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Notes template for Circulatory system:
Slide 1 – What do the Circulatory and Respiratory system do together/
Slide 2 - What do blood vessels do?
What kind of tissue make up blood vessels?
Why are they mad of this kid of tissue?
Why are red blood cells important?
Thinking about what we’ve written: review these answers and respond to this
The molecule in the red blood cells that bonds to oxygen is iron. Why is it that people
who don’t have enough iron in their blood often feel tired?
Slide 3- What is another name for the Circulatory System?
What does the circulatory system supply to the body?
What does it remove?
Slide 4 – Describe the heart?
What kind of tissue is blood?
Thinking about what we’ve read:
Why is it important that our blood circulate throughout our body?
Slide 5 – What do we call the structures that blood travels through?
What direction do arteries carry blood?
Where does blood go to from the heart?
What direction do veins carry blood?
Where is the blood coming from?
What happens in the capillaries?
Slide – 7- What is the pulmonary Circuit?
What two gasses are exchanged?
Thinking about what we’ve read:
In the diagram, the blue blood vessels have little oxygen
and the red blood vessels are high in oxygen.
Identify the places in the body where the diagram shows
the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide: