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Name: ____________________________________
Date: ______ Per: _______
Bacteria in Your Life
*Read pages 216-219 in your textbook and answer the following questions.
1. How does bacteria help to make cheese?
a. What determines the type of cheese that is made? (Hint: look at note next to Figure 8-7 B)
2. Some bacteria are also saprophytes. What is a saprophyte?
3. What are nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and why are they helpful?
4. The textbook mentions that many industries rely on bacteria. What are some of the ways that
Biotechnology industries are using bacteria?
5. Some bacteria are also pathogens. What is a pathogen?
6. What kind of medicine is used to treat bacterial infections? Why?
7. What is Botulism and what is it caused by?
8. The textbook mentions that many bacteria that produce toxins are able to produce thick walls around
their cells. What are these called and why is this a helpful adaptation for the bacteria?
a. What can humans do to try to kill this bacteria (since it is poisonous)?
9. What is pasteurization? Who is this process named after?
10. THINKING QUESTION: Many foods are labeled “vacuum packed.” What does this mean? How can this
help to prevent food from spoiling? What does this have to do with bacteria?
This is a picture of spoiled fruit. Yum!