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Climate Change – Chapter 7.1
Name: ___________________
The ___________________ is a layer of gases surrounding Earth.
A region’s _________________ describes the characteristic pattern of weather conditions within a region,
including temperature, wind velocity, precipitation, and other features, averaged over a long period of time.
_______________________________________ is the single most important factor that affects climate on Earth
When the number of ____________ is high, the _______ emits higher amounts of solar radiation.
The climatic ___________ that we experience on Earth are
caused by a combination of Earth’s
_____________________________________ and its
Earth’s _________________ changes by ~______ over a
period of 41,000 years. The greater the tilt, the greater the
temperature differences between summer and winter.
The ____________________________________
the area of the surface covered by the same amount
of sunlight. Rays of sunlight hitting Earth more
______________ will have a higher ____________
than those hitting Earth at an angle.
equator = _____________________
45° = _____________________
poles = ____________________
Earth’s atmosphere can ___________ and
______________ radiation emitted from the Sun and from Earth’s surface. It can also prevent radiation from
______________ into space.
The ______________________ is the
_____________ warming of Earth, caused when
gases in Earth’s atmosphere absorb thermal energy
that is radiated by the Sun and Earth.
Wind is caused by the __________________ of Earth’s
surface. The _____________ of ___________ air and
the _______________ of _______________ air results in areas of high and low pressure. This is called
_________ is the movement of air from areas of ________ pressure to areas of _________ pressure.
This movement of air affects global ____________________ and ____________________ patterns.
The _______________________ is the collective mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of Earth
in the form of liquid water, ice, and water vapour. Water that is carried into space is not part of the hysdrosphere
_________ and ___________ act as __________________, holding much more heat than the atmosphere can.
_______________________________________ is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one
gram of a substance one degree Celsius
______ and _____ can reflect heat from the Sun back into the atmosphere. The fraction of the light that is
reflected by a surface is known as _____________________. The distribution of water, ice, snow, and land on
Earth’s surface greatly affects the _______________________
_______________________ are pieces of Earth’s outer shell (the ___________________) that move around on
the slowly flowing underlying rock layer (the asthenosphere).
The __________________ of the plates can result in the __________________ of new continental land masses,
oceans, and mountain ranges and changes in their latitudes on Earth. These changes can greatly affect
_______________________ spew ash and other particles into the atmosphere. These particles, called
_______________, can reflect solar radiation, resulting in a net _____________ of Earth.
_________________________ also add large amounts of ___________________________ (such as CO2) to
the atmosphere, which might cause an increase in global temperatures.
Volcanic eruptions also add large amounts of _______________________ (such as ________) to the
atmosphere, which might cause an _________________________________________.
___________________, such as the _____________________, may be partially contributing to climate change.
Such activities lead to the __________________ of massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
________________________: relating to or resulting from the influence of humans
7.3 Indicators and Effects of Climate Change
_____________________________ is described as an __________________ in global average temperature.
This increase in the average temperature of the _____________________ and ________________ is the largest
single indicator of climate change.
An overall reduction in Earth’s ______________ will result in ____________________________ and will also
impact the habitats of animals such as seals and polar bears.
With _______________, polar bears
must swim longer distances to reach
food and safety.
Changes in heat distribution over Earth’s surface have led to changes in ______________________. The speed,
frequency, and direction of winds have been fluctuating unpredictably.
As average temperatures have increased, _____________________________ have changed throughout Canada.
_________________________ is the process by which land slowly dries out until little or no vegetation can
survive and the land becomes a desert. The cost of drought can be extremely high.
What is happening with the frequency and intensity of storms? ______________________________________
_________________________ is the destruction of the world’s forests through direct human activity such as
logging or slash-and-burn clearing for agriculture and grazing and through indirect effects of climate change,
pollution, and acid rain.