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Topic 9 Presentation
* Unorganized nomadic people
* Built an empire
* Cyrus the Great
* Darius I
* One day attack Greece
* Medes controlled Persians for 150 years
* Cyrus II led a revolt
* Independence for Persia
* Conquered the Medes
* Marked the beginning of the Persian Empire
* Conquered
* Southwest Asia
* All of Asia Minor
* Greek cities
* Mesopotamia
* Central Asia to Jaxartes River (Syr Darya)
* Largest empire the world had ever seen
* Died in 529 BC
* Conquered people allowed to keep their own
* Goal: people less likely to rebel
* Few people rebelled and empire was strong
* Cyrus the Great
* Well organized & loyal
* Immortals
* 10,000 soldiers chosen for bravery and skill
* Cavalry
* Charged the enemy shooting arrows
* Weakened them before the Immortals attacked
* Defeated almost every foe
* Cambyses expanded the empire
* Cyrus’s son
* Conquered Egypt
* Rebellion broke out
* Cambyses killed
* No clear leader
* Darius I
* Claimed the throne
* Killed his rivals
* Restored order to Persia
* Improved society
* Expanded the empire
* 20 provinces
* Governors (satraps)
* Collected taxes
* Judges
* Put down rebellions
* Officials visited provinces to ensure satraps were loyal
to Darius
* King of kings
* Built roads
* Messengers
* Royal Road
* 1,700 miles
* “Nothing mortal travels so fast as these Persian
messengers…these men will not be hindered from
accomplishing at their best speed the distance
which they have to go, either by snow, or rain, or
heat, or by the darkness of night.”
* Persepolis – new capital
* Reflect the glory of the empire
* Beautiful works of art
* 3,000 carvings lined city walls
* Statues with gold, silver, and precious jewels
* Zoroastrianism
* Two forces fought for control of the universe
* Good vs. Evil
* Priests urged people to help the side of good
* Popular for centuries
* Conquered Indus Valley
* Tried to conquer Europe
* Rebellion broke out that ended invasion
* Greek colonies in Asia Minor rebelled against the
* Greek city-states sent soldiers to help colonies
* Persians won, but Darius was furious that Greek
city-states had sent soldiers
* Darius vowed to get revenge
* Darius invaded Greece nine years later
* Army of 11,000 landed on the plains of Marathon
* Athens had 15,000 soldiers, better weapons and
clever leaders
* Began the Persian Wars
* Pheidippides
* Ran about 26 miles from Marathon to Athens
* “Rejoice! We conquer!”
* Died
* Persian army and navy set out to conquer
* 10 years after battle of Marathon
* Xerxes I
* Greeks were prepared
* Sparta sent their army to fight Persian army
* Athens sent their navy to fight Persian navy
* Three major battles
* Battle of Thermopylae
* Battle of Salamis
* Battle of Plataea
* Battle of Thermopylae
* Spartans sent soldiers with other Greek allies to
mountain pass
* Blocked Persian advance
* Traitorous Greek soldier led the Persians through
another route
* Persians surrounded Spartans and defeated them
* Persians go to Athens and burn the city
* Battle of Salamis
* Athenians lured Persians into the Strait of
* Persians ships could not steer in the strait
* Smaller Athenian vessels sank Persian ships
* Remainder of Persian fleet retreated
* Battle of Plataea
* Alliance of Greek soldiers defeated Persian Army
* Ended the Persian Wars
* Persians were humiliated by the Greeks, but
empire remained strong for another 100 years
* Greeks felt triumphant and saved their
* Lycurgus
* Slave revolt happened
* He increased military’s role in society
* Military power key to security and protection
* Ideology dominated daily life
* Government officials inspected all baby boys
* If deemed unhealthy, baby boy taken outside
the city and left to die
* Healthy boys were trained for military service
from an early age
* Running, jumping, swimming, and javelin
* No shoes or heavy clothes even in winter
* Little food, but permitted to steal
* If caught stealing, boys were whipped
* “One youth, having stolen a fox and hidden it
under his coat, allowed it to tear out his very
bowels [organs] with its claws and teeth and
died rather than betray his theft.”
* Courage and strength more important than life
* Soldiers aged 20-30 years lived in barracks
* Rarely visited families
* Remained in the army until age 60
* Self-discipline and obedience
* Lived tough lives free from comforts
* Comforts made people weak
* Admired by enemies
* Ages 7-12: Values training
* Boys left home and got a basic education
* Ages 12-18: Physical training
* Boys developed physical skills through exercise
* Ages 18-20: Military training
* Men learned how to fight as part of the army
* Ages 20-30: Military service
* Soldiers formed the body of the Spartan army
* Age 30: Full citizenship
* Soldiers could participate in the assembly and move back
* More rights then other Greek women since men
were away
* Owned property and ran homes
* Saw spinning cloth and weaving as jobs for
slaves and unsuitable for the wives and
mothers of soldiers
* Trained in running, jumping, wrestling, and
javelin throwing
* For bearing healthy children
* Two kings
* Jointly led the army
* Elected officials had more power
* Day-to-day activities
* Foreign affairs
* To control helots (slaves)
* Grew all crops
* Miserable lives
* Bound to land
* Outnumbered citizens
* Fearful of army
* Sparta’s main rival in Greece
* Military leader in Persian Wars
* Valued education, clear thinking, and the arts
* Education for wealthy began from a young age
* Running, jumping, and fighting
* Not as harsh or as long as in Sparta
* Did not devote lives to military
* Only served two years; ages 18-20
* Older men served in times of war
* Education
* Reading, writing, counting, singing, playing musical
* Greek history
* Iliad, Odyssey, Greek literature
* Private tutors for the wealthy
* Philosophy, geometry, astronomy,
* Public speaking
* Purpose was government participation in Athenian
* Education limited to wealthy
* Boys from poor families could read and write a
* Most were farmers and grew food for the
* Craftspeople and other trades
* No education
* Men did not think women needed education
* Few taught to read and write by private tutors
* Most learned weaving and sewing
* Women had few to no rights
* Could not
* Serve in government
* Leave home; except special occasions
* Buy anything or own property
* Disobey husbands or fathers
* Athenian navy continued to protect Greece
from Persians giving Athens great influence
* Alliance formed after Persian Wars
* Punish Persia
* Defend each other
* Protect trade in Aegean Sea
* Paid to be member
* Treasury on island of Delos
* Known as Delian League
* Athenian navy protected the island
* Athens saw other members as their subjects
* Refused to let a city-state quit
* Forced others to join
* Used league money to pay for buildings in Athens
* Delian League became Athenian Empire
* City-states on the Peloponnesus peninsula
formed their own alliance
* Peloponnesian League
* Sparta included
* Peloponnesian League worried about Athens’
growing power
* Sparta declared war
* 431 BC
* Sparta surrounds Athens
* Neither side wanted to start the war
* Spartans waited for Athenians to come out and
* Athenians waited for Spartans to go home
* Sparta burned all of Athens crops hoping Athens
would surrender due to starvation
* Athenian navy escorted merchant ships to Athens which gave them
plenty of food
* Athenian navy attacked Spartan allies
* Sparta sent troops to defend allies
* Plague broke out in Athens
* Neither side gained advantage for 10 years and called a truce
* Athens kept its empire and Sparta went home
* 415BC
* Athens attacked Sicily in effort to expand empire
* Sicilian army defeated Athenian army
* Took soldiers prisoner
* Defeated Athenian navy
* Sensing Athens’ weakness, Sparta attacked
* Sparta won
* Sparta cut off Athens’ food supply
* Starving and surrounded, Athens surrendered in
* Peloponnesian War over
* Sparta controlled Greece for about 30 years
* City-states resented Spartan control
* Led to period of war
* Power shifted from city-state to city-state
* Greece was weakened and vulnerable to attack
* Phillip II took over Macedonia in 359BC
* Fought off invaders first year of rule
* Now ready to launch attacks of his own
* Main target: Greece
* Athens called for all Greeks to join together
* Few responded
* Athens and Thebes easily defeated
* Rest of Greece agreed to make Phillip leader
* Phillip
* Brilliant military leader
* Borrowed and improved Greek strategies
* Phalanx
* Square block of soldiers
* Front line extended long spears
* As frontline soldiers killed, others stepped into their
* Phillip improved Greek ideas
* Longer spears
* Cavalry and archers supported phalanx
* Phillip turned his attention to Persia
* Plan was to conquer Persian Empire
* He never made it
* Phillip died in 336BC
* Murdered at his daughter’s wedding
Throne passed to his son, Alexander
* Thebes rebelled when Phillip died
* Thought Macedonia would not have a strong
leader to keep the empire together
* They were wrong
* Alexander ended rebellion in Thebes
* Destroyed Thebes and enslaved the people
* Used people of Thebes as an example to all of
* Set out to build empire
* Alexander the Great
* Named so from empire building efforts
* Alexander the Great
* Brilliant commander
* Defeated Persians with well-trained army
* Gordian Knot
* Gordium – city in Asia Minor
* Knot tied by ancient king
* Untie the knot and rule all of Asia
* Alexander pulled out his sword and sliced through the
* Took it as a good sign
* Defeated Persians in town of Issus
* Went to Egypt
* King surrendered without a fight and Alexander crowned
pharaoh in 332BC
* Defeated Persians in Guagamela for the last time
* Persian king fled, but was killed by one of his
* Alexander now ruled the Persian Empire
* Alexander the Great
* Crossed the Indus River in 327BC
* Exhausted soldiers refused to go further
* Headed home
* Left India in 325BC
* Died in Babylon in 323BC from an illness
* Body taken to Egypt and buried in golden coffin
* Alexander the Great
* Largest empire in the world
* Spread Greek culture
* Founded cities in his empire
* Modeled new cities after Greek cities
* Named many of them Alexandria
* Encouraged Greek settlers to more to cities
Greek was common language of the empire
Helped trade grow
* Alexander the Great
* Supported spread of Greek culture
* Allowed conquered people to keep customs and
* Hellenistic (Greek-like) Culture
* Persian, Egyptian, Syrian and others with Greek culture
* No clear leader to take over after Alexander’s death
* Generals fought for power
* Three generals divided the empire amongst
* King of Macedonia and Greece
* King of Syria
* King of Egypt
* Most Greek of the three kingdoms
* Weakest government
* Many revolts
* Rome conquered in mid-100’s BC
* Most of former Persian Empire
* Many different peoples with different customs
* Many rebelled weakening kingdom
* Rome conquered in the 60’s BC
* Encouraged growth of Greek culture
* Great center of culture and learning
* Built world’s largest library
* Built the Museum in Alexandria
* Longest lasting Hellenistic kingdom
* Rome conquered in 30 BC
* Sculpture
* Paintings
* Architecture
* Writings
* Admired for hundreds of years
* Museums around the world
* Statues
* Realistic
* How beautiful people could be
* Studied human body, especially in movement
* Stone and marble
* Look as if they could come to life
* Painting
* Realism and detail
* Vases, pots, other vessels
* Myths and athletic contests
Black and red
Black glaze on red vase
Black glaze over red vase and scraped away to reveal scene
* Columns
* Carvings
* Stately, inspiring appearance
* Columns bulged in the middle to offset the
optical illusion of curving in the middle
* Building reflect glory of the state
* Parthenon atop Athenian acropolis
* Drama
* Part of religious ceremony
* Popular form of entertainment
* Tragedies – hardships faced by Greek heroes
* Aeschylus
* Sophocles
* Comedies -
made fun of people and ideas
* Aristophanes
* Made serious points about war, courts of law, and
famous people
* History
* Thucydides
* History of the Peloponnesian War written from his
experiences as an Athenian soldier
* Neutral
* Studied war for causes
* Hoped people would learn from the past
* Gods and goddesses used to explain the
happenings of life
* New group sought other explanations
* Philosophers
* Human mind can think, explain, and understand
* Never stop looking for knowledge
* Socratic Method
* Taught by asking questions
* Challenged answers with more questions
* Challenged people to question beliefs, but made a lot
of people angry
* Accused of questioning the authority of the gods
* Jury trial, found guilty, sentenced to death
* Drank hemlock calmly and died
* Socrates’ student
* Teacher & philosopher
* The Academy
* The Republic
* Ideal society
* Justice and fairness to all
* Society should be run by philosophers
* Only they could understand what was best for all
* Plato’s student
* Greatest Greek thinker
* Life of moderation based on reason
* How will actions affect others
* Logic; process of making inferences
* Use known facts to figure out other facts
* Ideas inspired Greek scientists
* Inspired by Aristotle
* Euclid
* Geometry
* Study of lines, angles, and shapes
* Impacts what we learn in school today
* Greek mathematician used math to accureatly
calculate the size of the Earth
* Hypatia
* Taught math and astronomy
* Hippocrates
* Wanted to figure out what caused diseases to
better treat them
* Known for his ideas about how doctors should
* Greek engineers inventions
* Water screw invented by Archimedes
* Mechanical toys like birds, puppets, and coinoperated machines
* Burstein, Stanley Mayer., and Richard Hon-
Chun. Shek. World History: Ancient
Civilizations through the Renaissance. Orlando:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. Print.