Download Name Date ______Assignment #____ Digestive Process Begins

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Name ________________________________ Date _____________Period _______Assignment #____
Digestive Process Begins
Understanding Main Ideas
Fill in the blank rectangles to complete this concept map.
Digestive System
Three Functions Are
Food Enters
Moves Through The
Into The
Answer the following in the space provided.
Explain the difference between the mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.
Building Vocabulary
Fill in the space to complete each sentence.
7. When you swallow food, a flap of tissue called the __________________________________
seals off your windpipe.
8. ________________________________ is a thick, slippery substance that lines the
9. The process of ___________________________ involves the movement of nutrients through
the wall of your digestive system into your blood.
10. Involuntary waves of muscle contractions that keep food moving in one direction through
the digestive system called __________________________________.
11. Most mechanical digestion occurs in the ______________________________________.
12. The ______________________________ connects the mouth and the stomach.
13. In your mouth, ______________________________ mixes with the food to moisten it.
14. The process of breaking down food into small nutrient molecules is called
15. A protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body is a(n) ______________________.
Chemical digestion is accomplished by these proteins.
Name ________________________________ Date _____________Period _______Assignment #____
Final Digestion and Absorption
Understanding Main Ideas
Place a check mark in the correct column.
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
16. Contains bacteria that feed on material passing
17. Most absorption of nutrients occurs here.
18. Is lined with villi.
19. Is directly attached to the stomach
20. Prepares wastes for elimination from the body.
21. Most chemical digestion occurs here.
22. Receives bile and enzymes from other organs.
23. Is the last section of the digestive system.
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
24. What happens to the water contained in the materials that pass into the large intestine?
25. What is bile?
Building Vocabulary
Match each term with its function by writing the letter of the correct function in the right
column on the line beside the term in the left column.
___ 26. Liver
___ 27. Gallbladder
___ 28. Pancreas
___ 29. Rectum
___ 30. Anus
___ 31. Bile
___ 32. Villus
a. Stores bile
b. Tiny finger-shaped structure in the
small intestine in which absorption
c. Solid wastes exit the body through
this opening.
d. Produces bile
e. Structure in which waste material is
compressed into solid form.
f. Produces enzymes that flow into the
small intestine
g. Breaks up fat