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1. The beginning of the Roman Empire
What legend is used to explain the beginning of the Roman Empire?
Rome was built near the River Tiber.
It was built on seven hills, the main hill was Palatine hill.
Rhea Silvia was the mother of Romulus and Remus.
Their wicked uncle was called Amulius.
Remus laughed at Romulus city and in revenge Romulus killed him.
2. A Roman Legionary
What did the Roman Legionary wear?
What weapons did he carry?
How did he defend himself?
How did he attack the enemy?
Name two requirements of a Roman Legionary.
What were the main differences between Roman Legionaries and Roman Auxiliaries?
had to be a Roman citizen
had to be physically fit and
1.6m tall
stayed in the army for 25
These were not Citizens of
second class soldiers paid
less and not trained as well
After 25 years- they became
3. Hannibal
Where did he come from?
Why did he go to war with the Romans?
How did he attack the Romans?
Describe his journey to Rome.
How did he cross the Pyrennes and the Alps?
Name the battles between the Romans and Carthagians
How was Hannibal defeated? How did he die?
4. The Roman republic
Describe the structure of the Roman Republic
Define the following terms: patricians, plebians, assembly, magistrates, consuls, tribunes, senate
5. The murder of Caesar
Who was Julius Caesar?
What did he do?
Why did some people dislike him?
How was Caesar murdered?
Why was Caesar murdered?
5. Pompeii
Where is Pompeii?
What happened to the city of Pompeii? (AD79 Mount Vesuvius)
What did archaeologists find there?
6. Chariot Racing
Who went to the chariot races?
Who became a charioteer?
What type of races took place?
Circus Maximus was the name of the most famous chariot racing track.
Up to 12 chariots usually drawn by 4 horses would race for 7 laps around the track.
Crashes were known as shipwrecks.
7. Gladiators
This is the big essay question. You will be asked to imagine you are a Gladiator. Describe your experience of fighting in
the games in the Colosseum. You should revise:
The different types of gladiators
Their preparation for the fight
Their weapons and fighting methods
The atmosphere in the arena during the fight
The way the verdict on the gladiator was reached
8. The collapse of the Roman Empire
Why did the Roman Empire collapse?
What was the result of the collapse of the empire?
Legacy of the Romans
What impact did the Romans have? What did they leave behind?
Consider their language, books, religion, buildings, law