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Plant Assessment
Plant Assessment
Plant Assessment
10. What are the 4 things all plants need?
Match each with the correct function
11. What does the stem of a plant do?
A. Grows out of steam and makes food
12. What do the roots of a plant do?
B. Acts as a food storage
13. What do the leaves of a plant do?
C. Absorbs water and nutrients
14-18. Label the seed using this word bank
seed coat (testa)
seed leaf (cotyledon)
root (hypocotyl)
Plant Assessment
Answer True or False: If answer is false what does it need to say to make true
19. __________
Plants can grow in dark, cold places.
20. __________
Plants only need water to grow.
21. __________
Plants begin life as a seed.
22. __________
A stem sprouts from a seed.
23. __________
The life cycle of a plant to start over again by producing new seeds.
Short Answer
Directions: Answer the following with complete sentences.
Why are plants green?
Plant Assessment
Answer Key
Answers – Moving from left to right
1. Stigma: Catches grains of pollen with its sticky surface
2. Petal: Attracts insects for pollination
3. Stamen: Produces pollen
4. Sepal: Protects the flower while it is a bud
5. Ovary: Produces egg cells
Answers: starting from left to right
3, 1, 4, 2
Plant Assessment
10. What are the 4 things all plants need? Water, Soil, Sunlight, Oxygen
Match each with the correct function
11. What does the stem of a plant do? B
12. What do the roots of a plant do? C
13. What do the leaves of a plant do? A
Answer True or False
19. __FALSE__
Plants can grow in dark, cold places.
Plants need sunlight, soil, water, and oxygen to grow
20. __FALSE__
Plants only need water to grow.
Plants need sunlight, soil, water, and oxygen to grow
21. __TRUE___
Plants begin life as a seed.
22. __TRUE___
A stem sprouts from a seed.
23. __TRUE___
The life cycle of a plant to start over again by producing new seeds.
Plant Assessment
Short Answer:
Responses could vary – here are few possible responses.
1. Sun goes into the plant then the plant converts it to energy.
2. Leaves are nature's food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their
roots. They take a gas called carbon dioxide from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn
water and carbon dioxide into glucose. Glucose is a kind of sugar. Plants use glucose as
food for energy and as a building block for growing. The way plants turn water and
carbon dioxide into sugar is called photosynthesis. That means "putting together with
light." A chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen. Chlorophyll is
what gives plants their green color. (Answer provided from )
3. Plants make their own food. They take water from the ground through their roots. They
take a gas called carbon dioxide from the air. They turn water and carbon dioxide into
food using sunlight and something called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is green. It gives
leaves their green color. (Answer provided from )