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The Roman Republic Notes
I The Beginning
A. Romulus & Remus:
B. Three groups shaped early Roman _____________
1. __________________: The city of Rome began as a settlement of Latin
2. __________________: Established about 50 colonies in Italy between
750-600 B.C.
3. __________________: Established a writing system, developed trade, and
C. Early Roman ___________ & Government
1. The establishment of a ___________________ (509 B.C.)
a. In Greek democracy ________ citizens had the right to vote.
b. In the Roman Republic, only _____________ citizens had the
right to vote.
c. Made of up 3 branches
1) _____________________:
2) _____________________:
3) _____________________:
d. Dictator: ___________________________________________.
*Best example?
2. Roman Values
a. ________________: Word used to describe important virtues –
discipline, strength, and courage.
b. ________________ ________________: “Father of the Family.”
The eldest man who had complete control over the household.
c. Women: in charge of the daily running of the home. They were
______________, could own property and testify in court, but
could not ________.
3. Social Classes
a. Patricians: special families who claimed their ancestors had been
the “____________________________.”
b. Plebeians: Common Roman citizens, who lacked the status of the
Patricians, but were the ________________ in Rome.
4. Misc.
*Pyrrhic Victory – a victory gained at too ________ ___ _________.
II The Spread of Roman ____________
A. Rome treated conquered territories ________________
1. Rome was willing to extend __________________ to people outside of
Rome itself.
2. Many other people of conquered land were given the status of ½ citizens.”
They enjoyed every right except ___________.
B. Wars with Carthage (a rich trading city off the coast of __________)
*Before fighting erupts,
1. First Punic War (264-241 B.C.)
a. Rome and Carthage go to war for control of __________.
b. After 23 years of fighting, Carthage’s ________ is defeated and
Rome gains control of this rich, grain growing island.
2. Second Punic War (218-202 B.C.)
a. __________________ (from Carthage) invades Italy with 50,000
infantry, 9,000 cavalry, and 60 elephants.
b. Hannibal enjoys many stunning victories against Roman armies,
but cannot capture Rome itself.
c. Finally, a Roman general named ___________ goes off to attack
Carthage. Hannibal and his army return from Italy to defend it,
but are then defeated by Scipio at the battle of ________ (just
outside of Carthage).
3. Third Punic War (149-146 B.C.)
a. Romans laid siege to Carthage for ______________.
b. The Roman army finally broke through into the city and
completely ____________ it - that was the final demise of the
city of Carthage.
III The Fall of _________________ Government
A. ____________ and changes from the Punic Wars
1. The gap between the ________ and _________ grew.
2. __________________ became widespread.
3. This led to ____________________!
B. Julius Caesar becomes 1st ______ __________ of the Roman Empire
1. He’s elected to the consul in 59 B.C. He ____________ the Senate and
the Assembly to follow his decisions.
2. He conquered _______ (France) and Germanic tribes.
3. In 44 B.C. he was appointed ________________.
4. Caesar’s contributions
a. He set up _________ _________ programs to create more jobs.
b. He founded 20 ______________ throughout the empire for
Rome’s landless poor.
c. He developed the ____________________________________.