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Form No. T651
Philadelphia University
Faculty of Engineering
Student Name:
Student Number:
Dept. of Communications and Electronics Engineering
Course Title: Digital Electronics & Techniques
Course No: 650344, 630330
Lecturer: Dr. Wagah F. Mohammad
This question is general: Tick (√) the correct answer.
1- Large scale integration refers to a chip containing
 103-104 .
 102-103 .
 104-105 .
2- Very large scale integration refers to a chip containing
 103-104 .
 102-103 .
 104-105 .
3- - Medium scale integration refers to a chip containing
 103-104 .
 102-103 .
 104-105 .
4- Digital electronics is the branch of electronics concerned with electronic system exhibits:
 Linear behavior.
 Switching behavior.
 Exponential behavior.
5- Periodic pulse waveform is a repetitive pulse with predetermined:
 Frequency.
 Voltage.
 Current
6- If the voltage across the capacitor is constant that means the current through the
capacitor is:
 Constant.
 Maximum.
 Zero.
7- The output signal of an RC circuit reaches the steady state at
 Ts=Tc.
 Ts= 5Tc.
 Ts=10Tc.
8- In RC circuit the voltage across the capacitor at t=0 is;
 Final value.
 Initial value.
 Zero.
9- When time constant of the circuit (Tc) is much shorter than signal transion time (Tup) of
the input, the circuit output will.
 Little effect.
 High effect.
 No effect.
10- When time constant of the circuit (Tc) is larger than signal transion time (Tup) of the
input , the circuit output will
 Attenuated.
 Has little effect
 Has very fast transion time.
11- The voltage across the capacitor (Vc) in an RC circuit can be expressed as follow:
 Vc= Vf+ (Vin-Vf) e-t/RC.
 Vc= Vf- (Vin-Vf) e-t/RC.
 Vc= Vf+ (Vin-Vf) e-RC/t.
12- The output of resistive load in an RC circuit tends to :
 Slow down the output.
 Attenuate the output.
 Increase the time constant of the circuit.
13- As the value of the load resistance in RC circuit is decreased the steady state time of the
circuit is.
 Increased.
 Decreased
 Not effected
14- The resistance of the forward biased diode is:
 Very small nearly zero.
 Medium in KΩ.
 Very large nearly infinity.
15- Because the capacitance of the diode is very small, the time constant will be:
 Very short time.
 Medium time in sec.
 Very long time.
16- For the transistor in active region, the base –collector junction:
 Forward biased.
 Not biased.
 Reverse biased.
17- For the transistor in saturation region, the base –collector junction:
 Forward biased.
 Not biased.
 Reverse biased.
18- When the transistor is turned off, the delay time (Td) represent the time:
 To remove the access charges from the base.
 To add the access charges from the base.
 To charge the junction capacitors.
19- When the transistor is turned on , the storage time (Ts) represent the time:
 To remove the access charges from the base.
 To add the access charges from the base.
 To charge the junction capacitors.
20- Bipolar transistor operated in saturation region when the base –collector junction is:
 Reverse biased
 Forward biased.
 Not biased.
21- The reverse diode resistance is:
 Very low.
 Medium.
 Very high.
22- The total turn off time (toff) of the transistor is the sum of:
 ts + tr.
 tr + tf.
 td + tf.
23- When the transistor is saturated, any base current above the value of Ibsat, the Icsat will be
 Increased.
 Decreased.
 Kept constant.
24- When the transistor is saturated, any base current above the value of Ibsat, as a result
there is an excess charges in the base will be:
 Removed.
 Stored.
 not effected
25- Faster turn on of the transistor requires the value of Rb to be :
 Large.
 Small.
 Any value.
26- Faster turn off of the transistor requires the value of Rb to be :
 Large.
 Small .
 Any value.
27- Choosing high value of the load resistor (Rc) the rise time of the circuit is;
 Long.
 Short.
 Not effected
28- Choosing high value of the load resistor (Rc) the high output of the circuit is;
 Higher.
 Lower.
 Not changed
29- Choosing small value of the load resistor (Rc), the current that flow through the output
transistor is:
 Large.
 Small.
 Not changed
30- Choosing small value of the load resistor (Rc), the noise margins will be :
 Shallower.
 Deeper.
 Not effected
31- High noise margin of any digital circuit is the difference between:
 VOH - VOL.
 VIH – VIL.
32- Fan-out of a digital circuit is defined as:
 IO/II.
 VO/VI.
 VO/IO.
33- When the digital output is low, the current will flow:
 Outside the circuit (Sourcing current).
 Inside the circuit (Sinking Current).
 No current will flow.
34- The temperature range of 74 TTL is
 0 < ToC<70.
 0 < ToC<125.
 -50< ToC<70
35- The temperature range of 54 TTL is
 0 < ToC<70.
 0 < ToC<125.
 -50< ToC<125
36- The propagation delay time of advance shcottky TTL is
 Very large.
 Normal.
 Very small
37- The power dissipation advance low power shcottky TTL is;
•Very large.
•Very small
38- At high output TTL too many loads causing larger drop across R2, T3and D thereby Voh is :
 Increased
 Decreased.
 Not effected
39- At low output TTL too many loads causing larger drop across T4 thereby Vol is :
 Increased
 Decreased.
 Not effected
40- Unused inputs of NOR gates should be connected to the:
 Power supply.
 Used input.
 Left floating.
41- One of the following digital outputs cannot be Wired-Anding:
 Totem-pole output.
 Open-collector output.
 Tri-state output.
42- The job of top transistor (T3) in totem pole output is to connect the output to:
 Vcc.
 GND.
 Neither Vcc nor GND.
43- The job of diode (D) in the totem pole output is to make the transistors:
 T3 is switching faster thanT4.
 T4 is switching faster than T3.
 T3 & T4 switches at the same time.
44- In order to increase the switching speed of MOSFET logic, the channel length must be:
 Increased.
 Decreased.
 Not changed.
45- The number of transistors needed to build n-input of dynamic-NMOS Inverter is:
A- 2n .
B- n2.
C- n + 2.
46- The high output voltage of NMOS Inverter with Depletion load is:
A- VOH = VDD - Vt.
B- VOH = VDD + Vt.
47- For the following digital signal: the duty cycle is:
 ton + toff
5 Volts
 ton / toff
 ton/ T
ton toff
48The time needed for RC circuit to reach a steady state is:
 T = 0.7 RC
 T = eRC
 T = 5RC
49- The junction (s) in Schottky diodes is (are) formed between:
 Semiconductor-Semiconductor layers.
 Metal-Semiconductor layers.
 Metal-Insulator layers.
 Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor layers.
50- Schottky devices reduce the storage time delay (ts) by:
 Allowing the transistor to go deeply in saturation.
 Not allowing the transistor to go deeply in saturation.
 Allowing the transistor to go very fast to cutoff.
51- The number of transistors needed to build n inputs of dynamics NMOS gate is:
 2n
 n+2
 2n
52- In the logic circuit noise margin diagram: any input voltage lower than VIH and greater
than VIL is considered:
 Logic one (high level).
 Logic zero (low level).
 Unpredictable (neither one nor zero).
53- Totem pole output with the presence of D between T3 & T4: the transistors
 Can't be reverse in the same time.
 Can't be forward in the same time.
 Can be forward in the same time.
54- Emitter coupled logic (ECL) is a type of difference amplifier because the output is
proportional to the difference between the:
a. Two inputs.
b. Two outputs.
c. Output & input
55- The fastest of logic families is:
 TTL.
56- The advantages of connecting NEMOS & PEMOS in Transmission gate is to transmit:
 High level voltage.
 Entire input voltage.
 Zero level voltage.
57- Monostables multivibraters are a digital circuit has:
 No stable state.
 One stable state.
 Two stable states
58- ROM digital circuit is composed of two digital arrays:
 Programmed AND array & fixed OR array.
 Fixed AND array & programmed OR array.
 Programmed AND & OR arrays.
59- Digital signal vary between two levels;
 Smoothly (linearly).
 Continuously (Sine signal).
 Abruptly (In discrete manner).
60- One of the digital family can be utilized in VLSI circuits:
 TTL.
61- If the voltage across the capacitor is constant: the current will be equal to:
 V/Xc.
 Maximum.
 Zero.
62- ECL is the fastest of all logic families due to the eliminating of storage time of the input
transistor because they are prevented from going to:
 Cutoff.
 Active.
 Saturation.
63- In order to make the MOSFET logic circuit switching very fast the load should be:
 Resistive.
 Capacitive.
 Transistor current source.
64- The On resistance (Ron) of MOS transistor varies with channel length (L):
 Linear.
 Inverse.
 Exponential.
65- The On resistance (Ron) of MOS transistor varies with channel width (W):
 Linear.
 Inverse.
 Exponential.
66- MOSFET transistors have very small ON resistance (Ron) at:
 Cutoff region.
 Saturation (pinch off) region.
 Triode (linear or Ohmic) region.
67- In order to make MOSFET transistor switch ON & OFF very fast, the gain must be:
 Increases.
 Decreases.
 Kept constant.
68- The use of depletion MOS as the load element makes the noise margins of digital
 Wider.
 Narrower.
 Not affected.
69- Which gate has the biggest area
 NEMOS with enhancement load
 NEMOS with depletion load.
70- Which gate transmit the total input signal.
 NEMOS with enhancement load
 NEMOS with depletion load.
71- The main disadvantage of dynamic storage cell memory is;
 Occupy large silicon area.
 Use complex circuitry.
 Loose data due to leakage.
72- The main disadvantage of static storage cell memory is;
 Occupy large silicon area.
 Retain the data.
 Need refreshment due to data leakage.
73- The main advantage of dynamic storage cell memory is.
 Retain the data for very long time.
 Occupy small silicon area.
 Use complex circuitry.
74- The main advantage of static storage cell memory is.
 Retain the data for very long time.
 Occupy small silicon area.
 Use very simple circuitry.
75- Transmission CMOS gate is created by connecting NEMOS in parallel with PEMOS in
order to transmit:
 The high level voltage.
 The low level voltage.
 The entire level voltage.
76- PAL digital circuit is composed of two digital arrays:
 Programmed AND array & fixed OR array.
 Fixed AND array & programmed OR array.
 Programmed AND & OR arrays.
77- PLA digital circuit is composed of two digital arrays:
 Programmed AND array & fixed OR array.
 Fixed AND array & programmed OR array.
 Programmed AND & OR arrays.
78- The output word width of 210x8 ROM is:
 210 bits.
 10 bits.
 8 bits.
79- The number of unique addresses of 210x8 ROM is:
 210 bits.
 10 bits.
 8 bits.
80- The number of words of 210x8 ROM is:
 210 words.
 10 words.
 210x8 words.
81- The capacity (number of bits) of 210x8 ROM is:
 210 bits.
 210x8 bits.
 8 bits
82- The data in Random Access Memory (RAM) can be:
 Read only.
 Write only.
 Read or Write only.
 Read and/or Write.
83- The storage cells in static RAMs are;
 Flip-Flop cells.
 Capacitor cells.
 Mixed Flip-Flops & capacitor cells.
84- The storage cells in Dynamic RAMs are;
 Flip-Flop cells.
 Capacitor cells.
 Mixed Flip-Flops & capacitor cells.
85- One of the following storage cells need a refresh signal to prevent data leakage:
 Dynamic storage cell.
 Static storage cell.
86- Monostables multivibraters has:
 One stable state.
 Two stable states.
 No stable state.
87- Bistables multivibraters has:
 One stable state.
 Two stable states.
 No stable state.
88- Astables multivibraters has:
 One stable state.
 Two stable states.
 No stable state.
89- The duty cycle of monostables output is proportional to:
 Width of the input signal.
 External RC circuit.
 Internal RC circuit.
90- Retriggerable monostables respond to the input signal as long as the output in:
 Stable state.
 Quisistable state.
 Both states.
91- Nonretriggerable monostables respond to the input signal as long as the output in:
 Stable state.
 Quisistable state.
 Both states.
92- The width of hysteresis loop of Schmitt trigger circuit that switch ON at 5V and OFF at
3V is:
 Two Volts.
 Three Volts.
 Five Volts.
93- 555 multivibraters can be connected to perform:
 Monostables multivibraters only.
 Astables multivibraters only.
 Monostables & Astables multivibraters.
94- The control input of the 555 multivibrator is used to apply a voltage to the control input
in order to change:
 The frequency of the output signal.
 The duty cycle of the output signal.
 The amplitude of the output signal.
95- One of the disadvantages of binary-weighted Digital to analogue converter is:
 Non-weighted.
 Slow speed.
 Low resolution.
 High value of input resistances.
96- One of the disadvantages of binary-encoded (flash) analogue to digital converter is:
 Slow speed.
 Low resolution.
 High value of input resistances.
97- The time needed for RC circuit to reach a steady state is:
 T = 0.7 RC
 T = eRC
 T = 5RC
98- The total effect of the resistance load in RC circuit on the output voltage is to :
 Decrease it.
 Increase it
 No effect.
99- Fan out of digital circuits is defined as:
 Io/Vo
 Io/Vin
 Io/Iin
100- In the logic circuit noise margin diagram: any input voltage greater than VIH are
 Logic one (high level).
 Logic zero (low level).
 Unpredictable (neither one nor zero).
101- Totem pole output acts as an emitter follower providing very fast switching circuits
due to:
 High output impedance.
 Low output impedance.
 Negative output impedance.
102- The propagation delay times in Schottky logic circuits are;
 Nanoseconds.
 Seconds.
 Kilo seconds.
103- The smallest size logic family is:
 TTL.
104- The number of transistors needed to build n inputs of dynamics NMOS gate is:
 2n
 n+2
 2n
105- Transmission MOS gate is created by connecting nEMOS & pEMOS in:
 Series.
 Parallel.
 Cascade.
106- ROM digital circuit is composed of two digital arrays:
 Programmed AND array & fixed OR array.
 Fixed AND array & programmed OR array.
 Programmed AND & OR arrays.
107- When a digital circuit output is high (level one), the output current will flow:
 Outside the circuit (Sourcing Current).
 Inside the circuit (Sinking Current).
 No current will flow.
108- In the logic circuit noise margin diagram: any input voltage greater than VIL and
smaller than VIH is considered:
 Logic one (high level).
 Logic zero (low level).
 Unpredictable (neither one nor zero).
109- Totem pole output acts as an emitter follower providing very fast switching circuits
due to:
 High output impedance.
 Low output impedance.
 Negative output impedance.
110- The propagation delay times in Schottky logic circuits are;
 Nanoseconds.
 Seconds.
 Kilo seconds.
111- The smallest size logic family is:
 TTL.
112- The number of transistors needed to build n inputs of dynamics NMOS gate is:
 2n
 2n
 n+2
113- The advantages of connecting nEMOS & pEMOS in Transmission MOS gate is to
transmit the:
 Entire input voltage.
 High level voltage.
 Zero level voltage.
114- Emitter coupled logic (ECL) is the fastest of all logic families because the input
transistors are:
* Going to saturation.
* Not going to saturation..
* Not going to active region
115- Enhancement type MOSFET has a:
* Short channel.
* No physical channel
* Long channel.
116- The VDS of NMOSFET in triode region is:
 VDS < VGS – Vt.
 VDS > VGS+ Vt.
 VDS = Vt.
117- The power dissipated in CMOS Logic circuits is:
 Almost zero power.
 Moderate power.
 High power.
118- The transition region on VTC (P1 to P2) for NMOS Inverter has a slope equal to:
 -1.
 -√K1/K2
 +1
119- The high output voltage of NMOS Inverter with Enhancement load is:
 VOH = VDD - Vt.
 VOH = VDD + Vt.
 VOH = VDD.
120- For the following digital signal: The time for two periods is:
 2(T + ton)
ton toff
5 Volts
 2(T+ toff)
 2(ton + toff)
121- The voltage across RC circuit can charge or discharge according to the
following relation:
 Vc = VF + (Vo + VF) ( t/RC)
 Vc = VF+ (Vo + VF) e( t/RC)
 Vc = VF+ (Vo + VF) ( t/RC)2
122- The total effect of the resistance load in RC circuit on the output duration time
is to :
 Increase it
 Decrease it.
 No effect
123- When a digital circuit output is high (level one), the output current will flow:
 Outside the circuit (Sourcing Current).
 Inside the circuit (Sinking Current).
 No current will flow.
124- In the logic circuit noise margin diagram: any input voltage lower than VIL are
 Logic one (high level).
 Logic zero (low level).
 Unpredictable (neither one nor zero).
90- Totem pole output with the presence of D between T3 & T4: the transistors .
 Can't be reverse in the same time.
 Can't be forward in the same time.
 Can be forward in the same time.
91- The maximum power dissipated in TTL circuits can be estimated in:
 Megawatts
 Kilowatts.
 Mill watts.
92- CMOS inverter is composed of two matched EMOS transistors with :
 N-type channels.
 P-type channels.
 Different type channels.
93- The number of transistors needed to build n inputs of CMOS gate is:
 2n
 n2
 2n
94- The advantages of connecting nEMOS & pEMOS in Transmission MOS gate is
to transmit the:
95- High level voltage.
96- Entire input voltage.
97- Zero level voltage.
98- Monostables multivibraters is a digital circuit has:
 No stable state.
 One stable state.
 Two stable states.