was a_____________, and there was no set rule for succession.
b. There were high taxes & severe economic i__________, because the government made more silver coins,
but put less silver in them.
c. The tax increase caused many small f______ers to sell their f______s to a larger landowner, and these
small f________become tenant farmers on the land.
284AD- the Emperor D__________ temporarily re-stabilized the Empire with these reforms:
a. He d________ the Empire into 2 administrative parts: E___ and W____. Over each part was a main
ruler called an A_________, with an assistant called a C________.
b. He passed laws that established set pr______ and w________ (to stop inflation) and he said that the
oldest son had to take the o__________ of his father.
c. He added elaborate rituals which made the position of the E_________ more awe inspiring.
324AD: Emperor C____________ took power & did the following:
a. Issued the Edict of M______ which gave freedom of religion & made Christianity legal
b. Built a new capital for the Eastern Empire, called C___________.
Germanic Tribes:
a. Included the F_________ the Visig_________, Angles & Saxons and others, who lived outside the
Roman Empire, east of the of the R________ & north of the D_____ Rivers.
b. Simpler lifestyle than the Romans. Lived by f________ing & r______ing other tribes; no wr_______
language or wr______ laws; no cities.
c. Divided into tribes each led by a w____ chief. No government larger than the tribe.
a. A few at a time over the years, people from these G_________tribes had entered & settled in the
Roman Empire. Most assimilated & many had actually joined the Roman army.
b. 300s-400sAD: H_______, another fierce tribe of mounted warriors from farther east invaded the lands
of these G________ tribes. Large numbers of the G_________ tribes tried to flee into the Roman
Empire to escape from the H________
c. The Roman army tried to stop the G__________ tribes from entering the Empire, but the Germanic
tribes defeated a Roman army at the battle of A__________. Then more of the G_________ tribes
entered. The G________ tribes followed their own laws and began to take over areas of the Empire. The
Roman Army could not stop them.
d. 410AD: The Visigoth king A______ & his troops sacked Rome, but then left. This terrified the people but
it was not yet the end of the W. Roman Empire. .
e. About 450AD, the fierce H______ , led by A________, attacked Gaul. They were defeated by a
combined army of Visigoths & Romans, who united briefly to fight them. The H_____ then turned south
and entered northern Italy, but then they turned back. (This was not yet the end of the W. Roman
f. 476AD: A Germanic leader named O___________ overthrew & expelled the last Western Emperor, who
was named R_______ A__________. This is the “official date” of the fall of the Western Roman Emp.,
but in reality it happened over a longer period of time.
a. The W__________ Empire disintegrated, but the E________ Empire continued.
b. In the West, the G________ tribes set up separate tribal kingdoms. The central government of the
Western Roman Empire gradually collapsed& widespread disorder resulted.
In the
area of the old W______ Empire:
Tr_______ & tr________ declined.
People left the c_________ , and moved to the countryside.
L_________ sharply declined, as schools and libraries closed or were destroyed.
7. Some of the reasons for the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire:
a. Simple, obvious reason: The invasion of the G_______ tribes, who were fleeing from the H____.
b. Underlying Causes
i. Economic: High t_____ and inf______. T_______ increased sharply once the Empire quit
expanding, and there was no more wealth coming to the government from war loot.
ii. Military: The army became less loyal to Rome, and eventually many of the soldiers were actually of
G____________ heritage.
iii. Social: Extreme division between r_____ & p______. Also, later Romans lost their p_______
(loyalty to the government) and took less and less interest in the government.
iv. Political: Unstable leadership. Many emperors were a__________. After the Empire was divided,
the E________ Empire grew more powerful & wealthy, while the W________ Empire grew less
powerful & wealthy.