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Class 6
Hello welcome to English and Music at open university of
Kaoshiung. This is Dr.Patrick Francis structure. This is Class
number 6 : music production, active listening and
instrumentation. This class I'm including the photo of myself
On the first page what is the instrument. This is my classical
guitar. I'm classical guitar by training, and because Included the
picture today. Because we’ll going to be talking about the
instruments and instrumentation. Instrumentation is(in) the
simply. What the instruments are used in a particular song or a
piece of music. If you what to know what the instrument use to
do ask what is the instrumentation of the song. We are talking a
little bit more about the music production today. We will have
some music listening to from the 1980's as well as reviewing a
little bit music. But today our focus is production. Active
listening we'll be talking about this. That's talk about right now.
Today we are listening for music production what the decision
will made recording of this music. What’s special techniques for
used what instruments or used what the song's writer decided
to do what the creative decision will made. That's all we are
listening for today. We’re going to be listening very closely to
music. Down brought you see a pair of headphones here.
Listening: Active listening, Active listening again when we
listen we don’t do anything else. We just listening devoting on
tire attention to music, to a piece of music cause listen to.
Passive listening is you doing some other activity while you are
listening to the music. Maybe working in the house, cleaning the
house and listening to the music. It’s listening to the music
while cleaning the house certainly makes more enjoyable but
you can’t really pay closed attention to the music gross doing
some other activities that is passive, passive listening. Today
we’re going to do some active listening. So that’s get start it.
Here we have a song “ Don’t Come Around Here No More” by
Tom Petty . And you see the picture there of Tom Petty and his
band the Heartbreakers. Tom Petty is a man picture on the far
left and his band is further gentleman. And the picture is from
1970’s. Actually the song will going to listening to its from1985.
Don’t come around here no more, this phrase actually
cormakerly incorrect. Don’t come around here any more would
be the correct grammar. But often in songs some writers is
known the rule of grammar and use whatever the language feel
like also close quirk English. Certain dialog’s English certain
regency of country it’s very common to use know “Don’t around
here no more” to use that structure instead of “Don’t around
here any more”. People always pay attention to use grammar of
course the main once case create chose Don’t around here no
more Tom Petty. A little bit about Tom Petty. Tom Petty is a one
of the most successful rock musician. It’s from the last 20 years.
His several hit songs in continual tool record music. This song
from 1980 has been chosen because it’s use different
instruments that all really common. When we produce the song
making the create decision for recording the song. It’s mean
very interesting choice for the music. Tom Petty, he was we
consider a rock musician and almost his music is basic on the
guitar. His guitar, quite guitar and most of his music is features
the guitar. Quite promissly the guitar is important in his
recordings. The song uses some influences from the sense pop
mufment from 1980’s. Sense pop will talk about another class
but since is a privation for the synthesizer. The synthesizer is
another instrument that treat songs accentually miasmatic but
treat songs that can not may by no more instrument, it’s
synthesize. To synthesize something is to create something. So
synthesizer is usually a keyboard or a piano that you can create
a new song. So this song a little bit departure from Tom Petty
because it used synthesizer song. Also if you look at the
the……just take a look at the lecture you see the word intro.
Intro means introduction and I out the inprunise and blue. Fart
drum machine, sitar, bass and vocals leader the instrument use
at the introduction and use the drum machine is very common in
the sense pop a arena a music. And drum machine is basically at
the instruct dividers can take a place or supplement or a drama
dose. Many band choose to use drum machines is real people
play drums and drums machine doesn’t make mistakes. And
keep the perfect time and never slow down and never speed up.
It keeps we’re call perfect time. The sitar is an east Indian
instrument which we hear at beginning. It’s a strange
instrument look at its backer like a guitar or an Erhu a little bit.
It has a large body with a triger long neck. We’ll listen for the
sitar instrument. We use the song not particularly common song
to use in black music. Bass b-a-s-s bass guitar. Bass is the lower
sounding instrument usually in a group. A bass guitar usually is
featured plays a bass part. But also synthesize can play bass
guitar. And vocals means voices people singing and introduction
people actually shock the word “Hey” together. It‘s very
interesting. The song may be a song you have not heard before.
And I hope you enjoy discovery new thing about it. Let’s listen to
Don’t come here no more pay conscientious to the text in red
and blue. The text in the red is note about production choices.
Create choices that will make in the music. And blue texts are
usually in the case instrument that is doing something that we
want to pay attention to. Ok, let’s listen and we’ll talk about
Music playing
All right that was Don’t come around here no more by Tom Petty
and Heartbreakers. I hope you follow along within the lyrics
what’s going on in the music indicaked by the red text and blue
text. We know that just look a little a few of things at end of the
song. It says Don’t come around here no more with guitar solo.
It’s a interesting sound. The guitar has specially device that’s
changing the song. The device called they wow wow pittle. It’s
means fad the guitar sound and the end guitar solo it’s play
again. The solo means that guitar is feature by itself. The
backing to the chorus says Don’t come around here no more was
female voices and keyboard melody noise that success female
voices in red plus keyboard melody in blue. It’s an interesting
commonation choice instrument. The female voices wow wow
singing. The keyboard plays a very active a very busy melody
with many noise especially has a classical music influence. If
you know this blue text says below synthesize sliding up the
song. And write the chorus there second paragraph that part
right there might be what people will consider a bridge. You
remember that we talk about song structure before. A bridge is
a change at the music that it’s different from the verses and the
chorus. Any creates a bit interest and break for the listener from
everything he has been hearing or she has been hearing appeal.
So those a little bit about production at the song. When we’re
listening to a piece try to think of this thing take your listen and
we talk early quite about the thing and what the magic song and
what magic in song is. These is addressing somebody tell them
Don’t come around here no more. This is the undivided
relationship and the person singing Don’t come around here no
more. Ok that’s Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. That’s move
More about instrumentation: guitars, bass, drums, and
keyboards. And photograph here you see the American rock
band Journey in concert. Journey was a leading band and the
1980’s. That were basic and San Francisco be area very
influencetrl band and have many great hit songs. The choosing
paragraph to electric instrumentation and tipcore rock band.
You see the far left it’s a man playing keyboards he’s standing
behind this piano there. The second electric piano and lay down
the second. And first than from the left is a playing a basic
guitar and in the center you have a singer playing no instrument
and to the right you see a drum with the drum stick. You have
feel the large drums kit and in the front far right is the guitar.
The guitar’s name is nylon string. Up that’s instrumentation
tipical rock band. That’s take a look at next page.
Guitar. We talk about guitar today. Guitar ofter feature in rock
music and pop music is also blues. WE have electric guitar, the
right guitar that you see. The particular guitar is called a fander
stranzicaster. This is one of the most common instruments in
the rock and blue music. It’s not very expensive and it has arider
sound can make it. So it’s popular instrument with musicians.
That’s we have Acoustic Guitar. The acoustic guitar in the plant
you did see steel-string guitar. Acoustic means that the guitar
sounds without add electric. You see the baby of the guitar is
actually how off much like the drums. And this is a steel-string
electric which is common uses in pop rock country many source
of music. It’s have a bride sounds we talk about sound, it’s turn
to describe sound. It has will be call bride sound because the
string made of steel. And finally we have classical guitar. The
classical guitar or nylon string guitar is an older instrument
likes come to from Europe. The first classical guitar was
madding porchuco hundred years ago. And than in spending.
Spain has a long tradition it’s a type of guitar. Both building
guitar Spain guitar famous for high quality in beautiful sound.
For both building guitar also some of the basic music for solo
guitar it’s come from Spain. And there’s also tradition called
from Flamenco guitar which is a special genera of music. That’s
Spanish for queen Zink. OK. Let’s sound listen to some
Here we have a song to show you what a acoustic steel-string
guitar sound like. It’s a bit review also Time in a bottle by Jim
Croce are the song’s writer from the 1970’s. A beautiful song
and beautiful guitar and particular song. Actually in the song
you hear to the acoustic guitar play together which is a
wonderful sound. And while we’re listening distreat remember
take a look at the lyrics if you have any question should write
them down. So you can look up word lyrics if you don’t know or
you can ask me one way at class. Let’s listen Time in a bottle in
acoustic steel-string guitar.
Music playing
Ok that was the Time in a bottle by Jim Croce. That was a
wonderful steel-string guitar playing. And I hope you know that
is end this song the guitar is playing with no singing printer
beautiful outro few moments just guitar music to end this song.
So that’s acoustic steel-string guitar and by end of course even
by midterm issued be able to identify the different type of the
guitar we hear in the song we are listening to. Ok let’s move
Here we have classical guitar nylon string guitar. And see this
song Fragile which we listen to in the previous class at the
lyrics. It’s another change for you to look at the lyrics and get to
the song know better. But I want you to focus on the guitar some
active listening here or active listening for what the guitar doing
pay attention to the guitar more than anything else as we
listening. That’s of course you can follow on with the lyrics but
listening for different qualities of the guitar and also good
question ask why uses the production.
Music playing
That was Fragile by Sting with classical guitar feature probably
introduction also classical guitar solo in the middle of the song
in also I hope you know this at the end of the song the classical
guitar less feature in the outro like synthesizer the chimes in the
guitar ending song. Wonderful song by Sting. Fetrine classical
guitar and to remind you the song rhyme in sponder mudder of
the man in the South American. And the song at the features
layin groof. And laying groof is a rudum that sound like music
from South American. The classical guitar is also very popular in
South American. So one might wonder if the guitar will choosing
to flight music of the South American. That’s well. Ok that is all
we have time for today a little bit about instrumentation look at
the focus on guitar. Next class we will continue instrumentation
in some new and or music and tell than. Take care.
Oh Jesus!I finally finished the work. There are only 35
minutes in the class 6 however I cost 31 hours to transcribe it
on the paper. In fact I really don’t understand some words. So
please forgive me that there are many mistakes in the